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Let’s get this very clear. India is definitely a Third World country

Nope, when the Japs entered the Chinese motherland we fought them from the very start. We never backed down to the f*lthy Japs. We suffered alot but not once did we back down to that Japanese species.

and most Chinese didn't have guns. guns were taken from dead Jap soldiers.
Truth is that India has become a "darling" of the western media, as a counterweight to China. There is nothing wrong with this, but many Indians actually believe all the trollop dished out about how advanced India is and how great it is. When in actual fact, if you dig a little deeper you will find - unfortunately - the exact opposite; hunger, malnutrition, appalling social backwardness, HIV capital of the world, lack of toilets/schools/proper hospitals etc etc with an absolutely massive population of 1.2 billion and growing unchecked... I can't even begin to fathom how India could pull itself together without a strong leader capable of making real changes. The current prime minister Manmohan Singh is inept and appears weak. India could be a great nation, but maybe once it stops resting on its non-existant laurals. Nuclear bombs ain't gonna feed the starving, malnutrioned masses or stop witch burnings and marriages to dogs/donkeys and banana trees, or the worship of film stars with no acting skills whatsoever.
Exactly, I've talked to many overseas Chinese in western countries and they say Indians have the worst habits of any group of people in the world.

This is one of the reasons western men never want to be with Indian women but consider Chinese to be similar to whites so they have no problems being with Chinese women. The whites see East Asians as similar to them, therefore marriage is easier.

Indians are treated as dirty people and thus western men consider Indian women to be like Indians in general.

One of the most shameless post i have read on this forum.
Just when you started losing ground you brought in the women.
This is the most cowardly act a man can do.

You have not just insulted the Indian women but also the Chinese women.

Be a man!!!
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Exactly, I've talked to many overseas Chinese in western countries and they say Indians have the worst habits of any group of people in the world.

This is one of the reasons western men never want to be with Indian women but consider Chinese to be similar to whites so they have no problems being with Chinese women. The whites see East Asians as similar to them, therefore marriage is easier.

Indians are treated as dirty people and thus western men consider Indian women to be like Indians in general.
Maybe you should consider the fact that Indian women are not as available(quantity) as the chinese women in the Western world,white men rather have exotic women(color not important).
Indians are a closed community its very hard for ''western''men to make contact,that should be another reason.
that definition of 2nd world is dead for quite some time now..

that definition was based on the political alignment.and china belonged 2nd world then.but according to mao zedong,China and India belonged to Third Non-Aligned World.


you know what,I've to apply the same adjective again,Chut!y@sauras....

you should better check the list and definition of 3rd world,and check if China belongs to 3rd world or not.nothing more,nothing less.

The definition of 3rd world is well and alive. The term may been been coined from a political standpoint, but for decades it has been adopted by economists to denote low-income country vis-a-vis middle or high income country. It is this definition of the term that is widely understood and use across the globe. Whenever one mention the term, 3rd world country, everyone knows it means low income country.
By World Bank's standard, India per capita income of $1500 firmly put in the low-income/ 3rd world country category. China per capita of $6000 puts China in the middle-upper country/developing country status. In terms of development indicator, both infrastructure and human, China is ranked middle-upper, although many of its cities are ranked as "high." @armchairPrivate is right, if China is 3rd world, India is out of this world.
The definition of 3rd world is well and alive. The term may been been coined from a political standpoint, but for decades it has been adopted by economists to denote low-income country vis-a-vis middle or high income country. It is this definition of the term that is widely understood and use across the globe. Whenever one mention the term, 3rd world country, everyone knows it means low income country.
By World Bank's standaIndia per capita income of $1500 firmly put in the low-income/ 3rd world country category. China per capita of $6000 puts China in the middle-upper country/developing country status. In terms of development indicator, both infrastructure and human, China is ranked middle-upper, although many of its cities are ranked as "high." @armchairPrivate is right, if China is 3rd world, India is out of this world.

Coming from a guy whose govt. cares more about manipulation of stats than anything else....CCP stats are manipulated ones.
One of the most shameless post i have read on this forum.
Just when you started losing ground you brought in the women.
This is the most cowardly act a man can do.

You have not just insulted the Indian women but also the Chinese women.

Be a man!!!

so u have finally encountered the low life chinese trolls on this forum....nice
Exactly, I've talked to many overseas Chinese in western countries and they say Indians have the worst habits of any group of people in the world.

This is one of the reasons western men never want to be with Indian women but consider Chinese to be similar to whites so they have no problems being with Chinese women. The whites see East Asians as similar to them, therefore marriage is easier.

Indians are treated as dirty people and thus western men consider Indian women to be like Indians in general.

You need a Westerner's preference over Chinese women as a token of Western acceptence of Chinese over Indians? :woot: . Century of humiliation still lingers i guess

You want us to just lie down and take all the abuse Indians spew at us?

If the mods want to punish us, fine but be fair and punish the Indians that insult China on every thread.

You will get it as good as you dish it out.

We are Han Chinese, we don't back down to little insignificant Indians. Never have and never will.

You already did in 1962, 1971 and 1975 and continue to do so Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim are Indian states.
Truth is that India has become a "darling" of the western media, as a counterweight to China. There is nothing wrong with this, but many Indians actually believe all the trollop dished out about how advanced India is and how great it is. When in actual fact, if you dig a little deeper you will find - unfortunately - the exact opposite; hunger, malnutrition, appalling social backwardness, HIV capital of the world, lack of toilets/schools/proper hospitals etc etc with an absolutely massive population of 1.2 billion and growing unchecked... I can't even begin to fathom how India could pull itself together without a strong leader capable of making real changes. The current prime minister Manmohan Singh is inept and appears weak. India could be a great nation, but maybe once it stops resting on its non-existant laurals. Nuclear bombs ain't gonna feed the starving, malnutrioned masses or stop witch burnings and marriages to dogs/donkeys and banana trees, or the worship of film stars with no acting skills whatsoever.

yeah so many problems india has to take care of .......u forgot to mention that therez another problem india has to deal with n that is co-operation with its neighbours...most of them being failed states..... like..lanka on 28th rank...its realy very very hard :( 

There are western countries who are in crisis who will jump to the opportunity of covering up with their trading partner like china.

Regarding Low IQ, based on your avatar it is evident who is mentally unstable guy posting rubbish here.

why cant we jus ignore these pathetic low lives and move on....let em bark as much as they can....jus ignore them...replyin will only increase their pathetic self esteem

I like your posts. Please don't refrain from using low iq to describe the Indian posters or you will get banned. I don't want to see you banned and to miss reading your posts. Thank you.

There are western countries who are in crisis who will jump to the opportunity of covering up with their trading partner like china.

Regarding Low IQ, based on your avatar it is evident who is mentally unstable guy posting rubbish here.

Anyone can quote any article no matter how unreliable the source is. But the dimwitted cannot comprehend that most of China figures are monitored by international banks who complied indices, such HSBC PMI index. If China stats are fakes, why are foreigners still pouring investment into China.

Making personal attack on me won't change the fact that World Bank puts China in middle-upper income country while India is in 3rd world.:laughcry: 

I like your posts. Please don't refrain from using low iq to describe the Indian posters or you will get banned. I don't want to see you banned and to miss reading your posts. Thank you.

Is this a new forum rule, since when?
^^^ I don't know if it is new or not. Yesterday, the webmaster warned shutter not to use those terms and threaten to ban him if he continue to do so. You don't want to find out the hard way.

I am not telling you what to do. It was only a friendly advice.
You want us to just lie down and take all the abuse Indians spew at us?

If the mods want to punish us, fine but be fair and punish the Indians that insult China on every thread.

You will get it as good as you dish it out.

We are Han Chinese, we don't back down to little insignificant Indians. Never have and never will.

Watch it !...I dont care If you are Han or whatever..you call us names(little insignificant Indians)...with no reason...you will learn..to respect people..shows your upbringing...disgusting human...See I only abused you not every Chinese. ..Grow up chump!

I like your posts. Please don't refrain from using low iq to describe the Indian posters or you will get banned. I don't want to see you banned and to miss reading your posts. Thank you.

i am warning you....you are adding fuel to fire.

so u have finally encountered the low life chinese trolls on this forum....nice

Yes i have and i am not happy about it.
that's not what the stats show.
Indian man shorter than Chinese. Indian man has low IQ. Indian man has bad hygiene and don't use toilet paper. they use left hand to wipe shit around their anus area.

So why Indian man make up lies and hide the truth? is Indian man lacking morals....but one cannot lack if one has none to start with.

Jeez dude, all you have to do is go to a China Mall anywhere in the world to get a bad whiff of a Chinese. I mean really, what deludes people like you makes me wonder. Reading an earlier post I nearly fell off my chair laughing at some stupid Chinese poster who took pride in the fact that White males picked up Chinese women easier than Indian women. Hello, that isn't a matter of hygiene but a matter of culture. Indian women aren't easy it seems. From the earlier post, I cannot but wonder if the same can be said of Chinese women.

Back to the topic, India is a 3rd world country and anybody denying that is living in cloud 9. Then again, if comparison has to be made, only a fool would choose the living conditions of China compared to India. I would rather crap in freedom than live in a high rise prison where the State can dictate to me how many kids I may have. And that is only the start of it.

To all the Pakistani fanboys here...don't even begin comparing India with your boiling kettle of a country.
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