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LHC scraps celebrated Ravi riverfront project

I just think there is too much red tape to get anything meaningful done. Things just remain as ideas.
People living in slums and shanties wouldn’t be the ones moving to the new part of the city. If anything those are the areas that should be redeveloped, similar to Haussmann’s renovation of Paris approx. 200 years ago. By building up, but only up to five or six stories, land can be created in between for small parks and more trees, and walkable streets. A five or six story building would be the limit of what people would be willing to walk up and down, limit the number of people in a building so it becomes an ungovernable location, but it would raise the amenities for the community and create a more manageable layout for the city officials.

A design similar to the Conventional building (not the fancy ones in the video) from the model of Masdar city in the UAE.
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You have too much "viyun" (vision) for this country bro.

Just like how @JamD has too much "sahnse" (science).

Pakistan lacks viyun, sahnse, and laa' (law).
You have too much "viyun" (vision) for this country bro.

Just like how @JamD has too much "sahnse" (science).

Pakistan lacks viyun, sahnse, and laa' (law).
It’s seems your right. This more than anything is why the diaspora in the west will slowly fade away in its engagement with the country; remittances will decline (from that part of the diaspora) and people will feel they are wasting their energy. You really laid it out brother.
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