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lhasa...Beijing...We will be there

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It would be better if we have the dinner at a restaurant in the capital of free Tibet, Lhasa. What do you think?

too late.if you were born 1500 years ago,you may got a chance.Everything is doomed after Princess Wencheng went to Tibet.
There was the hindu civilization, which was fatally wounded when driven out from Indus River Valley, then they conquered delhi and rest of northern india and enslaved the hindus. You remained in that state until the British came and enslaved you again. Then you gained independence but China humiliated you in 1962. Another spanking from PLA is coming soon.

You mean Indus Valley civilization which is in pakistan was hindu civilization :woot:

Didn't know pakistanis are hindus.. thanks for educating me ;)
Seeing is believing. I wish you guys could tell some in this forum by visiting there instead of citing any BBS news. Dalai lama and his follower in Dharamsala represent the old ruling class of tibetan, not lower class of tibetan people. For example, if India goverment allows those states go independance as they will, what will happen? a totally disaster.
too late.if you were born 1500 years ago,you may got a chance.Everything is doomed after Princess Wencheng went to Tibet.

So this is how you disappoint your Indian brothers? Wanglaokan said, you respect us, love us... if really that is the case, then you should listen to us and try to fulfill what we want. And we just want the freedom of Tibet. At least for the sake of Buddha you should give freedom to Tibetans. I am really disappointed. But we will keep supporting the independence of Tibet.
That exist everywhere BBC is fair that is why it is respected the world over.

Tibetans see 'Han invasion' as spurring violence | McClatchy

BEIJING — To hear Tibetans tell it, a rising tide of Han Chinese migrants is flooding into their homeland, diluting its character and taking many of the jobs.

They say that anger over the "Han invasion" has inflamed tensions and prompted protesters in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa earlier this month to set scores of Han Chinese shops ablaze in a spasm of rioting.

Authorities offer a different story. They say that Tibetans looking to stir up trouble are exaggerating the magnitude of the Han Chinese migration. They say that ethnic relations in Tibet are harmonious, and that political motives underlie the March 14 rioting. Even if more Han Chinese are moving to Tibet, they say, it's lifting the fortunes of the whole region.

"Their business activities have greatly enriched and promoted Tibet's economic development," said Tanzen Lhundrup, a scholar with the government-financed China Tibetology Research Center in Beijing.

Read more here: Tibetans see 'Han invasion' as spurring violence | McClatchy
In the history of China, Tibet is ways assocating more closely with China than India as a dependant state. Han's appearance is very normal in the recent world. We have 3 millions of Hans living in Malaysia and more in USA and other continents. The Hans bring in economic growth and culture influence. Tibetan will be ok with Chinese, if you just choose to believe Dalai Lama could bring a better life.
That exist everywhere BBC is fair that is why it is respected the world over.

Tibetans see 'Han invasion' as spurring violence | McClatchy

BEIJING — To hear Tibetans tell it, a rising tide of Han Chinese migrants is flooding into their homeland, diluting its character and taking many of the jobs.

They say that anger over the "Han invasion" has inflamed tensions and prompted protesters in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa earlier this month to set scores of Han Chinese shops ablaze in a spasm of rioting.

Authorities offer a different story. They say that Tibetans looking to stir up trouble are exaggerating the magnitude of the Han Chinese migration. They say that ethnic relations in Tibet are harmonious, and that political motives underlie the March 14 rioting. Even if more Han Chinese are moving to Tibet, they say, it's lifting the fortunes of the whole region.

"Their business activities have greatly enriched and promoted Tibet's economic development," said Tanzen Lhundrup, a scholar with the government-financed China Tibetology Research Center in Beijing.

Read more here: Tibetans see 'Han invasion' as spurring violence | McClatchy
if you have a chance visiting tibet ,you will never ever read BBC again.Most reporters create their NEWS about tibet without a foot step in tibet or even in China.
there are only 8 Hans in 100 living tibet,87 tibetans and 5 other ethnic.and further more,only half of the tibetans live in tibet.others are living in Qinghai,Sichuan and other places.
Hans moving to tibet is less than moving to US.:yahoo:
In the history of China, Tibet is ways assocating more closely with China than India as a dependant state. Han's appearance is very normal in the recent world. We have 3 millions of Hans living in Malaysia and more in USA and other continents. The Hans bring in economic growth and culture influence. Tibetan will be ok with Chinese, if you just choose to believe Dalai Lama could bring a better life.

Historically Tibet was part of India. You can show this page to your school teacher.

So this is how you disappoint your Indian brothers? Wanglaokan said, you respect us, love us... if really that is the case, then you should listen to us and try to fulfill what we want. And we just want the freedom of Tibet. At least for the sake of Buddha you should give freedom to Tibetans. I am really disappointed. But we will keep supporting the independence of Tibet.
It's your right to support Independant Tibet as you will , but i'm sorry this won't realize until China falls. I'll keep loving Indians whatever you pro or fos, good luck then.
if you have a chance visiting tibet ,you will never ever read BBC again.
there are only 8 Hans in 100 living tibet,87 tibetans and 5 other ethnic.and further more,only half of the tibetans live in tibet.others are living in Qinghai,Sichuan and other places.

One day I will go to Tibet as I wish to see Kailash mountain but what about the Tibetan people moving back and forth from Tibet to India I have seen their interviews and what they say about life there.

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Historically Tibet was part of India. You can show this page to your school teacher.


I got lots of Chinese source demonstrating India is never belonging to India. but i think it won't work as you deeply believe the other story. Might Aryan once lived in Tibetan, but they are not belonging there.
The predecessors to Great Pakistan of course including the great achievements of Timur against the hindus.

Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just like Timur, today China realizes indians are just a bunch of brahmanist bigots and must be crushed ruthlessly!

and whose kingdom did Timur invaded, yes the sultanate of delhi!

who was defeated by babar : the sultan of delhi

all these according to you were the predecessors of Great pakistan.

Who killed each other for the throne in delhi : the muslim sultans.

who was the first one to be defeated by British and hence laying the foundation of Anglo-Saxon rule in south India : a nawab - Siraj-ud-daula, the next i guess was also a nawab (of awadh i suppose)

The britishers had quite good relation with hindu maharajas.

BTW, China can't do jack in today's world. Your leaders know that. It doesn't matter how hard you type on the keyboard. You don't take decisions for China, simple as that.
It's your right to support Independant Tibet as you will , but i'm sorry this won't realize until China falls. I'll keep loving Indians whatever you pro or fos, good luck then.

I swear on behalf of all Indians, every Indian will be grateful for your "keeping of love for Indians."

Nice PR by the way, where did you learn this? Got any training?
I got lots of Chinese source demonstrating India is never belonging to India. but i think it won't work as you deeply believe the other story.

Chinese sources will be biased towards china and indian sources will be biased towards india.

We should use rationale and not take these sources as ultimate truth. We common people know very little.
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