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Major Gaurav Arya: How to spread terrorism in Pakistan?

Our stupid Pakistani nation is worried about Indians for Corona Virus , but what Indians wants in Pakistan ?

But brother, we answer to a higher power, Allah. Our religion instills a belief in humanity and standing up for the poor snd downtrodden. So yes even if they wish bad for us we will pray for this pandemic to be over for all of humanity.

hence I wish all Indians and the world a safe and healthy recovery and those who have lost loved ones due to the pendamic have my heartiest condolences 💐

God answers prayers against the zalim, and india is most certainly zalim.

progressive people become so progressive that they want to legalise incest, zoophilia, and a whole bunch of other crazy things. you can see it happening right now in the West. what they are doing is precisely what non-West progressives will be advocating tomorrow, because they have no brain of their own and they follow the West like sheep. the British left, but left their basta*d children behind.

If that is the case the Pakistan has way more Muslim blood on its hands....and I am gonna be specific..you said that God also answers malicious prayers...It is better to be progressive than to give any sort of quarter to people who talk like this about God or religion
If that is the case the Pakistan has way more Muslim blood on its hands

no, we dont.

you said that God also answers malicious prayers

nothing malicious about praying for the destruction of the zalimeen, and God answers such prayers if He wants, and He has done it before.

It is better to be progressive than to give any sort of quarter to people who talk like this about God or religion

you can do whatever your aql (brain) tells you to choose. its better to believe in God and follow his Prophets, than to be a blind progressive, and no quarter should be given to the "progressives". none, zero, zilch, sifr.
you have blood of hundreds of thousands of Bengali Muslims

proof? source is your as*?

> also you killed tens of thousands of Muslims in operations in the North West and Karachi

btw, @Cherub786, where are you at? you didnt respond yet

"israel is an enemy of Pakistan, always has been. your group loves Israel, and i know you look at Israel favourably (i can quote you). you also think the british should keep colonising Pakistan and any other muslim lands they used to control. these are all your personal beliefs, and common beliefs in your group as well. you also support Bush's war on terror in Afghanistan and even Iraq. not only that, you also think Bush didnt go far enough because you wanted them to also invade Pakistan, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon, etc. so why shouldnt Pakistan bash the qadiyanis?

EDIT: btw, there is a lot more i can quote of what you said and believe."
Shias, Pir believers, shrine visitors claim to be Muslim

they also declare qadiani as not Muslims as does the whole Muslim world .Only qadiani not allowed in all masjids in the world including Mecca and medina .
Indian masjids does not permit them either .

it’s not just Pakistan .

remember no kaafir can enter the holy sanctuary , above groups you mention can come freely but not qadiani

A British product created to divide and rule in British India .
If that is the case the Pakistan has way more Muslim blood on its hands....and I am gonna be specific..you said that God also answers malicious prayers...It is better to be progressive than to give any sort of quarter to people who talk like this about God or religion

Making du’a against someone is not permissible if the person did not oppress or unduly wrong one. Examples of oppression/wronging are that a person unjustly took away one’s property, or refuses to fulfill one’s Sacred Law right, or abused one’s honor.

Therefore, if this was not the case, then it is unlawful to make du’a against the person, as well as hoping for bad things to happen to the person, his/her children, wealth, or the like.

Making du’a against someone who has oppressed or unduly wronged one is permissible, but only to the extent that the person has wronged one. It is not permissible to make du’a beyond this limit.
If prayers of these lots worked, their country will be land of milk and honey and we will be wiped off the earth. I mean seriously, if God had a bunch of favourite people, they will be leading a better life, and given Europeans are doing a fine job, and most of em are irreligious, what does that say?

last 10 days of Ramzan, raise hands in dua and [ray for india to drop dead, not for it to be saved.

Instead praying for the enemy's destruction, we Pakistanis, as Muslims, as Ummati of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam ... should be praying for Pakistanis and the entire Muslim Ummah to establish Imaan like a Mountain, immovable and undeterred. For when we are successful in establishing Imaan in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, studying the Noble Qur'an and follow the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, only then would we be able to prevail against all adversities, including blind, Jahil support of corrupt political parties and their rotten leaders.

Pakistan would be united, strong and determined with Imaan and able to defeat corruption with the Study of the Noble Qur'an. Such a Pakistan need not wish destruction upon it's enemies, for the enemy would dare not to challenge Pakistan.

Without Imaan in Allah, the Qur'an and Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, my dear countrymen, brothers and sisters .... we are destined for destruction by our own hands.
Such a simpleton, a moronic thing to do it on YouTube.
Instead praying for the enemy's destruction, we Pakistanis, as Muslims, as Ummati of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam ... should be praying for Pakistanis and the entire Muslim Ummah to establish Imaan like a Mountain, immovable and undeterred. For when we are successful in establishing Imaan in Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, studying the Noble Qur'an and follow the Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, only then would we be able to prevail against all adversities, including blind, Jahil support of corrupt political parties and their rotten leaders.

Pakistan would be united, strong and determined with Imaan and able to defeat corruption with the Study of the Noble Qur'an. Such a Pakistan need not wish destruction upon it's enemies, for the enemy would dare not to challenge Pakistan.

Without Imaan in Allah, the Qur'an and Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam, my dear countrymen, brothers and sisters .... we are destined for destruction by our own hands.

i pray for that too, and the india's destruction.
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