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LeT didn’t expect 26/11 operation to stretch beyond a day

That is ture, but India agreed to partition on the bases of religion. Thus India should not have interfered when Pakistan was dealing with Kashmir. India had to use military force to remove some of the princely states, and Pakistan did not object or interfere. Heck, legally Pakistan owns Hyderabad and a few other states, but we knew that those states are Hindu majority and morally we should not take them. Hence when India invaded them, we did not cause a fuss.

Yet India, despite being so big, would not allow Kashmir to go to Pakistan.
Again, India is the only one to blame for all the ill will and shenanigans that are going on between our two countries.

Din't get u, India send it's forces only when Maharaja of Kashmir signed the instrument of accession, so how is it interference when it's India whose territory is attacked, it's called self defence. While in case of Hyderabad, did the Nizam signed the instrument of accession with Pakistan??
we know it's Pakistan and ISI real name behind it.

proof to back your claims? As far as I know, it was the Pakistani state that ordered the group to be banned.

we're still waiting years later for you to prove these claims you've been making time to time
That is ture, but India agreed to partition on the bases of religion.

Yet India, despite being so big, would not allow Kashmir to go to Pakistan.
Again, India is the only one to blame for all the ill will and shenanigans that are going on between our two countries.

Kashmir wasn't part of partition agreement , Hindu pundits in Kashmir brutally killed by Muslims , forced them to leave Kashmir to create monopoly of Muslims it wasn't acceptable.

you didn't treat well to people you had you army general said about Bangladesh "WE WANT LAND NOT PEOPLE" , you not capable of to run what you have .
disgusting , you raped Bangladesh , you killed millions of people their , you refused their election victory , it's you who were terrorist in Bangladesh .. you army general famously ordered to army
"WE WANT LAND NOT PEOPLE" terrorism was your and were liberator of their country from insane people .

exact same logic we apply on Kashmir, based on your version of "humanitarianism" there :cheers:

and we dont even need to brain-wash or arm radical groups there (the way you accuse us of doing)
you tried 4 times failed disastrously , it wasn't hard for us to capture Kashmir which occupied by pak , it wasn't hard for us to kill your 90000 surrendered army soldiers , i wasn't hard for us to grab Pakistani parts , you attacked us 4 times and we never did .

Really? what were those 4 times we tried to capture Punjab and Bengal?
You guys are really living in lala land, need to come back and realize that you are not a galactic supa dupa pawa.

And yes, It wasn't hard for you to capture Kashmir, you guys had a veteran military that had fought in WW2, and Pakistan? well, we had a bunch of tribal with a rifle and sandles, and you still could not capture all of it.
How embarrassing fro you that you were fought to a stand still by a bunch of farmers.

And my God, you people need to improve your education. People like these guys are just making Indians a laughing stock.
1. you didn't kill 90000 solders
2. you didn't even capture 90000 solders. You captured about 40,000 solders and the rest were civilian. And that too while they were fighting a rebellion on the other side of the subcontinent with no supplies or backup. And I will give that to you, that was your greatest military achievement in the last 1000 years

Lets see, 47 India started by sticking it's nose in Pakistani business
65, Pakistan started, but only because of 47
71 India started by again sticking its nose in Pakistani civil war
and the last one is not even a war, it was a skirmish.

I know you guys like to create these fantasies of mother India being all enlightened and peaceful and all that nonsense. But the reality is that India does not have good relations with any of its neighbors, and it is purely due to its own actions and no one else. If India acted like a mature member of the international community, all the problems in South Asia would be solved very quickly, but instead we get a kid who likes to throw temper tantrums and then is confused why people hate him.
proof to back your claims? As far as I know, it was the Pakistani state that ordered the group to be banned.

we're still waiting years later for you to prove these claims you've been making time to time

there are multiple proofs on basis which American court put bounty on people like hafiz , cases against isi officials in usa , warrant generated by American court against ISI people go and read.

but you can't prove criminal to Pakistan and ISI in Pakistani court . it's like prosecuting KASAB in court where OSAMA BIN LADEN IS judge .
Empty words. It does not matter to you I know.
Pakistanis were the FIRST ones to condemn and grieve over those that lost loved ones as we ourselves are victims of terrorism in our backyards.

the only issue is the fact that india has been milking on this 26/11 for years now, has failed even today to provide concrete evidence of any state involvement (despite desperation of a few babus and of course themedia trials).....

i mean -- how long ago was Kasab sentenced to death? You have your last living suspect, the rest of those guys were whacked. What else do you want? Hang him, nobody on our side will even blink. But its the indians who insist on paying billions of rupees (while hundreds of millions of indians starve) to accomodate him and build special holding cells for him and this and that.......it's all just become a drama and not a case of terrorism anymore.

and it's sad really......i'd be more angry at govt of india -- if i were one of the family members of the slain victims --than anyone else!

We all know about Hemant Karkare and how his wife feels.
Rusty -- you can't reason with people who don't even know where they can take their next shyt.

A for effort though.
Pakistanis were the FIRST ones to condemn and grieve over those that lost loved ones as we ourselves are victims of terrorism in our backyards.

the only issue is the fact that india has been milking on this 26/11 for years now, has failed even today to provide concrete evidence of any state involvement (despite desperation of a few babus and of course themedia trials).....

i mean -- how long ago was Kasab sentenced to death? You have your last living suspect, the rest of those guys were whacked. What else do you want? Hang him, nobody on our side will even blink. But its the indians who insist on paying billions of rupees (while hundreds of millions of indians starve) to accomodate him and build special holding cells for him and this and that.......it's all just become a drama and not a case of terrorism anymore.

and it's sad really......i'd be more angry at govt of india -- if i were one of the family members of the slain victims --than anyone else!

We all know about Hemant Karkare and how his wife feels.

Sir, Firstly, I din't find any grievance atleast here in some of the posts of Pakistani members for whom mumbai attack was a "drama". Secondly, if i m not wrong Mr. Zardari himself has acknowledged that the terrorists came from Pakistan, as for question of state involvement is concerned than the proof of ISI's involvement is given by both India & US to Pak. Thirdly, It's the greatness of democracy in India that even a terrorist caught red handed is also given complete right to appeal for justice & is tried accordingly to the law of the land, by India's standards his case has taken less time than others, so there is nothing wrong done by GOI, also he has given many important evidences to India as to how this whole operation was conducted.
there are multiple proofs on basis which American court put bounty on people like hafiz , cases against isi officials in usa , warrant generated by American court against ISI people go and read.

but you can't prove criminal to Pakistan and ISI in Pakistani court . it's like prosecuting KASAB in court where OSAMA BIN LADEN IS judge .

nope sorry --- the WHOLE POINT of the bounty was for someone to come forward and present proof that could lead to a conviction (USA admission that they lack any proof thus far) :laugh:

(read State Dept. spokesperson Mark Toner's speech)

as for your so-called "warrant" --- it wasn't a warrant. It was a summons to appear in court. However the names mentioned don't even exist, they were fabricated.

anybody can say "Major Iqbal" or "Cololel Abul Wahhab Shmahab Khaled"

furthermore -- US courts have no jurisdiction on this matter. So no need to even discuss a lawsuit (filed by victims families, not even by the State)
Really? what were those 4 times we tried to capture Punjab and Bengal?
You guys are really living in lala land, need to come back and realize that you are not a galactic supa dupa pawa.

And yes, It wasn't hard for you to capture Kashmir, you guys had a veteran military that had fought in WW2, and Pakistan? well, we had a bunch of tribal with a rifle and sandles, and you still could not capture all of it.
How embarrassing fro you that you were fought to a stand still by a bunch of farmers.

And my God, you people need to improve your education. People like these guys are just making Indians a laughing stock.
1. you didn't kill 90000 solders
2. you didn't even capture 90000 solders. You captured about 40,000 solders and the rest were civilian. And that too while they were fighting a rebellion on the other side of the subcontinent with no supplies or backup. And I will give that to you, that was your greatest military achievement in the last 1000 years

Lets see, 47 India started by sticking it's nose in Pakistani business
65, Pakistan started, but only because of 47
71 India started by again sticking its nose in Pakistani civil war
and the last one is not even a war, it was a skirmish.

I know you guys like to create these fantasies of mother India being all enlightened and peaceful and all that nonsense. But the reality is that India does not have good relations with any of its neighbors, and it is purely due to its own actions and no one else. If India acted like a mature member of the international community, all the problems in South Asia would be solved very quickly, but instead we get a kid who likes to throw temper tantrums and then is confused why people hate him.

Yawnnnnn............fine, fine, you guys are the greatest warriors & you got everything you wanted. Good! You keep what you have & we will keep what we have. Boring, this whining.............
The 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks that raged for three days killing 166 people were not supposed to last for more than one night. In fact, Lashkar-e-Taiba neither expected nor wanted the attacks to continue for more than a day.

National Investigation Agency's probe into the case after the custodial interrogation of Syed Zabiuddin Ansari alias Abu Jundal has revealed that LeT did not think its men would last beyond the first night but were amazed how they held their own against elite forces who took three days to neutralize them.

In fact, after the first day of the attacks, the terror outfit was a bit jittery given the international focus on the event. Both the LeT and its patrons in the ISI had started realizing that too much attention on the terror outfit could be counter-productive.

"The euphoria gave way to fear within one day. There was talk among LeT bosses that too much international exposure could be counter-productive. And it did. LeT is under far greater pressure even in Pakistan than it was before the Mumbai attacks. From an enemy of India, it became an enemy of most of the West," said a source.

According to sources, though the LeT had given the 10 terrorists who attacked Mumbai commando training and asked them to hold fort by taking hostages for as long as possible, it expected them to be neutralized by Indian forces such as the National Security Guard (NSG) on the first night itself. It had hinged its hopes, sources said, in the first burst of violence unleashed by the terrorists at CST station and Taj hotel as it would cause maximum damage in minimum time. However, the delay in reaching NSG in time to Mumbai and the lack of preparedness of local police to take on such an attack led terrorists to get holed up in Taj hotel and other places and prolong the battle.

link:LeT didn’t expect 26/11 operation to stretch beyond a day - The Times of India

What a Irony, ISI BOSS Gen.Pasha warning India And ISRAEL before the mumbai attack about a pending attack and yet India was caught off guard. Admit the incompetence of your security apparatus who didn't paid heed to the warnings and IF ISI was involved they would not have warned India and Israel both before the attack.
Din't get u, India send it's forces only when Maharaja of Kashmir signed the instrument of accession, so how is it interference when it's India whose territory is attacked, it's called self defence. While in case of Hyderabad, did the Nizam signed the instrument of accession with Pakistan??

The Maharajah turned to India to try and save his thrown, and India instead of saying "sorry, no more prices, you will have to surrender to Pakistan like the other princes have surrendered to us", they said "sure, you say that you are part of India and we will save your throne"
And I see you are going though alot of mental gymnastics here, so let me ask you, how was it self defense when the fighting started before the Maharajah sighned over to India? This is just silly talk.

And yes, the nazims did sign over to Pakistan, they even sent their treasury to Pakistan, which Pakistan still has to this day.
Legally speaking, Hyderabad and other princely states belong to Pakistan.

I know that no one likes to be the bad, but if you look at all the facts objectively, you cannot deny that in this case it was India who was 100% to blame for all these problems. And 60 years later both Pakistan and India are still paying the price.
That is ture, but India agreed to partition on the bases of religion. Thus India should not have interfered when Pakistan was dealing with Kashmir. India had to use military force to remove some of the princely states, and Pakistan did not object or interfere. Heck, legally Pakistan owns Hyderabad and a few other states, but we knew that those states are Hindu majority and morally we should not take them. Hence when India invaded them, we did not cause a fuss.

Yet India, despite being so big, would not allow Kashmir to go to Pakistan.
Again, India is the only one to blame for all the ill will and shenanigans that are going on between our two countries.

First bolded part:

Yes the states were supposed to be divided based on religion. But they were also supposed to go to Pakistan ONLY IF THAT STATE VOLUNTARILY CEDED TO PAKISTAN. Kashmir was ceded to India. Not to Pakistan. India did not interfere when Pakistan invaded Kashmir. It was only after Kashmir ceded, that India moved her forces into Kashmir.

Second bolded part:

Pakistan does not legally own squat. Except for what they have now. They dont even own Azad Kashmir, but let by gones be by gones. Hyderabad, Junargadh etc DID NOT cede to Pakistan. Secondly , we couldnt let Pakistan exist bang in the middle of India which is ridiculous. So India was right in annexing those parts. Including Goa (although that was seized from Portugal). The people of those states wanted to be with India anyway. This is the same case in Kashmir. Even though a lot are muslims most of them still wanna be with India, not with Pakistan.
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