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(Live) Chandrayaan-2: India's historic moon mission lost its communication-Mission Failed

We should be working on our surveillance and communication satellites program with more vigor even if we are not able to land on moon for now. India will be a Shuppa Pawa in few months but we are merely a developing nation with a heart.
So instead of feeling good from its failures and mocking it, it would be wise to learn somethin
Yes we learnt something....

1) don't get hyper before success..
2) don't mock others when you have your own problems that can be mocked
3) resilient would be when you learn not to repeat mistakes ...not coz you are forced to repeat a mission to save face.

On a side note does the team get a chakra? I mean IAF pilot gets chakra for crashing right? - serious question
Indian rushed their moon mission just to be mention in the same breath with China on landing Rover on the moon.
Land Rover on the moon isn't every nation cup of tea.

Just India space agency not ready for this mission. Failure bound to happen

Before the luanch of India mission, it had technical problem and delayed luanch date, India should take the hint and shouldn't hurrily luanch the mission.
Yes we learnt something....

1) don't get hyper before success..
2) don't mock others when you have your own problems that can be mocked
3) resilient would be when you learn not to repeat mistakes ...not coz you are forced to repeat a mission to save face.

On a side note does the team get a chakra? I mean IAF pilot gets chakra for crashing right? - serious question
1. Indians had every reason to cheer because this was an exceptionally ambitious mission. Getting hyper is a typical South Asian habit. With years Indians will get used to it.
2. As I already said, no scientific exploratory mission is a failure. There are always vital lessons to learn. And that is how, not just space agancies but every great institutions grow. There is nothing or no one to be mocked other than only to make foolery of oneself who tries to draw some warmth of success from the failures of others.
3. ISRO doesn't work that way. It is an autonomous institution and free from political interference.

Last part, are you seriously trolling?
99% success!
You mean of sending it to moon? Forget data collection which was the purpose and didn't even start....If you consider that it is close to 100 % failure...without data collection what was it to do with only landing on the moon?
There was a rover which was supposed to come out after the landing then there was critical data collection of which all the mission was based on, can't understand how can you call it 99% success..

From the distance!
Partially success mission? The mission objective to soft landing the Rover on the moon. That a mission failure when it hardland on the moon.
1. Indians had every reason to cheer because this was an exceptionally ambitious mission. Getting hyper is a typical South Asian habit. With years Indians will get used to it.
They haven't gotten used to it in their what 5000 years history?

Until and unless the country grooms them or teaches them...

2. As I already said, no scientific explotatory mission is a failure. There are always vital lessons to learn. And that is how every great institutions grow. There is nothing or no one to be mocked other than only to make foolery of oneself.
Science hasn't really started as data collection which was the missions purpose didn't start...

But if you mean landing on moon science. ..I think few countries have achieved that and if Indians couldn't replicate it...It is in no way a success...It would be counted as a success if it was first EVER landing on moon and it failed....but that already happened more than half a century ago but with success...so doesn't make sense celebrating SUCH a failure...

3. ISRO doesn't work that way. It is an autonomous institution and free from political interference.
Good to know

Last part, are you seriously trolling?
It is a serious question...that needs to be addressed since India opened the Pandora box of awarding it for crashing...
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According to Indian Logic given in case of F-16 shot down story "Plane went off radar that's why it is shot down". Their lunar mission disconnected hence proved shot down by Pakistan Air Force
Indian rushed their moon mission just to be mention in the same breath with China on landing Rover on the moon.
Their life revolves around China. I have no idea why they are obsessed with us. Anyway, the technological gap is big between us. We are preparing for manned landings. That's our goal! To beat the United States.
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