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Lal Masjid cleric’s interview in burqa still a mystery




This is the picture of Mullah Burqa! remember him??? Surrounded by TTP Khawarij in Lal masjid and instigating fitnah which continues to this day. This Mullah should have been hanged but instead he is now in the Supreme Court and the CJ is giving him full protocol to wage his judicial war against Pak army. CJ says, there is no proof that there were terrorists inside Lal masjid....

Thank you my dear, thank you.

I was planning to post similar pictures.

As a picture is worth 1000 words.

Allah ki laanat on all these Mullahs. Look at their kartoot.

I know that some will ignore these and still come and defend these Talib-bozos. Still defend them.

What a shame!
Thank you my dear, thank you.

I was planning to post similar pictures.

As a picture is worth 1000 words.

Allah ki laanat on all these Mullahs. Look at their kartoot.

I know that some will ignore these and still come and defend these Talib-bozos. Still defend them.

What a shame!


r u ready??????;)
Funny that you defend the Talib-bozo burqposh mullahs who have murdered little girls, women, and children and our law enforcement personnel.

And defend them in the name of Islam.

This is no different than the behavior of European fascists from the 20th century.

And if someone calls the Mullah Talib-bozos what they are "Islamo-fascists", you bring in your favorite whipping boy George Bush.

If a Mullah is a black crow, doesn't matter if Americans call it black crow, or us Pakistanis call that dimwit a black crow.

That turd Mullah is still a black crow, and you cannot make him white, no matter how much choona (white wash) you put on it.

It is typical of Islamists in Pakistan to start saying "Sir Ji" "Sir JI" I am very nice, teddy bear, softy softy, cudly cudly, why are you calling me bad.

I just want to bring Islam fascism in this country. Why are you calling me bad.

Well Sir,

We have had enough of Islam thanks to these Talib-Bozos.

So please do not spread their message of hate, no matter how softly softly you speak on a public forum.

We know what Burqa posh Mullah and his lunatic brother (may he rot in hell) did to Islu as these two devil-worshippers surely turned this beautiful city to "Islam is bad". If you want these goons to be your leaders. Be my guest. But do not expect the rest of Pakistan to be the goons like them.

Thank you.

p.s Adding Hindu-Nationalist is for those clever Hindu baboos who were trying to drag poor haris Hindus from Sindh. What's the problem you have with the specific term? Huh?

Doobtay ko tinkay ka sahara. Dare I say!

Just as expected you have failed to address a single point I raised. So this is how people get to become Think Tanks on this forum: long on empty rhetoric and short on facts.

Have another try. Let us see if you can do better than 'Bush, the whipping boy' thing.

Whoever made you a Think Tank. Seriously!
Just as expected you have failed to address a single point I raised. So this is how people get to become Think Tanks on this forum: long on empty rhetoric and short on facts.

Have another try. Let us see if you can do better than 'Bush, the whipping boy' thing.

Whoever made you a Think Tank. Seriously!

No need to get personal.

See the pictures posted by batman.

Look at your Talib-bozos and ****** Mullahs doing in those pictures.

Or will you deny all that?

@Chak Bamu, brother i am not an expert on Pakistan history so i will not comment how was it formed and who was against who?
What i will comment on is the footage which whole world saw live, pictures above speaks for itself.
Pakistan was created in the name of Pakistan, this is what i read in 5th grade, but was it this islam which we see today. You take innocent lives because government won't listen to you.
Compare the statistics that How many goveronment officials were killed and how many innocent people?. This was all in the result of what, some mullah who himself was a terrorist?
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No need to get personal.

See the pictures posted by batman.

Look at your Talib-bozos and ****** Mullahs doing in those pictures.

Or will you deny all that?


None of that is my concern in this argument with you. I take exception to your deliberately distorting historical facts. I know why to do it and this reply of yours is an indication. But no matter what tempts you, lying is never acceptable behavior.

Let me reiterate the problems I find with your posts:

1. You said that 99.99999 % of Mullahs were against Paksitan. You can not prove it. It is a historical fact that Ulema were divided on this issue. Nothing like what you paint it to be. You lied and do not accept that you did so. Just to put the record straight, Niaz sb. wrote about my first post: "You are historically correct". I have known Mr. Niaz for the last 7 years when he was an active contributor at PakDef. He is worth a hundred 'think tanks' like you. He is actually somebody and his opinion means something.

2. You assert that my first post on this topic was "5th grade sarkari school Mutala-e-Pakistan's lie infested book". I asked you to substatiate your assertion and you never got around to doing so, because that was another lie. I quoted facts that one does not find in course books or syllabus. But you can not admit that you were wrong.

3. You made an obscene assertion: "JuI and JI types were supposed to suck Hindu nationalists (HNs) thumb (and I say it to be polite, otherwise you know what I mean)". When I rightly pointed out the difference between Anti-Pakistan group of Deobandis and Maududi (founder of JI) perspective. You choose not to defend your assertion with anything remotely reasonable and just ignore my objection. Again you have chosen not to defend your assertion because it is a lie cooked up in your head.

4. I wondered why you used terminology employed by Bush and his neocon gang of murderers, and the best you could do was to mention that Bush was being used as a whipping boy.

5. I asked you to substantiate your assertion that Mullah's made an assasination attempt upon our Quaid. You have nothing to say about this, because again you were caught lying.

Do you think that you can defend Pakistan by lying? Do you think that lying, inventing facts, distorting history somehow makes you a defender of decency?

I am not a supporter of Taliban, I am just allergic to BS. And you are full of it.

Thus again a highly pertinent question: Who made you a think tank? How did you qualify? Is lying a necessary qualification for being a think tank? You ought to get a sitara-e-Jurrat for your mulish stubborness when caught lying.
@Chak Bamu, brother i am not an expert on Pakistan history so i will not comment how was it formed and who was against who?
What i will comment on is the footage which whole world saw live, pictures above speaks for itself.
Pakistan was created in the name of Pakistan, this is what i read in 5th grade, but was it this islam which we see today. You take innocent lives because government won't listen to you.
Compare the statistics that How many goveronment officials were killed and how many innocent people?. This was all in the result of what, some mullah who himself was a terrorist?

Bhai, I am with you in denouncing extremist behavior.

My perspective on this topic is two-fold.

1. The Lal masjid issue was mis-handled. A state can not deliberately bomb and kill its citizens, even when they threaten to use force, especially when children and young women are involved as passive supporters or hostages. Most people do not quite understand the complexity of dynamics inside Lal Masjid. Just to indicate this, I posted a link to a column written by Hamid Mir. You should read that. You may get an idea of what I am trying to say here. A compromise solution had been found. The culprits could have been isolated and dealt with. But Musharraf chose to use Lal Masjid as a demonstration of his willingness to act tough and be known as a stalwart and a bulwark for 'enlightened moderation'. The clincher here is that the operation against Lal Masjid was launched exactly when democratic opposition parties were holding a press conference in London to announce thier agreement to oppose Musharraf. As you can well imagine, Lal Masjid issue was used as a smoke screen by Musharraf. That is the real issue. This fiasco ended up giving a massive fillip to TTP. Just study and you would find that my story checks out totally.

2. In light of today's developments and the fact that TTP is a big nuisance on national level and in all of Pakistan's provinces, it is tempting to blame Islam and to willfully create a distance and distinction between Pakistan and Islam. There are two things wrong with it. First, this is a factually and historically an incorrect position. Some extremist elements in our society are pushing this narrative in a very aggressive manner. These elements are the TTP counterparts on the other extreme. They may not be killing people, but they sure are killing the soul of Pakistan. If you take Islam out of Pakistan, you are left with an artificial entity bereft of its raison d'etre. The second thing wrong with this narrative is that this attempt further alienates religious segment of society. This said segment is not a fringe like extremists who are pushing thier agenda. They are actually the mainstream of the society.

Listen, if a part of your body becomes diseased, the doctor would not advise you to have it chopped off. First a cure must be found, if it does not work, some other treatment should be tried. Amputation is the last resort.
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Bhai, I am with you in denouncing extremist behavior.

My perspective on this topic is two-fold.

1. The Lal masjid issue was mis-handled. A state can not deliberately bomb and kill its citizens, even when they threaten to use force, especially when children and young women are involved as passive supporters or hostages. Most people do not quite understand the complexity of dynamics inside Lal Masjid. Just to indicate this, I posted a link to a column written by Hamid Mir. You should read that. You may get an idea of what I am trying to say here. A compromise solution had been found. The culprits could have been isolated and dealt with. But Musharraf chose to use Lal Masjid as a demonstration of his willingness to act tough and be known as a stalwart and a bulwark for 'enlightened moderation'. The clincher here is that the operation against Lal Masjid was launched exactly when democratic opposition parties were holding a press conference in London to announce thier agreement to oppose Musharraf. As you can well imagine, Lal Masjid issue was used as a smoke screen by Musharraf. That is the real issue. This fiasco ended up giving a massive fillip to TTP. Just study and you would find that my story checks out totally.

2. In light of today's developments and the fact that TTP is a big nuisance on national level and in all of Pakistan's provinces, it is tempting to blame Islam and to willfully create a distance and distinction between Pakistan and Islam. There are two things wrong with it. First, this is a factually and historically an incorrect position. Some extremist elements in our society are pushing this narrative in a very aggressive manner. These elements are the TTP counterparts on the other extreme. They may not be killing people, but they sure are killing the soul of Pakistan. If you take Islam out of Pakistan, you are left with an artificial entity bereft of its raison d'etre. The second thing wrong with this narrative is that this attempt further alienates religious segment of society. This said segment is not a fringe like extremists who are pushing thier agenda. They are actually the mainstream of the society.

Listen, if a part of your body becomes diseased, the doctor would not advise you to have it chopped off. First a cure must be found, if it does not work, some other treatment should be tried. Amputation is the last resort.

You jst got me in!
Do you know it was hamid mir, asking gen.musharaf when will you going to take action against these terorists of lal masjid?
No you don't know?
What you think any state would do in that situation?
Jst try to google it , what USA has done when a so called chistian prophet done nearly the same thing?
Or we can go a islamic model?
Mecca siege?
What was done?same thing?
It was nothing wrong in taking a strong action against, those who were using hypotnized womens as their cover to luanch a terrorsit attack on the capital, burrning minstries, kidnapping chinese womens, killing law-enforcers rangers, police, & army commandos?
Safty of peoples in the times of musharaf was far more greater thn todays pakistan, including karachi & islamabad?
Cause govt was fighting the WOT in real, bt look at todays jamhoori pakistan, where all the security is for VIPS not for a poor man?
Because todays GOVT isn't fighting any war bt it is giving space to terrorists inch by inch?
Negociations were offered to these lal masjid peoples, & a sufficiat time was also given to them , bt they declined everything cause their masters wanted them tobe seen shahids?
Bt they failed in the end, cause they fighted back & seen terrorists in the eyes of whole pakistan?
Well, you may be happy with DAMOCRAZY & its dam 5 years in pakistan , which were brought by all those cheaters & looters who, were thn called democratic forces, bt the reality today is shining bright, they were cheaters & looters thn & now ?
& pakistan was far far more good under musharaf in Evry field , compare it?honstly if you can?lol
Do you know it was hamid mir, asking gen.musharaf when will you going to take action against these terorists of lal masjid?
No you don't know?

Not just Hamid Mir, most people from media were asking similar questions. This is their job. If journalists do not ask tough questions, then they are not doing their job. After the event it was the same media that was asking how come so much blood was spilt. If a government acts on media portrayals, then it is not a government but a joke. Any attempt to shift the blame from the government to the media is an excercise in futility. It is government's job to protect its citizens. It is media's job to ask questions on various aspects and differing perspectives of an issue to bring out relevant information. The two can not be equated.

It would be relevant to discuss the contents of the said column instead of trying to pass the blame onto people who were not the decision makers.

When Ch. Shujaat and Anwar-ul-Haq had negotiated a surrender, why did then Musharraf order the operation over-ruling people deputed to resolve the matter without bloodshed?

What you think any state would do in that situation?
Jst try to google it , what USA has done when a so called chistian prophet done nearly the same thing?
Or we can go a islamic model?
Mecca siege?
What was done?same thing?

1. In such a situation any state answerable to its people would try its best to preserve the lives of people involved. A state can not assume extra-judicial execution to be a valid response. I hope you are aware of the debate on drone usage by US? Same thing, even though the people concerned are not US citizens.

2. I think you are alluding to David Koresh of Branch Davidians cult and his band of followers. You are misapplying the case here. First though there was a violation of the law, the ATF personnel had no mandate to kill. Second the cult members themselves put their compound on fire. ATF personnel did not kill them. Third ATF came under massive criticism for its handling of the stand-off. Fourth, this incident led to increased radicalization within fringe groups in USA, with the most visible effect being the Oklahoma City Bombing by Timothy McVeigh.

From the above it is clear that you can not apply this example to Lal Masjid. In fact this example does clearly shows that Lal Masjid issue was handled in the worst possible way without any regard to the likely outcome that we saw later in massive retaliation on our Army, police, and people in general.

3. There is nothing 'Islamic' about how the seige of Haram Sharif was handled. Those people were committed to violence, unlike the people within Lal Masjid who were clearly divided but were pushed into a position where they had no option but to resist force. It would be interesting to speculate what would have been the attitude of Saudis had the radicals been amenable to negotiations. There is a world of difference between Pakistanis and Saudis after all. It is a pity that the commando general self-imposed president over-ruled the saner elements in governments to make a self serving show that was devastating for our nation in its aftermath.

Musharraf supporters would go to any length, twist any fact, and display any extent of illogicality to defend the indefensible. You should answer why Musharraf order the operation when government's team of negotiators had found a solution that would have avoided blood shed. Why was timing made to coincide with a big political event? Why was the aftermath not thought about?

It was nothing wrong in taking a strong action against, those who were using hypotnized womens as their cover to luanch a terrorsit attack on the capital, burrning minstries, kidnapping chinese womens, killing law-enforcers rangers, police, & army commandos?
Safty of peoples in the times of musharaf was far more greater thn todays pakistan, including karachi & islamabad?

You can not use that argument to support bloodshed by government. It was widely reported that the people holed up inside Lal Masjid were divided among themselves with some radicals pushing for violence. Why did the government use brute force instead of smart approach?

If you look closely at today's Paksitan, we have been reaping the aftermath of Musharraf's autocratic decisions. We are not done dealing with blowback just yet. It is rather simple-minded to assume that Musharraf's era was all honey and milk. Not quite so. Look closely.

Cause govt was fighting the WOT in real, bt look at todays jamhoori pakistan, where all the security is for VIPS not for a poor man?

I suppose Musharraf rule for you was counterpart of Rahidun caliphate? All the security was for the poor man and no security for VIPs? I can understand your sense of outrage, but then simply point to Musharraf's decisions and their effects.

Because todays GOVT isn't fighting any war bt it is giving space to terrorists inch by inch?
Negociations were offered to these lal masjid peoples, & a sufficiat time was also given to them , bt they declined everything cause their masters wanted them tobe seen shahids?
Bt they failed in the end, cause they fighted back & seen terrorists in the eyes of whole pakistan?

Clearly you are way off the mark here. My case is precisely that Lal Masjid was not handled well. One idiot overruled everyone else and caused unnecessary blood shed and an unmanageable blowback. You have to be blind not to see that.

Just to facilitate you, let me ask you to dig what do the government negotiators have to say about negotiations and with what response were they met from Musharraf? That should close this case if you be non-partisan for a while.

Well, you may be happy with DAMOCRAZY & its dam 5 years in pakistan , which were brought by all those cheaters & looters who, were thn called democratic forces, bt the reality today is shining bright, they were cheaters & looters thn & now ?
& pakistan was far far more good under musharaf in Evry field , compare it?honstly if you can?lol

Again, I can understand your sense of outrage, but this outburst in neither here not there when it comes to Lal Masjid. In fact politicians are eminently suited to negotiate. Military men can only make a mess. Just look at Musharraf and his string of disastrous decisions and brute-force approach.

I am sure you are going to do exactly what @FaujHistorian did on this thread: blow a lot of hot air, fire off all sorts of tangents, fill pages with empty rhetoric. One thing you would not do is face the issue squarely in the face and answer me point by point.

This is what has been happening with @Zarvan and @mdcp.
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Not just Hamid Mir, most people from media were asking similar questions. This is their job. If journalists do not ask tough questions, then they are not doing their job. After the event it was the same media that was asking how come so much blood was spilt. If a government acts on media portrayals, then it is not a government but a joke. Any attempt to shift the blame from the government to the media is an excercise in futility. It is government's job to protect its citizens. It is media's job to ask questions on various aspects and differing perspectives of an issue to bring out relevant information. The two can not be equated.

It would be relevant to discuss the contents of the said column instead of trying to pass the blame onto people who were not the decision makers.

When Ch. Shujaat and Anwar-ul-Haq had negotiated a surrender, why did then Musharraf order the operation over-ruling people deputed to resolve the matter without bloodshed?

1. In such a situation any state answerable to its people would try its best to preserve the lives of people involved. A state can not assume extra-judicial execution to be a valid response. I hope you are aware of the debate on drone usage by US? Same thing, even though the people concerned are not US citizens.

2. I think you are alluding to David Koresh of Branch Davidians cult and his band of followers. You are misapplying the case here. First though there was a violation of the law, the ATF personnel had no mandate to kill. Second the cult members themselves put their compound on fire. ATF personnel did not kill them. Third ATF came under massive criticism for its handling of the stand-off. Fourth, this incident led to increased radicalization within fringe groups in USA, with the most visible effect being the Oklahoma City Bombing by Timothy McVeigh.

From the above it is clear that you can not apply this example to Lal Masjid. In fact this example does clearly shows that Lal Masjid issue was handled in the worst possible way without any regard to the likely outcome that we saw later in massive retaliation on our Army, police, and people in general.

3. There is nothing 'Islamic' about how the seige of Haram Sharif was handled. Those people were committed to violence, unlike the people within Lal Masjid who were clearly divided but were pushed into a position where they had no option but to resist force. It would be interesting to speculate what would have been the attitude of Saudis had the radicals been amenable to negotiations. There is a world of difference between Pakistanis and Saudis after all. It is a pity that the commando general self-imposed president over-ruled the saner elements in governments to make a self serving show that was devastating for our nation in its aftermath.

Musharraf supporters would go to any length, twist any fact, and display any extent of illogicality to defend the indefensible. You should answer why Musharraf order the operation when government's team of negotiators had found a solution that would have avoided blood shed. Why was timing made to coincide with a big political event? Why was the aftermath not thought about?

You can not use that argument to support bloodshed by government. It was widely reported that the people holed up inside Lal Masjid were divided among themselves with some radicals pushing for violence. Why did the government use brute force instead of smart approach?

If you look closely at today's Paksitan, we have been reaping the aftermath of Musharraf's autocratic decisions. We are not done dealing with blowback just yet. It is rather simple-minded to assume that Musharraf's era was all honey and milk. Not quite so. Look closely.

I suppose Musharraf rule for you was counterpart of Rahidun caliphate? All the security was for the poor man and no security for VIPs? I can understand your sense of outrage, but then simply point to Musharraf's decisions and their effects.

Clearly you are way off the mark here. My case is precisely that Lal Masjid was not handled well. One idiot overruled everyone else and caused unnecessary blood shed and an unmanageable blowback. You have to be blind not to see that.

Just to facilitate you, let me ask you to dig what do the government negotiators have to say about negotiations and with what response were they met from Musharraf? That should close this case if you be non-partisan for a while.

Again, I can understand your sense of outrage, but this outburst in neither here not there when it comes to Lal Masjid. In fact politicians are eminently suited to negotiate. Military men can only make a mess. Just look at Musharraf and his string of disastrous decisions and brute-force approach.

I am sure you are going to do exactly what @FaujHistorian did on this thread: blow a lot of hot air, fire off all sorts of tangents, fill pages with empty rhetoric. One thing you would not do is face the issue squarely in the face and answer me point by point.

This is what has been happening with @Zarvan and @mdcp.
Sir Lal Masjid operation was disaster and brutality and have resulted in hatred towards Army and also the attacks which Pakistan faced after this disaster operation we lost huge amount of lives after this operation and Musharrafs idiotic policies
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Sir Lal Masjid operation was disaster and brutality and have resulted in hatred towards Army and also the attacks which Pakistan faced after this disaster operation we lost huge amount of lives after this operation and Musharrafs idiotic policies

Exactly! But Musharraf supporters never see it this way. Their standard approach is to lump all the dissenters into the bracket of Taliban sympathizers. They can not see his idiocy and go to any stupid length to defend him. They have no concept of reaction. They just want to validate his decisions without any reference to constitutionality, legality, logic, or morality. For them he is an angel of progress.

He is a liar, oath-breaker, a proponent of brut-force, a survivor, and an unwise commander. In any other civilized country, he would have been thrown in jail.
With due respect NP,

We got to this pit of Jahliyah in an effort to become Saudis. And you Sir are asking for even more Saudi-ization?

Na bhai na. Bi Billi Chooha landora hi bhala.

Saudi traditions minus oil equals Yemen or worse Somalia. Is that what you would like Pakistan to become?

Don't take me wrong. I have travelled through Saudi more than 99% Pakistanis and I have lived with Saudi families and enjoyed their hospitality.

They are great people within their own geography, history, culture, and Beduin background.

I'd love to see all those folks whom I met in the previous journeys. So you know I am not saying things out of malice or hate.

We the Paks are entirely different people in many ways and a common relgion cannot white wash huge cultural, historical, and political differences.

Our solutions will come from our traditions, our culture, and our efforts to work for our nation aka Pakistan.

The last thing we want is to go back in time and copy those who are 100 years behind us in terms of political and social evolutions.

Thank you.

p.s. Saudis culture is similar to Tribal agencies in Pak (and in some ways even more ancient). Would you want the tribal agency laws aka Talib-bozo rules to be applied to Karachi? or any urban center in Pakistan. Then my friend you are deeply deeply in the wrong path.

I quite agree with you. But please not that I am not advocating for adopting Saudi or Arab culture, infact I am against that practice. What I was merely suggesting was that we should start taking a hard stand against terrorists and criminals and be strict in this regard, just like the Saudis who quell rebellions with full force and no news ever gets out. The trouble makers get killed instantly after a court/shura decision.
Exactly! But Musharraf supporters never see it this way. Their standard approach is to lump all the dissenters into the bracket of Taliban sympathizers. They can not see his idiocy and go to any stupid length to defend him. They have no concept of reaction. They just want to validate his decisions without any reference to constitutionality, legality, logic, or morality. For them he is an angel of progress.

He is a liar, oath-breaker, a proponent of brut-force, a survivor, and an unwise commander. In any other civilized country, he would have been thrown in jail.


listen to this reality! if you dont hve biasd eyes!
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