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lhasa...Beijing...We will be there

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An Indian who went to Lhasa in 1962.


An Indian who showed the Reds the consequences in 1962. :azn:


What are you trying to prove?
by Lhasa and Bejing they don't mean the boots of IA soldiers in reality it means our nuclear tipped missiles should the belligerent commies decide to try anything but they are too scared since they were butt fcuked in 67 the Chinese managed to backstab India in 62 when it did not even have a division on its borders yet today they cannot do the same otherwise they're citizens will have glow in the dark features from the fallout ;)
by Lhasa and Bejing they don't mean the boots of IA soldiers in reality it means our nuclear tipped missiles should the belligerent commies decide to try anything but they are too scared since they were butt fcuked in 67 the Chinese managed to backstab India in 62 when it did not even have a division on its borders yet today they cannot do the same otherwise they're citizens will have glow in the dark features from the fallout ;)

>> acts like china dont have more/bigger/longer ranged/more reliable/better tested/larger number of platforms/thermo nuclear weapons

in addition, peace = they're too scared to do anything? so would the same apply for india?
>> acts like china dont have more/bigger/longer ranged/more reliable/better tested/larger number of platforms/thermo nuclear weapons

in addition, peace = they're too scared to do anything? so would the same apply for india?

Second Artillery's toys are generally smaller and lighter but more powerful than their indian counterparts.
>> acts like china dont have more/bigger/longer ranged/more reliable/better tested/larger number of platforms/thermo nuclear weapons

in addition, peace = they're too scared to do anything? so would the same apply for india?

when did i say that? you take us down we will bring you with us think of it that way thats why your nation refuses to try its luck again

your label your sorry belligerent a$$es with peace? give me a fcuking break thats like Cameroon labeling itself world's most democratic nation :lol:
Second Artillery's toys are generally smaller and lighter but more powerful than their indian counterparts.

Lol ..but what's the use of those 'toys' with Major gens like these who could not even climb two flight of stairs without collapsing under their own weight..? :lol:


p.s.:- This is Mao's grandson - the youngest Maj. Gen in the 'badasss' PLA..:cheesy:
The signboard is in poor taste, but i'm sure PLA has something of the sort to boost the moral of its troops
The signboard is in poor taste, but i'm sure PLA has something of the sort to boost the moral of its troops

What's ther in poor taste ?

We are not exactly friends..I mean India and china..right ?

Things like these need to be done if the soldiers are to be kept in high spirits..they need to know they are not made pawn in the political games....
Lol ..but what's the use of those 'toys' with Major gens like these who could not even climb two flight of stairs without collapsing under their own weight..? :lol:


p.s.:- This is Mao's grandson - the youngest Maj. Gen in the 'badasss' PLA..:cheesy:

put this guy in a 1v1 against Sarabjit Singh dhillon this fat A$$ will find a hard time urinating correctly
Lol ..but what's the use of those 'toys' with Major gens like these who could not even climb two flight of stairs without collapsing under their own weight..? :lol:


p.s.:- This is Mao's grandson - the youngest Maj. Gen in the 'badasss' PLA..:cheesy:

He is only a major general IN NAME ONLY.

And he won't be the commander in a real warfare for sure.
He is only a major general IN NAME ONLY.

And he won't be the commander in a real warfare for sure.

Doesnt matter - the truth unlike the battle hardened and ideologically brainwashed troops under Mao who crossed Indian border the present ones have gone soft after decades of capitalist peace whereas ours still maintain that 'edge' thanks to our dear neighbours on the West.

So 1962 - never again.

So if any of ou people
when did i say that? you take us down we will bring you with us think of it that way thats why your nation refuses to try its luck again

your label your sorry belligerent a$$es with peace? give me a fcuking break thats like Cameroon labeling itself world's most democratic nation :lol:

did i state that you "said" it? no i stated you acted as though, "we nuke for this we nuke you for that", no you wont, china has a no first use as does india you arnt nuking until we do and we wont start first cause your not winning a conventional war with china. so unless you wanna go with india is untrustworthy and its official policies stand for nothing...

and our Chinese belligerent a$$es has had far fewer wars than ur "peaceful" indian a$$ in the last half century. so yes like "Cameroon labeling itself world's most democratic nation"
^^ nice war rhetoric rather than talking a whole bunch of BS on a online forum actually do something instead :lol: as for conventional war you guys won't even try that because IA is actually prepared for war now rather in 1962 where u guys backstabbed us and attacked us when we had less than 1 division guarding our borders compared to the 8 divisions you guys attacked with the sad thing is we still managed to inflict heavy casualties on your troops despite being outnumbered and poorly equipped today these 2 things are history our mountain warfare units are among the best in the world so please do and try something otherwise stfu

fewer wars but the wars we were in were caused by another country we just defended our nation against an attacking force much more different and yes we sure are belligerent compared to the country who claims waters that are like 300 miles away from its country as its territorial waters thats like India claiming the entire Indian ocean as its waters
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