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lhasa...Beijing...We will be there

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The Tibetan population is increasing from 1 millions before liberation to 2.71 million until year 2011. I mean Tibetan locals population

Why brother, did I say anything wrong? See, the number of Tibetan self immolation is going to reach 100, so you show your love for India, Buddha as well as peace by giving freedom to Tibet before the number reaches 100.


I'm not saying you my bro, i say all the members here. Including Sinochallenger.
The Tibetan population is increasing from 1 millions before liberation to 2.71 million until year 2011. I mean Tibetan locals population

What does Tibet's increase of population have to do with the freedom of Tibet? If you really love India and Buddha, then you just hoist a Tibetan flag on the roof of your building. Can you do that bro?
Why brother, did I say anything wrong? See, the number of Tibetan self immolation is going to reach 100, so you show your love for India, Buddha as well as peace by giving freedom to Tibet before the number reaches 100.

Why should Dalai Lama accept PRC's rules if he rules an independent country, Tibet?
Dalai Lama instigated those innocent followers to immolate themself, sad but ture. It's not damn CCP propagnda, my friend live in Sichuan autonomous region tell me it did happen. Please kindly tell me whether self-immolation is advocated in Buddha beliver?

What does Tibet's increase of population have to do with the freedom of Tibet? If you really love India and Buddha, then you just hoist a Tibetan flag on the roof of your building. Can you do that bro?
I love Tibetan, but sorry i can't support Tibet independance.
Tibet was never a part of China it was invaded and annexed by the Han's, if Tibetans were so happy with China they would not be burning themselves alive and riots would not occur in Tibet like it did a few years ago.
What does Tibet's increase of population have to do with the freedom of Tibet? If you really love India and Buddha, then you just hoist a Tibetan flag on the roof of your building. Can you do that bro?

I'll host you a nice dinner if you visit my house, a tibetan flag on top of roof is not what i desire. I wanna a better life of tibetan and live with Hans in harmony. As to India, i love this country.


lol it should be" Beijing we will be there but chained up as war prisoners "
Dalai Lama instigated those innocent followers to immolate themself, sad but ture. It's not damn CCP propagnda, my friend live in Sichuan autonomous region tell me it did happen. Please kindly tell me whether self-immolation is advocated in Buddha beliver?

Brother, didn't you read your another Indian brother saying Dalai Lama as a manifestation of God in human form?

Religion and politics are two different things. Does Vatican plans to annex all the Catholic countries cuz they show solidarity to it's ideology? Does Saudi Arabia plans to annex the entire muslim sphere cuz they share the same religion?

Your logic here doesn't hold any ground. For us, Dalai Lama is our religious leader, a manisfestation of God in human form. He is not our political leader or ruler. We are citizens of India.


How can God himself instigate innocent followers to immolate themselves? Bro, please don't say anything wrong about God, you will be cursed and thunder may fall upon your bald head all of a sudden.
But there was no INDIA before britishers right ? :P
There was the hindu civilization, which was fatally wounded when driven out from Indus River Valley, then they conquered delhi and rest of northern india and enslaved the hindus. You remained in that state until the British came and enslaved you again. Then you gained independence but China humiliated you in 1962. Another spanking from PLA is coming soon.

I'll host you a nice dinner if you visit my house, a tibetan flag on top of roof is not what i desire. I wanna a better life of tibetan and live with Hans in harmony. As to India, i love this country.
:sick: :sick: if swimming in ganges, scatland is your thing....

This is the true face of Hans in Tibet they crush the locals like this

There was the hindu civilization, which was fatally wounded when driven out from Indus River Valley, then they conquered delhi and rest of northern india and enslaved the hindus. You remained in that state until the British came and enslaved you again. Then you gained independence but China humiliated you in 1962. Another spanking from PLA is coming soon.

Who enslaved the hindus? driven out from indus vally by whom? lol
Tibet was never a part of China it was invaded and annexed by the Han's, if Tibetans were so happy with China they would not be burning themselves alive and riots would not occur in Tibet like it did a few years ago.
It's China internal affiar, those riots will be punished if they killing innocent people. We are not supporting the Maoist in India, you should respect China's soverign integrity by doing the same. It is Tibetan killing Hans in those riot, not the other way around.
I'll host you a nice dinner if you visit my house, a tibetan flag on top of roof is not what i desire. I wanna a better life of tibetan and live with Hans in harmony. As to India, i love this country.

It would be better if we have the dinner at a restaurant in the capital of free Tibet, Lhasa. What do you think?
It's China internal affiar, those riots will be punished if they killing innocent people. We are not supporting the Maoist in India, you should respect China's soverign integrity by doing the same. It is Tibetan killing Hans in those riot, not the other way around.

Sorry we can't we must support our Buddhist brothers in Tibet from Hans they are dharmic people like us Hindus.
One should not beliver what BBC tell, look at the scandal of paedophilia.

It would be better if we have the dinner at a restaurant in the capital of free Tibet, Lhasa. What do you think?
Thanks for your proposal, but i will stand for PRC if India keep supporting Tibetan independance. If i say if, CCP collpase one day in the futre, Chinese will not let Tibet go cause its national interest. As India won't let AP go if it desire independance.
One should not beliver what BBC tell, look at the scandal of paedophilia.

That exist everywhere BBC is fair that is why it is respected the world over.


BEIJING — To hear Tibetans tell it, a rising tide of Han Chinese migrants is flooding into their homeland, diluting its character and taking many of the jobs.

They say that anger over the "Han invasion" has inflamed tensions and prompted protesters in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa earlier this month to set scores of Han Chinese shops ablaze in a spasm of rioting.

Authorities offer a different story. They say that Tibetans looking to stir up trouble are exaggerating the magnitude of the Han Chinese migration. They say that ethnic relations in Tibet are harmonious, and that political motives underlie the March 14 rioting. Even if more Han Chinese are moving to Tibet, they say, it's lifting the fortunes of the whole region.

"Their business activities have greatly enriched and promoted Tibet's economic development," said Tanzen Lhundrup, a scholar with the government-financed China Tibetology Research Center in Beijing.

Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2008/03/28/31913/tibetans-see-han-invasion-as-spurring.html#storylink=cpy
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