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(Live) Chandrayaan-2: India's historic moon mission lost its communication-Mission Failed

Indian love to brag how cheap their ISRO budget is. Low quality, cheap labor, cheap material, on top of massive assistance from NASA (deep space communication), of course it's cheap when you also rely on someone else's technology.
If you don't congratulate a people because individuals from them make fun of you, then sorry but that makes you childish and insecure. What drives such individuals is bad and rotten nationalism, and what drives us to hate their people is the same nationalism. Frankly, we're in the same boat: have you seen what some members post here? From abuse of religion, to racial slurs, and yet the people getting banned are Indians just because they challenge a narrative here and there.

Even to have launched this mission and attempt it was a huge feat. Whether or not it was wise given the condition of the lower and poor people in the country is a debate for another day.
1) not childish if you don't celebrate nor abuse...
But to congratulate them before time is apologetic...
2) they don't take 3-5k apologetic Pakistanis for anything so why be so?
3) to congratulate a successful mission is a choice not a must...why some make it a must?
4) it is a huge feat to allow poor to die to chest thump like a chimp not a champ

5) same people if so honest beyond belief...should also point out the problems in the mission now that it is a failure...
One nation has landed stuff, including humans, on the moon and returned some of it, including said humans, to earth. This nation did it more than 50 years ago using 1960's electronics. Huh! Who dat???? Amrika, that's whoooo!
maybe there were no Clouds .. but jokes aside , I have no problem with Indians trying to get to moon and i would wish Pakistan must follow up, and we should kick start our space program again Inshallah
This is not ordinary failure,u.s fully supported isro for this mission so india is able to contain china and also india has access to russian technology but they still failed and embarrassed u.s,israel and those who were helping them.Pakistan has not such assistance from u.s,russia and israel ,if we had such assistance we would have performed much better than india in this regard.India is only good at adding debris to space
I am just loving how ISRO is getting mocked for this apparent failure on Twitter and Facebook, only to imagine how resilient our scientists would be to make it a success in their next mission. I have nothing to say to those who are feeling out of this world because its a 'failure of Indians' but for people who are stressing on focusing the life standards of the poors first, make a note that the overall budget of the whole project is merely 1000cr INR, where as ISRO's overall revenue in just one financial year is approximately 1600-2000cr INR.

Gentlemen, this is a self sufficient organization, generating revenues in billions for years now by sending satellites in damn cheap prices. And this organization has an enviable record of learning from its own failures. So instead of feeling good from its failures and mocking it, it would be wise to learn something from its culture and institutional practice. May be that would help to improve your own standards a bit better.
We become the kind of people who feel happiness in someone else's failure. ..

Maybe if Modi hasn't revoked article 370 and killed innocent Kashmiris they would have succeeded.. Bad Omen..
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