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Lashkar Responsible for Attack at Indian Consulate in Herat: US

Every action there will be a reaction, remember ilyas Kashmiri... Pns mehran attack I say no more
@VCheng l ISAF will reduce its numbers but not to a level which is being said.
They will have the more they die the more pressure they would come under and soon weather they like it or not they would have to leave Afghanistan
In the end their dirty tactics will only hinder them in the long run, most of the worlds terror plots like 7/7, 26/11 and others have a direct link with terror groups in Pakistan and the world is aware of this.
Americans trying their level best to appease India
@VCheng l ISAF will reduce its numbers but not to a level which is being said.

It will depend on what happens in the run-up to the drawdown, and with regards to Iraq / ISIL. USA has to take a much broader view than other countries given its greater reach.
The nastiness wasn't targeted at you. It was targeted at the the author of the article you posted since he tried to misconstrue it as some sort of a Modi conspiracy and completely twisting the original article published by ToI.
Ah.. understood.

As for what India has gained, the world media does recognise that Pakistan does have a problem with supporting and harbouring terrorists . You can see it on their news media and even in Hollywood movies that the world watches. This has great impact on Pakistan's image as you can see with Gallup's polls about Pakistan's favourability in the world. Image matters in the 21st century.

Apart from that, various countries in the world and the UN have designated many of the terror organisations operating from Pakistani soil as terror organisations. Some of these are anti-India like the LeT. That too is of high importance , especially when Pakistan is seen not to be acting against them and is seen as giving them a free run on their land.

Battle for image and reputation in the 21st century is as important as a real battle , I believe and it's a battle Pakistan has lost. The tangibility of it can be seen in the way countries view Pakistan and the investment climate there. The results will, however, be far more tangible in the long run. I hope Pakistan realises this before it's too late, if it already isn't.
The whole "media image" debate has played out before - I maintain that the "negative image" ascribed to Pakistan (in the context of Indian allegations of support for terrorism in India and elsewhere) has had little to no tangible impact on Pakistan.

International financial institutions continue to lend to Pakistan, US aid has continued to flow. US aid hiccups, when they have occurred, are driven by the dynamics of the US-Pakistan relationship, specifically perceptions about their respective policies in Afghanistan and how that in turn impacts their respective national interests, with Indian concerns of no bearing to Washington. The EU extended GSP-plus status to Pakistan, trade continues to increase. The economic damages Pakistan has suffered/is suffering have nothing to do with Indian machinations to destroy Pakistan's image on the world stage, and everything to do with the Pakistani government's inability to provide security and basic infrastructure and services to the average Pakistani, businessman and international investor alike.

So, I would encourage you to take a step back and analyze the actual tangible impact of the Indian "media campaign" against Pakistan.
What non sense are you peddling..are you satisfied with fifty three thousand dead Pakistanis(which btw include an ex-PM of yours also)?

Point being our involvement with any proxy groups we might have helped in the past was minimal..we never went in too deep and distanced them at the right time..so the fallout on us is negligible.

Something you never learnt, before started hosting tens of terrorist outfits and turned your country into hotbed of terrorism.

You got in deep and now can not surface.

Stop with BS please. I am stating just one example how your own assets cost you your head of states. I am not equating my people with your PM. Even a thousand Indians don't equal to a single Pakistani for me who died in terrorism even if it is your former PM.

About rest of your rant, well better focus on eliminating maoists than being expert on terrorism inside Pakistan. It is already 40+ years and has already resulted in thousands and thousands of casualties.

So an admission that LeT is under the control of your state?

Keyword in that post is IF. And I don't have issues with using LET against terror camps inside Afghanistan. Its pretty simple.

Somebody already tried this ... remember bleed india by a thousand cuts. That went pretty well.

What tried this imbecile? I have said we should use LET against terrorists attacking Pakistan based in Afghanistan. How is it equal to attacking India. Do you want to say it is India that is producing terror. Do you wanna say that India exports terror?
at least we are not a failed state... don't worry we will give out sourcing to clean it...

Nah those are only meant for you and your eastern neighbors, lol this failed state is still alive and kicking, BTW in Gulf I never saw Pakistani doing cleaning job but all Indians :rofl:
The real show will begin after the NATO and US forces vacate Afghanistan.

It is quite likely that all 14 Indian Consulates may be taken out by Afghan Taliban.
The "rebels" in Junagadh, the "terrorists in Balochistan", the "terrorists in East Pakistan", the "terrorists in Sri Lanka", the "terrorists in Hyderabad" ... the Indian list of using proxies to fight their battles is just as long as the Pakistani one, but of course apologists for the Indian government and military would have us believe that they are "pure as the driven snow" ...
Glad you remember history.
We screwed you in the past and if needed can/will screw you in the future too .

Its our desire for peace and good will that we tolerate your shenanigans so far.
Sane advice : Qidey main rahogey toh fidey main rahogey. Otherwise Indian Army has got enough bullets with every Jihadi dog's name written on it. :welcome::sniper:
That's exactly what I said in my post. Read it again.
No bakwas. The source please. :)

When the Pakistani Army is having a tough time against BLA,what about LET.The LET will just melt like butter on a hot pan.The Baloch insurgency has been going on right from 1947.More then 5 wars have been fought till now.
When the Pakistani Army is having a tough time against BLA,what about LET.The LET will just melt like butter on a hot pan.The Baloch insurgency has been going on right from 1947.More then 5 wars have been fought till now.
Funny army isn't even fighting BLA.... U r an epic fail kiddo.. Bringing ur boy friends in every other to gain a few brownie points..
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