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Majority of Pakistanis for 'Islamisation' of society: Poll

Why don't you people understand Islam is not equal to taliban....

We understand Taliban is not Islam.

But we do not understand how something not Islam is being passed off as Islam by Taliban and those of Islam who say Taliban is not Islam are not taking action as one would take action against a blasphemer!

Shariat is not what was the law of Afghanistan

Then what was the law and what is the SOLE Law in the Frontier of Pakistan (Swat)?

Is Sharia not a law in Pakistan?

So what is the point?

Shariat is ever changing according to the needs of time....

Shariat simply means laws based on Islam...

Their are certian boundairies of Islam and as long as you remain in those boundaries you can ammend the laws....

Their are many verisions of Islamic laws may be but nothing is beyond the boundaries of Islam...

Sharia can change as per the requirement of time?

Do you really think that we have no idea of Islam?

Sharia could have been interpreted upto the 10th Century.

Ijtihad was banned after the 10th Century as no one could be deemed to have the necessary qualifications for independent reasoning in religious law.

why people are against secularism is because they don't want any law to be against Islam and they fear that their leaders will made un islamic laws when given full liberty...

If you have no faith in your leaders, then I am afraid that is most unfortunate.

But, is it not correct that the RSS and the Catholic Church is not on a world wide suicide bombing spree against all those who do not agree with them?

RSS is a redundant organisation. Check the Baba Ramdev thread and observe the rancour.

The Catholic Church is having problems wherein the ranks are dwindling fast!
yes you just burn them alive and abuse the people of lower casts
We understand Taliban is not Islam.

But we do not understand how something not Islam is being passed off as Islam by Taliban and those of Islam who say Taliban is not Islam are not taking action as one would take action against a blasphemer!

Then what was the law and what is the SOLE Law in the Frontier of Pakistan (Swat)?

Is Sharia not a law in Pakistan?

So what is the point?

Sharia can change as per the requirement of time?

Do you really think that we have no idea of Islam?

Sharia could have been interpreted upto the 10th Century.

Ijtihad was banned after the 10th Century as no one could be deemed to have the necessary qualifications for independent reasoning in religious law.

If you have no faith in your leaders, then I am afraid that is most unfortunate.

Shariat has not been implemented fully in Pakistan Pakistan up to this date is a Islamic Republic only by name but soon we will implement Shariah INSHALLAH
Ijtihad is still applicable... it's just that people ar currently struggling for a systme that's why you don't see much of debate inside shariah law... Not a single person who understands shariah says that shariah cannot be changed or Ijtihaad is not allowed any more....

Pakistan's cuurent constituion is more towards shariah it just needs a bit of amendments... Muslims are currently lacking leadership otherwise their might be a good shriah system in place...

Iran is a good example of shriah based system their ideology contradicts with many other ideas but still they are not far away from the basic laws of Islam... differences will always remain their we just need to come to a common point in Islam and for that we need good leadership
Ijtihad is still applicable... it's just that people ar currently struggling for a systme that's why you don't see much of debate inside shariah law... Not a single person who understands shariah says that shariah cannot be changed or Ijtihaad is not allowed any more....

Pakistan's cuurent constituion is more towards shariah it just needs a bit of amendments... Muslims are currently lacking leadership otherwise their might be a good shriah system in place...

Iran is a good example of shriah based system their ideology contradicts with many other ideas but still they are not far away from the basic laws of Islam... differences will always remain their we just need to come to a common point in Islam and for that we need good leadership
Sorry Sir Pakistan's Constitution is just a joke and is not even close to shairah it doesn't need changes it needs to finished
Ijtihad is theoretically applicable amongst Shias.

And not applicable at all for Sunnis!
and one more thing
if there had a shriah system in place in pakistan then ttp like persons would have given severe punishments..

such people are temred as fasaadees and their punishment is to kill them and cut their right hand and left foot, or left hand and right foot.

---------- Post added at 11:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

Sorry Sir Pakistan's Constitution is just a joke and is not even close to shairah it doesn't need changes it needs to finished

It's your opinion but I think with few changes we can make it very close to shariah :)
Ijtihad is theoretically applicable amongst Shias.

And not applicable at all for Sunnis!

It's applicable for sunnis as well... shias are also muslims so you are proving your own point wrong that ijtihad was banned etc etc.
and one more thing
if there had a shriah system in place in pakistan then ttp like persons would have given severe punishments..

such people are temred as fasaadees and their punishment is to kill them and cut their right hand and left foot, or left hand and right foot.

---------- Post added at 11:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

It's your opinion but I think with few changes we can make it very close to shariah :)
sir read it its just a joke and most of it has nothing to do with shariah just a joke in the name of Shariah
Yes, interesting - however, I can see a complication - after all, people are already sick and tired of which Islam and which Shariah, so I think there is a long long way to go before victory and defeat become issues.

the good thing is, unlike the empty headed seculars, the majority of Pakistanis are fully aware of the word 'Islamization' and when they voted 'Yes, they were aware of it's meaning.

the modern churays aka ganday anday as per Allama Iqbal will go to any extent to propagate their useless viewpoint.

Which Islam & Which Shariah is another useless propaganda done by those gone astray as per Jinnah. either you guyz are ignorant of history or just act like polay badsha otherwise, which & whose Islam is not the issue.

Back in 1950, 31 Scholars from all sects unanimously agreed on 22 points to establish Shariat in Pakistan. Your usless propaganda whose Islam will not work..........:disagree:
the good thing is, unlike the empty headed seculars, the majority of Pakistanis are fully aware of the word 'Islamization' and when they voted 'Yes, they were aware of it's meaning.

the modern churays aka ganday anday as per Allama Iqbal will go to any extent to propagate their useless viewpoint.

Which Islam & Which Shariah is another useless propaganda done by those gone astray as per Jinnah. either you guyz are ignorant of history or just act like polay badsha otherwise, which & whose Islam is not the issue.

Back in 1950, 31 Scholars from all sects unanimously agreed on 22 points to establish Shariat in Pakistan. Your usless propaganda whose Islam will not work..........:disagree:
Love you brother for this great point
Abu Basit

One could be a faqih, a mufti, a qadi yet not be a mujtahid who derives new rulings.

A mujtahid mutlaq or "absolute mujtahid" is one that attained the rank of the Four Imams Abu Hanifa, Malik, al-Shafi`i, and Ahmad in knowledge of Arabic, qualification to apply legal reasoning, draw analogies, and infer rulings from the evidence independently of the methodology and findings of the Sunni Schools, through his own linguistic and juridical perspicuity and extensive knowledge of the texts.

There is no mujtahid mutlaq today nor even a claimant to that title.

The qualifications for a mujtahid were set out in the 11th century by by Abul Husayn al-Basri in "al Mu’tamad fi Usul al-Fiqh". These were accepted by later Sunni scholars, including al-Ghazali, although al-Ghazali believed that innovation had ended, as there was nobody qualified to be a Mujtahid. Such qualifications require proficiency in Shari'ah and its interpretation.
Its like a drug addicit who wants even more drugs, even if he is lying on his death bed.

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