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lol Mohsin Dawar & his people Have Found Shawal Moon and Would Celebrate Eid on Wednesday

Lolz look at the level of their stupidity. Not seen in saudi or any country but seen in Waziristan. This proves these people are hypocrites, more close to hindus. Notice the name of muftis and mullahs but they hate taliban lolz. They are worst hypocrites and degenerates.

Also it was scientifically impossible for anyone to sight moon anywhere on earth on Tuesday

But these idiots somehow managed to see it
We all know who give them space. Unfortunately in Pakistan, the ex leaders become ghaddar when perks are removed. Its like tje state have to keep feeding tje crocodiles. Bit again, who imposed these corruption crocodiles upon us?????

TLP got banned despite adhering to fundamental policy of the state doctrine.

Citizens cannot be pushed against the wall everytime handful of individuals suddenly see the light of past actions taken by their own shadows.

GoP has no problem entertaining Punjabi supremacists like Fuwwad Chowdhury.
Lolz look at the level of their stupidity. Not seen in saudi or any country but seen in Waziristan. This proves these people are hypocrites, more close to hindus. Notice the name of muftis and mullahs but they hate taliban lolz. They are worst hypocrites and degenerates.
During Hazrat Umer's (RA) time these men and their necks would be quickly separated.
Even Saudi Arab announced it is not tomorrow. As usual these Fasadis of Waziristan just using Religion to advance their own agenda. Nothing good has ever come out of Waziristan.
Waziristan ulema has rejected Mohsin Dawar's claim, but that still probably won't satiate bigots and hypocrites like you.
Saudia couldn't find this moon
Nobody in whole of Middle East could find this moon
Nobody in rest of Pakistan can find this moon
Nobody in rest of tribal areas could find this moon

But mohsin dawar and his people have found it and are going to celebrate eid on Wednesday

Well shows how delusional and liar these chumps are
Those idiots celebrating eid is just Waziristan, a small district.
not even in whole Waziristan, but one or two villages.
What kind of a stupid and jahil moron are u?? Go lick feet of ur masters and dont crap in stuff u dont know anything about.

I can't lick my master's feet, cause he is sitting on Arsh beyond my reach...

Those idiots celebrating eid is just Waziristan, a small district. Also in Islam there is no need to celebrate eid as a whole and any area can celebrate eid or not upon sighting moon.

My Point was not in that particular regard...

Get some education u stupid moron

Personal attacks won't make a difference, only show your upbringing. Maybe your parent should have done a better job raising a " Batameez " bacha like you.

Ur flag shows ur a namak haram so stfu and dont talk crap.

My Flags are very to the point, a Pakistan born living in the US, what's wrong with that? I have all the right to make a comment on people from Pakistan.
you deserve a ban for this post

Why because I share my Personal Opinion? unless this forum is strictly regulated where you can not speak beyond the limits of what Pakistan thinks then it's fine but if not then everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I can't lick my master's feet, cause he is sitting on Arsh beyond my reach...

My Point was not in that particular regard...

Personal attacks won't make a difference, only show your upbringing. Maybe your parent should have done a better job raising a " Batameez " bacha like you.

My Flags are very to the point, a Pakistan born living in the US, what's wrong with that? I have all the right to make a comment on people from Pakistan.

Why because I share my Personal Opinion? unless this forum is strictly regulated where you can not speak beyond the limits of what Pakistan thinks then it's fine but if not then everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

U have zero facts to back up ur utter BS and u deserve to be slapped on the face for this. Go lick feet of trump or biden, ur a namak haram and have nothing to do with Pakistan. judging Pakistanis as loyal and disloyal while being a servant of americans, have some shame and leave. You are not only illiterate about Pakistan, ur also a traitor, many of ur types reside among us and the reason we are backward.
U have zero facts to back up ur utter BS and u deserve to be slapped on the face for this. Go lick feet of trump or biden, ur a namak haram and have nothing to do with Pakistan. judging Pakistanis as loyal and disloyal while being a servant of americans, have some shame and leave. You are not only illiterate about Pakistan, ur also a traitor, many of ur types reside among us and the reason we are backward.

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