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Major Gaurav Arya: How to spread terrorism in Pakistan?

the ones that are on the haqq. anyway, i dont think these things are relevant to the atheists.

not interested in what they are. what they believe is more important than that, and its kufr.

There are Hindus,Sikhs,Shias, Pir believers, Shrine visitors in Pakistan...they are allowed to make Pakistan their home and rule the country
I get satisfied listening to Pakistan bashing simply because how Pakistan treats my community – the Ahmadi Muslims.

israel is an enemy of Pakistan, always has been. your group loves Israel, and i know you look at Israel favourably (i can quote you). you also think the british should keep colonising Pakistan and any other muslim lands they used to control. these are all your personal beliefs, and common beliefs in your group as well. you also support Bush's war on terror in Afghanistan and even Iraq. not only that, you also think Bush didnt go far enough because you wanted them to also invade Pakistan, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon, etc. so why shouldnt Pakistan bash the qadiyanis?

EDIT: btw, there is a lot more i can quote of what you said and believe.
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Covid-19 terror had the last laugh.

Coming full circle to India, major Arya need to look at the reality.
Our nation knows it very well. No offence but when establishment is busy making secret deals on Kashmir what else you expect. They would keep attacking you until you return the favor. For blasts like Serena Hotel in Quetta we should obliterates a police station in Mumbai. Until you do that the animals we have as neighbors won't learn the lesson. In short

"Burn India"
so Good Muslims can try to sabotage eachother through malicious prayers?
If prayers of these lots worked, their country will be land of milk and honey and we will be wiped off the earth. I mean seriously, if God had a bunch of favourite people, they will be leading a better life, and given Europeans are doing a fine job, and most of em are irreligious, what does that say?
If prayers of these lots worked, their country will be land of milk and honey and we will be wiped off the earth. I mean seriously, if God had a bunch of favourite people, they will be leading a better life, and given Europeans are doing a fine job, and most of em are irreligious, what does that say?

dont talk of religion when you know nothing. you ask the same questions the typical, ignorant atheist asks.
then dont talk about God.

You turned God into your pet Gangster with your statements regarding malicious prayers..and then you wonder why so many progressive people become irreligious or donot want to have anything to do with the 'God' word or turn the word 'God' to mean the general Universe or Nature
You turned God into your pet Gangster with your statements regarding malicious prayers

God answers prayers against the zalim, and india is most certainly zalim.

progressive people become irreligious or donot want to have anything to do with the 'God' word or turn the word 'God' to mean the general Universe or Nature

progressive people become so progressive that they want to legalise incest, zoophilia, and a whole bunch of other crazy things. you can see it happening right now in the West. what they are doing is precisely what non-West progressives will be advocating tomorrow, because they have no brain of their own and they follow the West like sheep. the British left, but left their basta*d children behind.
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