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Majority of Pakistanis for 'Islamisation' of society: Poll

Now why are you mixxing up taliban with Islam. taliban is a political or millitant movement, its not islamic movement.

I also thought too.

But I find that their sayings are taken to be the real stuff.

And no one is protesting!!!!

All are taking what they say as acceptable!

Therefore, they are confusing those who do not know Islam well.

How can a political or a militant movement become the interpreter of the religion and none objects?

Very confusing!

And they are led by Mullahs who are supposed to be the last word of religion. They give fatwas and all that too! And people send them monetary contribution in hordes. Obviously, a large majority feel that they are the last word in religion!
Sorry but i think there are thousands more things about women rights then just wearing skirt. do i have to tell everyone here how west treated their women just a century ago?

The question is not how west treated its women century ago.. the question is where is the world today?... and how can one state that women are at equal with men if they have such restrictions? Look at west today (if you really want to compare) and then tell me what is defined as freedom by your logic...

If a woman (or man) desires to live her/his life the way they deem fit... examples being LGBT/smoke/wearskirt/go partying/has many male friends/flirts etc etc... They earn for a living and they want to spend their income the way they want... That will not be allowed clearly... Isn't it? If that is the case, then the claim of equality for women will not stand the test of tolerance.. Isn't it? I am not contesting if a rule is right or wrong... to me, that is an individual choice, but by making a society which 'restraints' its women (or men in some cases) by rules and regulations is restraining their freedom... My only point being the moment you confuse illegal and immoral, you step on a person's individual liberties and that means you become intolerant... Isn't it?
In every province, in every district of Pakistan there are Shrines that cross every sect, even Christians, Hindus, Sikhs venerate these Shrines - the ones belonging to Data Darbar, Bulleh Shah Shahbaz Qalander draw hundreds of thousands of devotees from around the world.

Thanks a bunch. Obviously, I know about Baba Bulle Shah and have heard some of his writings by various Indian singers in Punjab (example Puran Chand Pyare laal, bulle gharane ke ... sing his kalam exclusively) and I also know the significants of these shrines and the binding impact they have on all communities... Ajmer Sharif in Rajasthan or Haji Ali in Mumbai are two very famous examples of such sufi saints...

My question was... I have read in some forums that orthodox Islam does not recognize sufi sect per-se and thus the question that willl sufi-ism, which is a part of core of Pakistani (and Indian Punjabi) culture, be able to thrive the way it does...? I ask this because, I really appreciated singers who used sufi kalaams like Abida Parveen or Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan or the gentleman whose you tube video was in the previous pages (who uses a tumba) and I believe that they add a richness to the Pakistani culture and spread a very strong binding message, which so many communities follow...
No my friend that is not just enough.......we not just want madrasses and mosques.......generally islam means "ebadat" (prayers) and "amal" (action).........madrasses and mosques are part of prayers, now we want "amal"..............more specifically practical islam what we want.

Maderssas are full of students and so are the mosques , Islam is widely practised ... can u give me an example what do u mean by practicle islam
When it says that majority of the Pakistanis want the Islamization of the society, it does not mean that we are pushing for a theocratic state. It just means that we want the Islamic values embodied in our society, the values where no man is better than the other, and where each citizen can live without any fear knowing that his life and property will be protected by the state. Read up on the Socio-economic and Socio-political values preached by Islam to really understand why it is known as a complete way of life. There is much more to Islam than just performing the five basic fundamental commandments.
1.The issue is simple really. If you are a Muslim then you follow The Holy Quo'ran and the Sunna. There is no gradation in Islam like a moderate Muslim, a practicing Muslim or an extremist,etc. These are inputs by the Zionist controlled western media aimed at dividing the Ummah.

2. I believe the word "Islamisation" used in the topic header was a generalization. The object is to work towards making Pakistan a Dar ul Islam.

3. To alley the fears of some posters above, I wish to state that in a Dar ul Islam the religious minorities are protected. They are free to practice their religion without hindrance. This has always been the case in Islamic history.
There is nothing wrong with asking for true Islamic values to play a part in a nations get up, even Jinnah stated:

Concentrate on democracy, equality, justice and fairplay as taught by Islam. Understanding of Islam varies from sect to sect and Jinnah belonged to a sect that would advocate for a fair, equal and democratic society.

Some Muslims (read mullahs and their followers) advocate a theocratic state whereby others will not be equals and the state will be led by Mullahs with a divine mission to wage an ever lasting war with kafirs.

Pakistan certainly needs democracy, equality, justice and fairplay, not 'a theocratic state to be ruled by priests with a divine mission'.

no, I dont think so by Islamic system people mean theocracy...they mean "Welfare state" as proposed by Jinnah...and which the concept in minds of the masses as well...
ISLAMABAD: A majority of Pakistanis favour the government taking steps for the "Islamisation" of society and almost a third of them believe the process should be completed in one go, according to new survey. A total of 67 per cent replied in the affirmative when they were asked during the survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan whether the government should take steps to "Islamise" the society.

Only 13 per cent said they believed there is no need for "Islamisation" while 20 per cent gave no response.

Forty eight per cent of respondents said steps to Islamise the society "should be taken one by one" while 31 per cent said the "steps should be taken at once". Twenty one per cent gave no response to a question on the process of Islamisation.

The study was carried out by Gallup Pakistan, the affiliate of Gallup International.

The survey was carried out among a sample of 2,738 men and women in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of Pakistan during January.

Rights activists and civil society groups have expressed concern over the perceived growth of influence of Islamist and radical groups in recent months.

The police guard who assassinated Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer for opposing the controversial blasphemy law in January was feted by Islamist groups as a hero and hundreds of lawyers offered to represent him for free.

Former federal minister Sherry Rehman virtually stopped making public appearances after being threatened by hardliners for her call for changes in the blasphemy law.

Majority of Pakistanis for 'Islamisation' of society: Poll - The Times of India

If so what does democracy say?
i am one of those 67% though I didn't participate in the poll Pakistan was made FOR Islam !!!!!
No0t Wahabi Islam - Jinnah was no Wahabi, nor were the Muslims who struggled to create Pakistan - I think it's disingenuous to claim that Pakistan was created for the likes of those who imagine that the substance and totality of Islam is Wahabi/Salafi barbarity
This is absurd!

Beheadings, blowing up of churches and schools, all you have to do is look around in the Muslim world.

There is no credibility established by wishful thinking.
This is absurd!

Beheadings, blowing up of churches and schools, all you have to do is look around in the Muslim world.

There is no credibility established by wishful thinking.

Spraying the ckass-mates with an AK-47, stalkers killing of women, blowing up federal buildings, priests abusing children in the church, all you have to do is look around, inside your own home. What's the difference bewteen murdering with an Ak-47 or beheading with a knife?
ISLAMABAD: A majority of Pakistanis favour the government taking steps for the "Islamisation" of society and almost a third of them believe the process should be completed in one go, according to new survey. A total of 67 per cent replied in the affirmative when they were asked during the survey carried out by Gallup Pakistan whether the government should take steps to "Islamise" the society.

Only 13 per cent said they believed there is no need for "Islamisation" while 20 per cent gave no response.

Forty eight per cent of respondents said steps to Islamise the society "should be taken one by one" while 31 per cent said the "steps should be taken at once". Twenty one per cent gave no response to a question on the process of Islamisation.

The study was carried out by Gallup Pakistan, the affiliate of Gallup International.

The survey was carried out among a sample of 2,738 men and women in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of Pakistan during January.

Rights activists and civil society groups have expressed concern over the perceived growth of influence of Islamist and radical groups in recent months.

The police guard who assassinated Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer for opposing the controversial blasphemy law in January was feted by Islamist groups as a hero and hundreds of lawyers offered to represent him for free.

Former federal minister Sherry Rehman virtually stopped making public appearances after being threatened by hardliners for her call for changes in the blasphemy law.

Majority of Pakistanis for 'Islamisation' of society: Poll - The Times of India

this is the slap on secular traitors and win for the Muslims and very soon number will be 100% ALLAH O AKBAR
Spraying the ckass-mates with an AK-47, stalkers killing of women, blowing up federal buildings, priests abusing children in the church, all you have to do is look around, inside your own home. What's the difference bewteen murdering with an Ak-47 or beheading with a knife?

You want to know the difference?

One is when someone succumbs to his individual, internal illness, the other is because of systematic brainwashing on a mass scale.

To eradicate one needs more policing and stricter implementation of laws. Eradication of the other required systematic eradication of extremist elements from society.
I think in Islam there is restricted freedom for women. No education, wear burkha out side home. So women will oppose that.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and majority of them are women so all the women accept it

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