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lhasa...Beijing...We will be there

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you adore mao ? one who killed millions of chinese !

i bet you do ! cause , u r the gullible types who have learned to lick the boots of ur elitist leadership ! you people were born in slavery , so you do not know what freedom is . you can not access net without censorship , can't write comments that are offensive to your leaders , what the hell you are thumping your chest for ?

No, Mao just saved China from the total colonization of the western imperialist, while you evil puppet Hindu has just killed two million babies per year. :lol:
No, Mao just saved China from the total colonization of the western imperialist, while you evil puppet Hindu has just killed two million babies per year. :lol:

talking of fighting western colonization and imperialism.. Macau was until portuguese rule till 1999 and u guys had your megaton farts from 1963 i guess ?

Total disgrace to asia u bunch are ..
Every normal person make mistake in his/her life, Mao is also included. He saved Chinese people from Western colonization. At the approaching end of his life,lacunched the culture revolution to kick out his political rival. Like many India always blame Nehru for this and that, don't forget his contibution to the India liberation movement forever.

Remember those brutal hack off Nikita Khrushchev did to Stalin, it finally led to the collapse of Soviet union due to identity confusion. One of the most reason why Khrushchev did so was becasue his son was put death penalty by Stalin Order due to surrender to the German Nazi in the Great Patriotic war. When Mao was dead, Liushaoqi's wife asked Deng Xiao Ping blast Mao's menorial Hall for revenge for his husband and those innocents who got persecuted in the culture revolution movement. Deng Xiao Ping seriously denied this insane proposal cause he did realize that Chinese people shall not obliterate Mao's great contribution to PRC and its people. Indians know quite fews about the truth of China modern history in details, i'll share it with you if it is neccessarry.
talking of fighting western colonization and imperialism.. Macau was until portuguese rule till 1999 and u guys had your megaton farts from 1963 i guess ?

Total disgrace to asia u bunch are ..
They took a poor one and return you a brand new wealthy one, what's wrong with it? No matter how they build up on Macau, it will not cover its soverign belonging to China. Yes, it was big shame in China modern history, but we had taken it back to make it glorious one.
They took a poor one and return you a brand new wealthy one, what's wrong with it? .

good thought.

give china to portuguese, and they will return in a new wealthy one.

back to the topic - note that a chinese forummer posted it; nothing but flame bait.

wonder why he didnt' post "osama on toilet paper" pics ----> another proof than that chinese don't challenge USA but focus only on the "main" rival.
Dude.. are you out of touch ? Give China to Portugal and they will return a new wealthy one?
First, your flame bait is way off the mark.
Second, ANY PORTUGUESE colony around the world, has always had a very laid back, slow tempoed work culture and therefore economy. Take Goa, take Macau or take any other colony of Portugal for that matter. And at that, Portugal itself is in economic "less impressive" terms compared to even China.

Flame if you will but flame with some basis :)

good thought.

give china to portuguese, and they will return in a new wealthy one.

back to the topic - note that a chinese forummer posted it; nothing but flame bait.

wonder why he didnt' post "osama on toilet paper" pics ----> another proof than that chinese don't challenge USA but focus only on the "main" rival.
good thought.

give china to portuguese, and they will return in a new wealthy one.

back to the topic - note that a chinese forummer posted it; nothing but flame bait.

wonder why he didnt' post "osama on toilet paper" pics ----> another proof than that chinese don't challenge USA but focus only on the "main" rival.
Portuguese thought China will never able to take Macau back, they were wrong.
They took a poor one and return you a brand new wealthy one, what's wrong with it? No matter how they build up on Macau, it will not cover its soverign belonging to China. Yes, it was big shame in China modern history, but we had taken it back to make it glorious one.

u guys took it back when the GAVE it back.. pERIOD !!
Hello, Lyrical Mockery, whats your take?


Hostorical links are always there between neighbours. If India could have had historical links with say Greece why not tibet? I guess the greek religion was somewhat similar to earlier hindusim when Indra was considered the supreme king of gods. But that is not a basis of claiming a territory.

Tibet was never a part of India. One of the holiest sites of Hindus is in Tibet, but then again the holiest site of all the Buddhists in the world is in India.
No, Mao just saved China from the total colonization of the western imperialist, while you evil puppet Hindu has just killed two million babies per year. :lol:

says the chinese where women are dragged out from their bed and even if she is 9 months pregnant , the baby is killed in uterus so it comes out dead . but as i said , born slaves do not dare squeak to offend their masters , so it's ok as we all know if you will write a single thing against chinese govt here , you might find yourself in concentration camp somewhere in TIBET .
Hostorical links are always there between neighbours. If India could have had historical links with say Greece why not tibet? I guess the greek religion was somewhat similar to earlier hindusim when Indra was considered the supreme king of gods. But that is not a basis of claiming a territory.

Tibet was never a part of India. One of the holiest sites of Hindus is in Tibet, but then again the holiest site of all the Buddhists in the world is in India.

Do you know who the author is? Brigadier Man Mohan Sharma who served the army for 30 years from 1954 to 1985. Coming from the army background, are you going to challenge what the upper echelon of the army thinks?

The book categorically claims Aryans once lived in Tibet. Now, are you with the Aryans or against the Aryans? Don't you want to see an Aryanized Tibet?
says the chinese where women are dragged out from their bed and even if she is 9 months pregnant , the baby is killed in uterus so it comes out dead . but as i said , born slaves do not dare squeak to offend their masters , so it's ok as we all know if you will write a single thing against chinese govt here , you might find yourself in concentration camp somewhere in TIBET .

Good point.

The biggest genocide in the history of mankind is done by the Chinese Govt itself by its forced population control. The slavish Chinese may not understand it today but one day they will (I hope) realize what their dictators have done to them that no other dictator from any other country in the history has ever done. Right to give birth and right to live are fundamental human rights which have been violated by their own dictators and above all, no massacre in the history would stand equal to the systematic ethnocide committed by the Chinese govt in the name of reducing population.

Chinese will realize that their worst enemy would not have done such ethnocide that their own dictatorial Govt has done.
The Maoist is the on verge to make a comeback in China, and our current leader Xi Jinping is a Neo-Maoist.

China doesn't need any religion, what it needs is a strong Communist belief.

A China without Communism fears the World, while the World fears a China with Communism!!!

So, ChineseTiger1986, still you can't figure out what communism is? Earlier I asked you to give a single sentence definition of communism which you had been boasting all along. Are you sure you know what communism is? Are you sure you can define it?

I really want to know what that communism is and how it will enable China to scare off the enemies.
Good point.

The biggest genocide in the history of mankind is done by the Chinese Govt itself by its forced population control. The slavish Chinese may not understand it today but one day they will (I hope) realize what their dictators have done to them that no other dictator from any other country in the history has ever done. Right to give birth and right to live are fundamental human rights which have been violated by their own dictators and above all, no massacre in the history would stand equal to the systematic ethnocide committed by the Chinese govt in the name of reducing population.

Chinese will realize that their worst enemy would not have done such ethnocide that their own dictatorial Govt has done.

excellent point . actually friend i doubt they will take a stand against their govt ever , because of systematic eradication of all traits necessary to fight injustice .their soul is already broken , and so they will never raise a voice against govt control. their govt controls media and it controls them , they don't stand a chance .
Do you know who the author is? Brigadier Man Mohan Sharma who served the army for 30 years from 1954 to 1985. Coming from the army background, are you going to challenge what the upper echelon of the army thinks?

The book categorically claims Aryans once lived in Tibet. Now, are you with the Aryans or against the Aryans? Don't you want to see an Aryanized Tibet?

If we start taking each and every person who served in uniform for granted then we will end up living in a world which hates itself. I don't know his motive, but he got his history wrong. He is a soldier not a historian.
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