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Lashkar Responsible for Attack at Indian Consulate in Herat: US

what happened prophet saying ..
What did the "prophet say"?

Do you have any credible evidence that the "prophet said what you are going to claim he said"? :D

Meh...Indians; even a Fart becomes a 'Chemical Attack' for them so I don't bother anymore ! :unsure:
Ahhh ... is that why I keep seeing comments in the Dawn/Tribune by Indians claiming that PAF precision strikes in FATA are "carpet bombing" and "Pakhtun genocide" ...
News flash..he was not the PM when he was assassinated.

Still he was an ex PM. A former head of state. People seem to be satisfied with the death of former head of state. Now that's funny.
look at you and the administrator who is supporting terrorists attack.. who got terrorist mind.. We condemned terrorist attacks in your country. . unlike some sick who support terrorists attacks ..

This is covert war which your Prime Minister has extolled as an election promise. We will no longer take it on face value but as an extension of Indian foreign policy. Our response will be calculated and equivocal.
Welcome back brother.
Good and Bad taliban are being smashed together as we speak so that aspect is not what i referred to. Compartmentalization of 'covert force projection through multiple fronts' is what i meant.
I won't say that I completely understand the concept you highlighted above, but (and correct me if I interpreted this incorrectly), you are suggesting that Pakistan offer no obstacle to armed groups (whose greater objective is the liberation of Kashmir) looking to attack Indian interests in Afghanistan ...

My issue with the above is that extremist religious ideology now permeates through almost all of the more powerful militant groups fighting in/for Kashmir. Allowing such groups to function in both Afghanistan and Kashmir would require tolerating their presence within Pakistan, and tolerating their presence within Pakistan under the concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" has become a huge problem.

The focus currently may be on FATA, but the fact is that the TTP/AQ/IMU receive significant support from religious extremists in Punjab, Balochistan and Karachi. Pakistan is going to have to break the back of all these existing groups (focused on Kashmir or otherwise) to establish its supremacy, and we cannot simultaneously dismantle these groups while also engaging in "covert force projection" in terms of using the "traditional" set of non-State actors.
If LET has presence inside Afghanistan then it is a welcome news. We should use them against terror camps of TTP and BLA operating against Pakistan.

So an admission that LeT is under the control of your state?

India is paying for its atrocities carried out in Kashmir, inside Afghanistan. Send your military to safeguard your assets in Afghanistan as its only going to get worse. People you kill in Kashmir, their relatives and friends find it easier to avenge their dead in Afghanistan. Whatever US thinks is only to serve its own interest not bible truth as you would try to peddle in this case.

What nonsense. Were the LeT that carried Mumbai in 26/11 disillusioned Kashmiris or dirt poor boys recruited by the ISI/LeT from Pakistan's Punjab?

If you read their files , most of your so called peaceful counselors have order/orchestrated/or even taken part in terrorist activities within Pakistan ( proof of which was presented to your HC ) ... so it is cure you think that they are just simple diplomatic staff.

Which files ? Have you read these files ? Where is this coming from ?

also, no proof has ever been provided to India of anything despite India demanding it.
I hope that Hafeez saeed will be next Ilyas kasmiri. Pakistan funded Ilyas kasmiri so they can use him as proxy against her neighbours but ended up biting her own hand.
What did the "prophet say"?

Do you have any credible evidence that the "prophet said what you are going to claim he said"? :D

Ahhh ... is that why I keep seeing comments in the Dawn/Tribune by Indians claiming that PAF precision strikes in FATA are "carpet bombing" and "Pakhtun genocide" ...
“You will not enter paradise until you have faith. And you will not complete your faith until you love one another" but these guys filled with full of hatred .
The "rebels" in Junagadh, the "terrorists in Balochistan", the "terrorists in East Pakistan", the "terrorists in Sri Lanka", the "terrorists in Hyderabad" ... the Indian list of using proxies to fight their battles is just as long as the Pakistani one, but of course apologists for the Indian government and military would have us believe that they are "pure as the driven snow" ...

The difference being that Indian stopped using these proxies such as LTTE way back. About Balochistan there is nothing concrete to prove anything. However, Pakistan still continues on both its fronts.
This is covert war which your Prime Minister has extolled as an election promise. We will no longer take it on face value but as an extension of Indian foreign policy. Our response will be calculated and equivocal.
what election promise ... lol.. I don't deny the fact we spy you... but you guys spy us... We don't do this $ hit unlike the terrorists originated from your country. ..
I hope that Hafeez saeed will be next Ilyas kasmiri. Pakistan funded Ilyas kasmiri so they can use him as proxy against her neighbours but ended up biting her own hand.
Why not hope that he turn into another Edhi devoted to genuine charitable works and social uplift?

“You will not enter paradise until you have faith. And you will not complete your faith until you love one another" but these guys filled with full of hatred .
"Love one another" - was the prophet referring to "love" for "Muslims" alone?
Looks to be a typical bogus report for consumption of a particular nation but If LET has presence inside Afghanistan then it is a welcome news. We should use them against terror camps of TTP and BLA operating against Pakistan.
Somebody already tried this ... remember bleed india by a thousand cuts. That went pretty well.
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