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Large Troop Movement in Jammu Kashmir: Report

Its about time to liberate Lhasa from the tyrants ... march on folks.

watch your western border, lots of juicy targets in uniform being hit hard every day... may be its a false flag by India already?
We dealt with the TTP and we will deal with this itch. But we are going to tear you another one
Delimitation or bifurcation is on cards here.

It will be truly historic as it removes the focus from kashmir and shift the power center to Jammu.

Jammu will be the center of activities and rightly so.

Their should be a announcement of new township for kashmiri pandits and new hindu settlements.
nothing new in this, talking big and taking u turn :p: :p: :p:
Come for tea...but don't smear yourself in sh1t you dirty smelly indian. Remember paksitan was taken from you as was Bangladesh and azad Kashmir
when you call me for tea make sure you prepare to lose half of your country, and tone down on your other words... i dont go around with a begging bowl like you... and dont chauffeur around all people eventually you are being called a Uber driver who is famous for u turn only....

Then india should stop begging Kenya and other sub-saharn African nations for famine relief....... :azn::

when you call me for tea make sure you prepare to lose half of your country, and tone down on your other words... i dont go around with a begging bowl like you... and dont chauffeur around all people eventually you are being called a Uber driver who is famous for u turn only....
Yeah yeah...Africa give you food.
Muslims give you oxygen
No toilets
Su30mki worship
Trump is your God
Now worship rafaels
Whooped by the Chinese
Gandoo have some shame
Yeah yeah...Africa give you food.
Muslims give you oxygen
No toilets
Su30mki worship
Trump is your God
Now worship rafaels
Whooped by the Chinese
Gandoo have some shame
you need to understand difference between bheekh and friendship... you dont give anything to anyone but only ask all the time... to give 1 billion to UAE you need to go out for a drive with bowl...

but who am i telling? certified bheekhari is asking questions to others cant be taught... haramkhor jabaan ko lagaam de saale...
you need to understand difference between bheekh and friendship... you dont give anything to anyone but only ask all the time... to give 1 billion to UAE you need to go out for a drive with bowl...

but who am i telling? certified bheekhari is asking questions to others cant be taught... haramkhor jabaan ko lagaam de saale...
Your country still is the largest aid recipiant on the planet. Come back when you wash the shit of your face. How old are you? 15
Your country still is the largest aid recipiant on the planet. Come back when you wash the shit of your face. How old are you? 15
now you toned down and that is good.... galiya tuze akele ko nahi aati samza kya?

we make friends and not take debt from others all the time... so make that difference....we donate and make friends and those friends help us in need.... we dont take free aid (bheekh) like you all the time...
now you toned down and that is good.... galiya tuze akele ko nahi aati samza kya?

we make friends and not take debt from others all the time... so make that difference....we donate and make friends and those friends help us in need.... we dont take free aid (bheekh) like you all the time...
Here stupid...if yiu don't take debt what is this. 563 billion dollars if friendship is it?

Even Africans are better than you. Here from your own countryman

I think you have a typical Indian brain...its like snot
Lol. No is changing anything. Not this time. There are protest in Jammu demanding they be separated from Kashmir proper. But the GoI have refused to entertain them.

Might be redeployment. Nothing major.
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