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Let’s get this very clear. India is definitely a Third World country

An excellent article by a wise Indian.

We Chinese have been saying this every time but Indian members refuse to listen to us. This article sums up exactly how we look at India and Indians. I'm going to be brutally honest with what I'm going to say, so don't take it so personally. I have nothing against Indians but I will point out what we really think of Indians so its just out there and we can discuss it. So please, don't get mad, just stating a few observations relating to the topic.

Ok, here goes.

When we think of Indians, we think of the following:

1) rape.
2) poverty.
3) defecation.
4) illiteracy.
5) malnutrition.
6) boasting.
7) rubbish all over the streets.
8) bad habit of staring.
9) arrogant.
10) worst corruption.
11) can't win 1 gold medal @ Olympics.
12) curry munchers.
13) fake democracy run by the Gandhi family and led by an Italian woman.
14) tabloid media that exaggerates.
15) deplorable human rights.
16) separatist groups all across the country.
17) a union of 34 countries glued together by Britain.
18) fully colonised by Britain.
19) used as slaves by Britain leading to groups like Fiji-Indians.
20) Operation Blue Star in 1984 crushed Sikhs and destroyed the Golden Temple.
21) low IQ.
22) failing PISA tests.
23) import every weapon.
24) use foreign components and claim its an indigenous weapon.
25) lost to us in 1962 war.
26) religion fanatics that worship cows.
27) unhygienic and dirty people.

Don't take offence to this but I'm just being brutally honest.

These are some of the reasons why India is a defeated nation in our eyes and thus look down upon Indians as very backward humans living in a 3rd world country.

Again, please don't take it the wrong way for my honesty.

That is a wonder of your Chinese Education. Where Whole world see India a vibrant democracy and future super power, I am not surprised that you and others like you think that way out of jealousy.
There seems to be an exaggerated sense of pride – bordering on delusion – among at least some of India's educated "elite". Some of them claim that India – a Third World nation by ALL objective standards – is already a world super-power! If only wishes were horses.
Note that, as I wrote in the past on this blog, India is "Third World, even though most of its people are first rate." The fact of the matter is that it is not the people but their leaders – and it is not what they do but the systems they create – that matter. India has a deeply problematic governance system that leads to the worst possible outcome for its millions of people. Instead of being ENORMOUSLY WEALTHY and HONEST as a nation, they have been converted into the garbage bin of the world. A more filthy part of the world can't be imagined – physically and (at least as far is governance is concerned) morally. [See pics here]
True, at one time I too used to be annoyed with this term, "Third World". But then I discovered that there is a huge difference between a developing country and a Third World country. A developing country genuinely aspires to develop. Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea – 50 years ago – were developing countries. They sought to apply world-best policies and create HONEST societies. Hong Kong and Singapore are more honest than even the well known Western societies. But India was a Third World country from day one, or at least after Sardar Patels' death. Third World countries are genuinely third rate in virtually every way. They are arrogant and refuse to learn. They boast about tiny worthless "victories". They delude themselves at every step. Their deplorable performance in virtually everything tells the true story about them. 40 years after Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong rose to wealth from virtually nothing, India remains a miserable mess. And struts about on the world stage imagining itself to be a peacock!
If anyone thinks that India is not a third rate country today – then please read on!
I cite (as one of many such examples) the recent comments made by Ravi – a highly educated, active and otherwise highly perceptive commentator on this blog. In the past some of Ravi's comments have been very perceptive, such as this one: "Very useful article Sanjeev. Really enjoyed it. Its true that critical thinking is lacking in even educated people nowadays." Clearly, Ravi appreciates the need for greater objective critical thinking. (Or at least that is what this comment implies). So far so good.
But then Ravi posted four comments (on four different blog posts on the same issue – that India is apparently not a Third World nation) that made me pause. I decided to publish all his comments separately. They are published below, along with my analysis.
In my view, denying that India is a Third World country – as Ravi desperately seeks to do - doesn't hide the truth about India. Satyameva jayate. The Truth Always Triumphs. You can't hide the truth.
Anyone without coloured glasses can see the obvious reality of India – daily, along any railway line: rows of people defecating. 55% of Indians defecate in the open even today. Ravi, you may have a rich family that can afford a toilet. More than HALF of the Indians can't afford a toilet. (Also hear what Narayanan Krishna of Madurai saw – an old man eating human feces). OPEN YOUR EYES, RAVI! Or at least your nose.
Note: This post is not written only to debate withRavi, but to highlight to all those who are educated and deluded, the need to become aware of the TRUTH. "Education" is of no use unless our young people learn to observe the truth and speak the truth. Moral standards a crucial. Accepting world-leading corruption as part of daily life or brushing it under the carpet (as Ravi tries to do do in his comments – see green highlight) reeks of deplorable moral standards that are the shame of humanity.
True, India COULD become a great nation, and MAY even become one, but NOT the way it has been going about it for 60 years. The far-reaching governance reforms India needs are so daunting and so distant from its current reality that India is GUARANTEED to remain a Third World nation under its current dispensation.


When something a definitely clear, a moron like you have to try hard to Justify it. Wonder of Cheap Gutter oil.
well,apart form Japan,who isn't belong to 3rd world in Asia??? :what:
There seems to be an exaggerated sense of pride – bordering on delusion – among at least some of India's educated "elite". Some of them claim that India – a Third World nation by ALL objective standards – is already a world super-power! If only wishes were horses.
Note that, as I wrote in the past on this blog, India is "Third World, even though most of its people are first rate." The fact of the matter is that it is not the people but their leaders – and it is not what they do but the systems they create – that matter. India has a deeply problematic governance system that leads to the worst possible outcome for its millions of people. Instead of being ENORMOUSLY WEALTHY and HONEST as a nation, they have been converted into the garbage bin of the world. A more filthy part of the world can't be imagined – physically and (at least as far is governance is concerned) morally. [See pics here]
True, at one time I too used to be annoyed with this term, "Third World". But then I discovered that there is a huge difference between a developing country and a Third World country. A developing country genuinely aspires to develop. Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea – 50 years ago – were developing countries. They sought to apply world-best policies and create HONEST societies. Hong Kong and Singapore are more honest than even the well known Western societies. But India was a Third World country from day one, or at least after Sardar Patels' death. Third World countries are genuinely third rate in virtually every way. They are arrogant and refuse to learn. They boast about tiny worthless "victories". They delude themselves at every step. Their deplorable performance in virtually everything tells the true story about them. 40 years after Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong rose to wealth from virtually nothing, India remains a miserable mess. And struts about on the world stage imagining itself to be a peacock!
If anyone thinks that India is not a third rate country today – then please read on!
I cite (as one of many such examples) the recent comments made by Ravi – a highly educated, active and otherwise highly perceptive commentator on this blog. In the past some of Ravi's comments have been very perceptive, such as this one: "Very useful article Sanjeev. Really enjoyed it. Its true that critical thinking is lacking in even educated people nowadays." Clearly, Ravi appreciates the need for greater objective critical thinking. (Or at least that is what this comment implies). So far so good.
But then Ravi posted four comments (on four different blog posts on the same issue – that India is apparently not a Third World nation) that made me pause. I decided to publish all his comments separately. They are published below, along with my analysis.
In my view, denying that India is a Third World country – as Ravi desperately seeks to do - doesn't hide the truth about India. Satyameva jayate. The Truth Always Triumphs. You can't hide the truth.
Anyone without coloured glasses can see the obvious reality of India – daily, along any railway line: rows of people defecating. 55% of Indians defecate in the open even today. Ravi, you may have a rich family that can afford a toilet. More than HALF of the Indians can't afford a toilet. (Also hear what Narayanan Krishna of Madurai saw – an old man eating human feces). OPEN YOUR EYES, RAVI! Or at least your nose.
Note: This post is not written only to debate withRavi, but to highlight to all those who are educated and deluded, the need to become aware of the TRUTH. "Education" is of no use unless our young people learn to observe the truth and speak the truth. Moral standards a crucial. Accepting world-leading corruption as part of daily life or brushing it under the carpet (as Ravi tries to do do in his comments – see green highlight) reeks of deplorable moral standards that are the shame of humanity.
True, India COULD become a great nation, and MAY even become one, but NOT the way it has been going about it for 60 years. The far-reaching governance reforms India needs are so daunting and so distant from its current reality that India is GUARANTEED to remain a Third World nation under its current dispensation.


Tell us, isn't China too a Third world country. :omghaha::omghaha:
Pathetic 50 cent army at work commanded b y their master CCP ..... :lol:

There seems to be an exaggerated sense of pride – bordering on delusion – among at least some of India's educated "elite". Some of them claim that India – a Third World nation by ALL objective standards – is already a world super-power! If only wishes were horses.
Note that, as I wrote in the past on this blog, India is "Third World, even though most of its people are first rate." The fact of the matter is that it is not the people but their leaders – and it is not what they do but the systems they create – that matter. India has a deeply problematic governance system that leads to the worst possible outcome for its millions of people. Instead of being ENORMOUSLY WEALTHY and HONEST as a nation, they have been converted into the garbage bin of the world. A more filthy part of the world can't be imagined – physically and (at least as far is governance is concerned) morally. [See pics here]
True, at one time I too used to be annoyed with this term, "Third World". But then I discovered that there is a huge difference between a developing country and a Third World country. A developing country genuinely aspires to develop. Singapore, Taiwan, S. Korea – 50 years ago – were developing countries. They sought to apply world-best policies and create HONEST societies. Hong Kong and Singapore are more honest than even the well known Western societies. But India was a Third World country from day one, or at least after Sardar Patels' death. Third World countries are genuinely third rate in virtually every way. They are arrogant and refuse to learn. They boast about tiny worthless "victories". They delude themselves at every step. Their deplorable performance in virtually everything tells the true story about them. 40 years after Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong rose to wealth from virtually nothing, India remains a miserable mess. And struts about on the world stage imagining itself to be a peacock!
If anyone thinks that India is not a third rate country today – then please read on!
I cite (as one of many such examples) the recent comments made by Ravi – a highly educated, active and otherwise highly perceptive commentator on this blog. In the past some of Ravi's comments have been very perceptive, such as this one: "Very useful article Sanjeev. Really enjoyed it. Its true that critical thinking is lacking in even educated people nowadays." Clearly, Ravi appreciates the need for greater objective critical thinking. (Or at least that is what this comment implies). So far so good.
But then Ravi posted four comments (on four different blog posts on the same issue – that India is apparently not a Third World nation) that made me pause. I decided to publish all his comments separately. They are published below, along with my analysis.
In my view, denying that India is a Third World country – as Ravi desperately seeks to do - doesn't hide the truth about India. Satyameva jayate. The Truth Always Triumphs. You can't hide the truth.
Anyone without coloured glasses can see the obvious reality of India – daily, along any railway line: rows of people defecating. 55% of Indians defecate in the open even today. Ravi, you may have a rich family that can afford a toilet. More than HALF of the Indians can't afford a toilet. (Also hear what Narayanan Krishna of Madurai saw – an old man eating human feces). OPEN YOUR EYES, RAVI! Or at least your nose.
Note: This post is not written only to debate withRavi, but to highlight to all those who are educated and deluded, the need to become aware of the TRUTH. "Education" is of no use unless our young people learn to observe the truth and speak the truth. Moral standards a crucial. Accepting world-leading corruption as part of daily life or brushing it under the carpet (as Ravi tries to do do in his comments – see green highlight) reeks of deplorable moral standards that are the shame of humanity.
True, India COULD become a great nation, and MAY even become one, but NOT the way it has been going about it for 60 years. The far-reaching governance reforms India needs are so daunting and so distant from its current reality that India is GUARANTEED to remain a Third World nation under its current dispensation.

Well, to be honest, India is a third world country, in infrastructure, in social antiquates, manners and above all in mentality. But things will change as more and more people get educated, Educated American way and not Chinese way that is

It been 70 years, do you think India will grow like America?

Its time for Indians to try to grow in another method. My suggestion is for India to break up or at least be a federal republic type of government instead of copying everything British such as a parliamentary system that is unsuitable for India. 
well,apart form Japan,who isn't belong to 3rd world in Asia??? :what:

South Korea, HK, Taiwan and Singapore is no longer regarded as 3rd world since the late 90s. 
If there was a classification of the 4th world,India would a fitting title bearer。

There is. And its called the least develop nations.


Poverty (adjustable criterion: three-year average GNI per capita of less than US $992, which must exceed $1,190 to leave the list as of 2012)

India, with an GDP per capita of $1491, clear the list by a whopping $301 dollars.

Congrats to India for not being regarded as a least develop nation.
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China was never a thrid world country because it was in the communist camp that was called the second world with the US and Europe plus allies being first world.

China wasn't the member of Communist block led by Soviet Union.
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