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Let’s get this very clear. India is definitely a Third World country

Where we live, Indians tend to buy houses where we buy, thus causing some Chinese to move somewhere else. We know that in the long house prices in mostly Indian areas sell at a lower value. They been following this trend for over 20 years.

Exactly, I've talked to many overseas Chinese in western countries and they say Indians have the worst habits of any group of people in the world.

This is one of the reasons western men never want to be with Indian women but consider Chinese to be similar to whites so they have no problems being with Chinese women. The whites see East Asians as similar to them, therefore marriage is easier.

Indians are treated as dirty people and thus western men consider Indian women to be like Indians in general.
Exactly, I've talked to many overseas Chinese in western countries and they say Indians have the worst habits of any group of people in the world.

This is one of the reasons western men never want to be with Indian women but consider Chinese to be similar to whites so they have no problems being with Chinese women. The whites see East Asians as similar to them, therefore marriage is easier.

Indians are treated as dirty people and thus western men consider Indian women to be like Indians in general.

Well I think western men who are into east Asian women are losers, and another topic. But to be honest, I never dealt with the younger generation indian women with bad hygiene. but with the Indian men unfortunately I have to work with them and I don't like their B.O. and their lack of regards for proper basic hygiene. Also they look down upon female co-workers or look at the younger ones with a lustful stare.
Indians are known to be low class and pretty dirty people in general.

Indians look upto China as India follows and copies everything we do. This shows Indians are inferior to us.

While we consider Indians to be backward people that do the most vile and disgusting things. And it's not just a few Indians, its the entire Indian population that does it.

@Oscar, @Aeronaut
moderators should start taking notice, and members should start reporting post more often....

Request to members would be to be civil, try to have real conversations within the realm of decency.... linguistic demeanor often reflects upbringing, and all of this India bashing just reflects extreme prejudice without any substantial reasons.
There.....one more C- OCD.
Completely with you now, this is an obsessive compulsive disorder.:lol:
We just respond to Indians trolling and abusing us. We never start trolling, it's always the Indians that start it.

We just defend ourselves.

Your point of view is pretty clear. I dont consider your post as trolling, it's just that sense of decency is lost and is purely offensive. I doubt you would use such language in real life to generalise another human being, so I am stumped why would you use such words to describe fellow members and insult their nationality.

I am well aware of shortcomings of my nation, our poverty and lack of resources, but is there a need to rub these conditions into the faces of fellow countrymen just to showcase the newly acquired chinese economic stature. I am sure there are shortcomings in every nation but identifying an entire nation based on those shortcomings is petty, immature and offensive.

I fail to understand any contribution such posts bring to any discourse. We are here to learn about each other, but just insulting one another makes individual members look foolish, arrogant and juvenile. If you are here to contribute positively, I would recommend to desist from two things; 1>insulting other nationalities and individuals, 2> Replying to juvenile post (which I hope am not doing right now).
Exactly, I've talked to many overseas Chinese in western countries and they say Indians have the worst habits of any group of people in the world.

This is one of the reasons western men never want to be with Indian women but consider Chinese to be similar to whites so they have no problems being with Chinese women. The whites see East Asians as similar to them, therefore marriage is easier.

Indians are treated as dirty people and thus western men consider Indian women to be like Indians in general.

I guess that explains my point no. 32. "World's largest supplier of prostitutes, contributing as much as 6% to China’s GDP". 
Your point of view is pretty clear. I dont consider your post as trolling, it's just that sense of decency is lost and is purely offensive. I doubt you would use such language in real life to generalise another human being, so I am stumped why would you use such words to describe fellow members and insult their nationality.

I am well aware of shortcomings of my nation, our poverty and lack of resources, but is there a need to rub these conditions into the faces of fellow countrymen just to showcase the newly acquired chinese economic stature. I am sure there are shortcomings in every nation but identifying an entire nation based on those shortcomings is petty, immature and offensive.

I fail to understand any contribution such posts bring to any discourse. We are here to learn about each other, but just insulting one another makes individual members look foolish, arrogant and juvenile. If you are here to contribute positively, I would recommend to desist from two things; 1>insulting other nationalities and individuals, 2> Replying to juvenile post (which I hope am not doing right now).

Just check the thread title, it was opened for that very purpose. :) You can't really reason with them, either take their crap silently or give it back to them. I took it for so long and now giving it back to them for last two weeks.
I guess that explains my point no. 32. "World's largest supplier of prostitutes, contributing as much as 6% to China’s GDP". 

Just check the thread title, it was opened for that very purpose. :) You can't really reason with them, either take their crap silently or give it back to them. I took it for so long and now giving it back to them for last two weeks.
What good does that do?

If there is any space for discussion, then discuss, if the premise is to malign, then ignore.

The only reason I responded to the offensive post is because the chinese poster cried the victim card.
Problem with your list if they are just made up by you. It's not real. My list is agreed by pretty much the whole world regarding India and definitely that's exactly how vast majority of Chinese look at India. Most Indians consider China to be very successful and look up to us and admire us and want to be like us, therefore your list is just a list made for anti-China people. Doesn't represent the vast majority of Indians like my list represents the vast majority of Chinese view on India.

Indians are known to be low class and pretty dirty people in general.
That's why my list is accurate.

Indians look upto China as India follows and copies everything we do. This shows Indians are inferior to us. We don't follow Indians and don't even bother talking about Indians except once every blue moon.

Indians see us as a superior country and superior people and India wants to be as important as us.

While we consider Indians to be backward people that do the most vile and disgusting things. And it's not just a few Indians, its the entire Indian population that does it. While we may have the odd bad apple here and there you can point to, our population is very advanced which is why Indians want to be like us whether you like to admit it or not.

Indians see China as a similar sized population to India but China is way more advanced in every area. We also beat India in war so Indians are curious to what's going on in China asking themselves why is China, another similar sized population so far advanced than India. Indians wants to know why and copy what's successful in China.

This is why China is discussed everywhere in India and among Indians while Chinese never waste our breath talking about India. We talk about the USA, while India talk about us.

My list is pretty much the world's view about China, I can provide international links for each point, just ask if you have any doubt about any of the points. Only problem with my list is that it is not complete, it should cross 100.

And no, we Indians don't want to be slaves like you.

@Oscar @Aeronaut

We just respond to Indians trolling and abusing us. We never start trolling, it's always the Indians that start it.

We just defend ourselves.
India is a liability for this planet. They contribute nothing to this world yet want to steal land and resources.

All South Asians countries should form a regional union that excludes India and include China. When we come into the picture, Indians run for cover. They fear us.

This was a comment you made in the morning in one thread.Not a single Indian even posted anything before you,forget about abusing your Nationality. The problem is pathetic trolls like you always get away even after belching outright lies and abuses.
This was a comment you made in the morning in one thread.Not a single Indian even posted anything before you,forget about abusing your Nationality. The problem is pathetic trolls like you always get away even after belching outright lies and abuses.

No need to refer to other threads, just check post no. 15 on the first page of this thread only, there he started with his 27 pointers without any such provocation. And this fellow is doing this for months, nothing happens to him, no matter how many times you report.
No need to refer to other threads, just check post no. 15 on the first page of this thread only, there he started with his 27 pointers without any such provocation. And this fellow is doing this for months, nothing happens to him, no matter how many times you report.

Actually after reading the headlines I didn't even bothered to read at all. These kind of threads are just booby traps for Indians who often get emotional after the constant abuses by these Chinese falseflaggers and end up in getting banned while the real flamers get away with minor warnings. But this fellow seems crossing every limit today.

PS: No comments needed if India is a liability on this planet or not but these trolls are definitely liability of this very forum :lol:
No need to refer to other threads, just check post no. 15 on the first page of this thread only, there he started with his 27 pointers without any such provocation. And this fellow is doing this for months, nothing happens to him, no matter how many times you report.

You want us to just lie down and take all the abuse Indians spew at us?

If the mods want to punish us, fine but be fair and punish the Indians that insult China on every thread.

You will get it as good as you dish it out.

We are Han Chinese, we don't back down to little insignificant Indians. Never have and never will.
You want us to just lie down and take all the abuse Indians spew at us?

If the mods want to punish us, fine but be fair and punish the Indians that insult China on every thread.

You will get it as good as you dish it out.

We are Han Chinese, we don't back down to little insignificant Indians. Never have and never will.

We know, you only "back down" to mighty Japanese.
Chinese women chose western over Chinese men for obvious reasons. Chinese men are the , u know, not boyfriend, marriage type kind of people physically,both in looks and size, so obviously given a chance Chinese women run for other better options.

same is not the case with Indian guys who sometimes look much better than whites and the reason why Indian girl stick to and fall in love with Indian guys over whites and we would be upset if the other trend starts. i hope that clears your point Chinese men
that's not what the stats show.
Indian man shorter than Chinese. Indian man has low IQ. Indian man has bad hygiene and don't use toilet paper. they use left hand to wipe shit around their anus area.

So why Indian man make up lies and hide the truth? is Indian man lacking morals....but one cannot lack if one has none to start with.
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