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Major Gaurav Arya: How to spread terrorism in Pakistan?

Best things Hindustanis can do are making more propaganda terrorist movies for Netflix and promoting clownish pseudo-sport cricket. For now, they can deploy superhero RAW agents to defeat the coronavirus.
Our stupid Pakistani nation is worried about Indians for Corona Virus , but what Indians wants in Pakistan ?

I wouldn't worry he retired as a major because he was stupid.
Barking dogs seldom bite
Our nation is too stupid to understand the viciousness of the enemy.
Akhi..the hatred prophet Muhammed faced was far worse. Yet the Arabian panninusla was won over by Islam because of its mercy.
Our stupid Pakistani nation is worried about Indians for Corona Virus , but what Indians wants in Pakistan ?

Our nation knows it very well. No offence but when establishment is busy making secret deals on Kashmir what else you expect. They would keep attacking you until you return the favor. For blasts like Serena Hotel in Quetta we should obliterates a police station in Mumbai. Until you do that the animals we have as neighbors won't learn the lesson. In short

"Burn India"
Without deep state support, religion would never enter politics or used in a way that would force the leftists to retreat
Without deep state support, religion would never enter politics or used in a way that would force the leftists to retreat

I'm not so sure. The Mullas have been honing their skills at agitational politics since the days of Majlis-e-Ahrar in the 1920s and 30s. Their agitation in 1953 had nothing to do with the Deep State either. Don't underestimate the Mullas - they're not simply puppets on a string - or better analogy - dogs on a leash.
The Mulla leadership is shrewd and well organized. Their greatest weakness is disunity on the basis of maslak and sect, and even internecine rivalry among those of the same maslak. Otherwise, when they unite, as they frequently do against the Ahmadiyya Muslim community in the name of 'Khatme Nubuwwat' we see how effective they are.
@Dalit I concur, a common Pakistani is naïve, gullible and big hearted as well...as you probably have witnessed how quickly we took a "U Turn" towards India when we heard about the worsening situation related to coronavirus while everyone knows how Indian media in majority responded...see the video below :sad::

Well Major G Arya tries very hard in his programs to instill hatred and doubt by pushing the following in his programs:

1. Pakistan is run and owned by the people of the biggest province.
2. Afghanis don't awe us anything for giving them shelter
3. How Nawaz Sharif was sidelined by the establishment etc
4. How Bengalis in Bangladesh hate Pakistanis etc
and more

But fortunately our naïve, gullible and big hearted awaam do not take his efforts seriously ...:D
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Well Major G Arya tries very hard in his programs to instill hatred and doubt by pushing the following in his programs:

1. Pakistan is run and owned by the people of the biggest province.
2. Afghanis don't awe us anything for giving them shelter
3. How Nawaz Sharif was sidelined by the establishment etc
4. How Bengalis in Bangladesh hate Pakistanis etc
and more

But fortunately our naïve, gullible and big hearted awaam do not take his efforts seriously ...:D

As a Pakistani, I take Major Arya quite seriously.
Yes, there are times when its quite obvious he is talking wishfully, as an Indian nationalist. But usually he is dispassionate and very fair in his analysis.
At any rate, his criticism of Pakistan is quite damning. Was he wrong when he exposed the Papa John’s general and the attitude of the military elite toward the country and the common Pakistanis?
Is he wrong when he points out Pakistan has nothing to offer in terms of trade, it doesn’t produce anything.
Isn’t he correct when he throws light on the fact that China is economically exploiting Pakistan with CPEC?
As a Pakistani, I take Major Arya quite seriously.
Yes, there are times when its quite obvious he is talking wishfully, as an Indian nationalist. But usually he is dispassionate and very fair in his analysis.
At any rate, his criticism of Pakistan is quite damning. Was he wrong when he exposed the Papa John’s general and the attitude of the military elite toward the country and the common Pakistanis?
Is he wrong when he points out Pakistan has nothing to offer in terms of trade, it doesn’t produce anything.
Isn’t he correct when he throws light on the fact that China is economically exploiting Pakistan with CPEC?
A Pakistani doesn’t have to keep repeating ad nauseum that they are a Pakistani - please spare is the pretend BS.
This stupid nation of ours is a different breed. They are like bani Israel.

Correct .... when a large segment of the nation continue to elect members of PPP/PML-N/ traitors, murderers, liars and thieves into positions of power. Or when a large segment of the nation continue to lap-up and virtually worship the enemy's bollywood celebrities and movies, despite the enemy actively seeking that nation's dismemberment and destruction. Then such a nation has become like Banu Israeel, the nation which had it all and chose to lay in bed with the devil. Banu Israeel today is now Zionist-Israel and it's destruction has been marked, as they have proven wholesale to defy GOD.

Pakistanis have the choice, being Muslims, to make a clear decision whether they stand to establish their faith in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, and in doing so, shall resist all corrupt political entities that are corrupt and act in direct defiance of Islam. Failure to do so, will result in their destruction. So go on and continue to support PPP, PML-N, JUI and their cohorts, as it gives clear evidence as to where your allegiance stands.
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