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Lal Masjid cleric’s interview in burqa still a mystery

I have a hard time believing that you are ex-army. Your avatar, your diction, the quality of your posts, and emotional approach make it hard to believe that you even graduated from Kindergarten.

Your post is full of conspiracy theories. When it comes to conspiracy theorists, it is a little hard to sway them. They have their minds made up and can not be open to new ideas.

Musharraf shot himself in the foot. There was no conspiracy. Why would CIA remove a US stooge who did everything that was asked of him? If CIA had wanted to replace Musharraf, then we would have seen a change in policies. I see no change. Do you see any?

TTP can take any name. That does not make them partners in their crimes. The call for talks is just a smoke-screen, and conspiracy fodder for weak-minded to chew on. I have to waste my time to point this out.

Had Musharraf been interested in progress, he would not have done so much to hurt our country. All of what we have today is the result of HIS policies. What progress was he making? Did he plan any new energy projects? Did he push for exploration and infrastructure for oil and gas sector? He just completed previous government's projects and that was it. He had no vision, just a base survival mentality.

If you are motivated enough to type what you have, be prepared to substantiate your conspiracy theories.

So you seem to be saying that CIA casued Lal Masjid? If so, then let us hear you substantiate your claim.

i dont need your dam chak bamu, certification!
instead you
watch this,

۔نواز شریف نے اسامہ سے پیسے لے کر پھر اس ہی کے خلاف آپریش

Quetta: Kerani Road blast toll rises to 79

February 16, 2013 - Updated 2359 PKT
From Web Edition


QUETTA: The death toll of Kerani Road bombing has risen to 79, bringing the number of injured down to 170 as more of the critical victims succumbed to their wounds, Geo News reported.

DIG Wazir Khan Nasir was reported by a foreign news agency as saying that all the dead belonged to Hazara community and the death toll might rise.

A large number of women and children are among the victims of the mega blast that hit Qutta on Saturday.

Earlier CCPO Quetta said 63 people were killed and 180 others injured in the blast, however the toll ticked up to 79 later.

He said the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) the terrorists planted in a watertank was armed with around 800-1000 kilograms of high-grade detonable material.

He said people with critical injuries would be flown to Karachi through military aircraft C-130.

The officer said an official day of mourning would be observed over the incident in Balochistan on Sunday.

According to reports the explosion demolished several markets in the area.

More casualties were feared as many of the injured were in critical condition.

Adjacent areas reverberated with intense firing following the blast while heavy contingent of police and Frontier Corps (FC) rushed to the spot and cordoned off the area.They were not allowing people including media men to reach the spot.

Rescue sources said plumes of smoke were seen shortly after the huge blast. Many vehicles were also damaged due to the blast.Enraged people took to the streets and protested the blast, pelting vehciles with stones and blocking roads. Most of the people were busy in shopping as the blast hit market.

Initial reports said four people were killed while many others injured. However, Geo News correspondent says death toll started climbing as victims succumbed to their wounds in hospitals where a state of emergency was declared. He says the blast occurred in a bazaar located near a densely populated area.

The dead and injured were taken to the Civil Hospital and Bolan Medical Complex. Police also confirmed the blast. However, nature of the blast and identities of the victims were yet to be ascertained.

Various religious and political parties have announced to mark day of mourning over the tragic incident.



Israel = Geo news and Hamid Mir EXPOSED BY SHAHEED SON(hamid mir gadaar)
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Nawaz Sharif’s Shameful Scandal with Kim Barker

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Supporter of neo-Islamists now want civilized discussion.

Bank robbers want to be treated as respectable businessmen

Suicider Mullahs want to be treated better than the defenders of our country, our soldiers and officers.

Lal Masjid goons want to be treated as civilized reformers

And Lal Masjid goons supporters keep on writing foolish posts on the forum, hoping that the gullible will follow them and do more suicide attacks.

What a shameful stance.

What a pathetic stance.


instead of answering simple questions, you come up with more excuses for the dubious and terrorist Mulalhs.

Run Joe Run

Run Joe Run

Putting up strawman arguments and typing 'Run Joe Run' is what you are good at. That is what you have been doing for the past so many days. From the start of this thread to now, you have done nothing but obfuscate, malign, and accuse. Nothing new from you. That is what you do in the name of analysis.

Anyone who goes to pray in a mosque for you is someone who is:

1. Member of HuT,
2. A Beardo,
3. Pathetic,
4. A Mullah,
5. A takfiri,
6. A follower of Maududi,
7. A follower of Hussain Ahmad Madni (contradicting #6, but same to you),
8. Anti-Pakistan TTP,
9. An uncivilized barbarian
10. A religious fanatic.
11. Whatever that suits your fancy.

These are the pearls of wisdom that I have been able to gather from your posts so far.

I have a guess as to who you are, but that is for later.

Now can you address any of my questions to your wild and illogical allegations? Or are you going to continue calling names and saying any of the above in random order.

I should like to talk to whoever made you are TT. It would be better to have made someone from India a TT than have a subversive fanatic like you cutting at our ideological roots.
Good catch. I meant to say "Hindu nationalists on HNs" (the RS$hite, bajrang dal etc) from historical pov 1900-1947.

Many Indians become defensive on this. And try to play with the words. HNs in the 20th century (from 1901 all the way to 1947) never accepted any concessions (be them constitutional or geographical) to the Muslims of Indian subcontinent.

For these HNs, the whole group aka Muslims were just another caste in the Hindu structure and so do not deserve anything more than what other lower castes were getting.

In that context, they will not accept Pakistan as a vibrant and successful country, especially if this country challenges any story being built by the HNs.

Please do not take any personal offense on this and do not try to bring Pakistani Hindus (still living in Sindh mostly) in this discussion.

Thanks again for pointing out a term that for Indian becomes more generalized (without proper historical context).


Please dont peddle the 5th grade chaltha maal sarkari pakistani text books that make you look awkward here. Stop living on the imagined threat from Hindus to justify your nation. Its been 65 years. Your nation is under attack from the Islamists (who claim they are better Muslims than you), not by the hindu nationalists..unless you mean to say these Islamists are hand in glove with the kaffir hindu nationalists to destroy the great islamic republic of Pakistan..in which case the conspiracy theory quotient had hit the roof and I will desist from even trying to rebut that.

there was almost zero HINDU vote for the Muslim led secular parties.

This was like Hindus had formed unity against even the secular Muslim-led parties.

What was the secular Muslim party ? All India Muslim League ? Nice try.

Why would any Hindu even vote for a party that was asking for the division of India based on Islam and create a separate country for Muslims and that would result in the forced migration of more than a million Hindus from their ancestral lands in Punjab and Sindh ? That defies every known logic.

And the only Hindu nationalist party was Hindu Mahasabha at that time. Tell me how many Muslims voted for that ?
Yes, many muslims voted for hindu mahasabha.

Sarkari textbooks are famous not in my country sir.

Anyways nice try at using nice language. Evil Hindus had indeed formed unity against ''Muslim'' parties, I have recordings from their midnight child blood drinking + conspiring against Muslims meetings.

Isnt it cute ?

Hindus did not vote for the partition plan supporting the creation of an Islamic state which was explicit being created for the Muslims and hence they are the culprits and discriminated against Muslims..lol wut ?
What was the secular Muslim party ? All India Muslim League ? Nice try.

Why would any Hindu even vote for a party that was asking for the division of India based on Islam and create a separate country for Muslims and that would result in the forced migration of more than a million Hindus from their ancestral lands in Punjab and Sindh ? That defies every known logic.

And the only Hindu nationalist party was Hindu Mahasabha at that time. Tell me how many Muslims voted for that ?

Oh dear KL, my dear dear dear KS.

Even though you have again used chalta maal 5th grade sarkari school history, I'll not put that label on you.

Who knows you may be here to learn a bit more. Who knows!

Creation of India and Pakistan in 1947 resulted in many many confusing arguments. Yours is not new.

Punjab and Kashmir were the main places that suffered ethnic cleansing by Hindus in the East and my Muslims in the West.

So let me try to educate you a bit more

For the rest of the British-Indian states, you should read up a little more.

So In Punjab there were two secular parties run by Muslims. Unionist party and Agriculturist party.

Even though in 1945 elections ML won 80+ seats, Muslim vote was divided between ML, Congress, and secular parties like Unionist party and Agriculturist parties.

But Hindus did the vote block and went with only Congress.

In Kashmir National Conference party was secular and Muslim conference was obviously not.

Kashmiris when possible supported NC, Congress and MC in that order.

So you see, there were many more regional parties than the ones mentioned in your 5th grade sarkari school books.

Good catch. I meant to say "Hindu nationalists on HNs" (the RS$hite, bajrang dal etc) from historical pov 1900-1947.

Many Indians become defensive on this. And try to play with the words. HNs in the 20th century (from 1901 all the way to 1947) never accepted any concessions (be them constitutional or geographical) to the Muslims of Indian subcontinent.

For these HNs, the whole group aka Muslims were just another caste in the Hindu structure and so do not deserve anything more than what other lower castes were getting.

In that context, they will not accept Pakistan as a vibrant and successful country, especially if this country challenges any story being built by the HNs.

Please do not take any personal offense on this and do not try to bring Pakistani Hindus (still living in Sindh mostly) in this discussion.

Thanks again for pointing out a term that for Indian becomes more generalized (without proper historical context).


Hindu Nationalists like RSS, Bajrang Dal are in India, and have nothing to do with Pakistan. The current war you Pakistanis are fighting has nothing to do with Hindu Nationalists. There are barely any Hindus left in Pakistan, much less Hindu Nationalists.

You are free to decide 1947 partition related issues in other threads, but dont bring in Hindu religion in what Islamic terrorists are currently doing in Pakistan.

People like me (who are supporters of RSS and believe in a Hindu Rashtra rather than the current setup of the failed concept of secularism in India) would never go into terrorism mode like the Islamists are doing in Pakistan to meet our goals.

People like me (who are supporters of RSS and believe in a Hindu Rashtra rather than the current setup of the failed concept of secularism in India) would never go into terrorism mode like the Islamists are doing in Pakistan to meet our goals.


Your right..

They would bomb mosques, jail Muslims for liking a facebook post, kill Christians, and write in textbooks that all meateaters are "rapists, barbarians, and theives".

Anyone who goes to pray in a mosque
for you is someone who is:

1. Member of HuT,
2. A Beardo,
3. Pathetic,
4. A Mullah,
5. A takfiri,
6. A follower of Maududi,
7. A follower of Hussain Ahmad Madni (contradicting #6, but same to you),
8. Anti-Pakistan TTP,
9. An uncivilized barbarian
10. A religious fanatic.
11. Whatever that suits your fancy.


See you did that again. Slight of hand. Again. Jadoo gari again.

First you say

Anyone who goes to pray in a mosque

Then you do the Qalabazi, gemnastic tricks that remind of the famous Nadia comaneci.

someone who is: Member of HuT, .......

FYI. My whole family goes to the mosque and so do all the Muslims from my mohalla.

I gaurantee you that only those will be called out as HuT members, the Khilafite, Lafafa-fites who behave like one. The rest of them law abiding citizens who are patriotic, believe in the state of Pakistan, and support Pak army are all good Pakistanis.

But your slight of hand the jadoogari is a pathetic effort to lump all mosque going people into HuT Khota members.

And that's what Munafiqeen do.

Say we are Muslims and then inside they are anti-state.

You my dear dear are supporting anti-state elements, who are hell bent on crating a state within a state.

But then

perhaps you have no fing idea of what a modern state is.

Because so many HuT honchos live in 7th century Arabia while their bodies exist in 2013.

I realize you will continue going around in circles. Your support for terrorists is so obvious.

I'd usually quit arguing with someone like you. but in this case you are doing propaganda against my country and I'll see to it that I point out your jadoo gari whereever you bring it up.

thank you.

p.s. For those who want to know Nadia comaneci. here is the video

Nadia comaneci-first perfect ten in history (1976 Montreal) - YouTube

Nadia comaneci-first perfect ten in history (1976 Montreal) - YouTube[url]

Except she is lot more prettier than a typical suicider beardo.

You my dear poster do all these gymnastic tricks to support who?

The black faced black flagged suicider Mullahs Aziz braathraan.

That's shameful.

Hindu Nationalists like RSS, Bajrang Dal are in India, and have nothing to do with Pakistan. The current war you Pakistanis are fighting has nothing to do with Hindu Nationalists. There are barely any Hindus left in Pakistan, much less Hindu Nationalists.

You are free to decide 1947 partition related issues in other threads, but dont bring in Hindu religion in what Islamic terrorists are currently doing in Pakistan.

People like me (who are supporters of RSS and believe in a Hindu Rashtra rather than the current setup of the failed concept of secularism in India) would never go into terrorism mode like the Islamists are doing in Pakistan to meet our goals.


Comon dear poster.

See the previous post #84.

HN reference was made for 1900-1947.

Why are you heck bent on changing this thread to Pak-Ind mud wrestling match?

If you want to. Open another thread.

Here we are discussing Talib-bozos and their Mullah supporters and their despicable role before 1947 and continue terror after 1947.

Say something on this and don't try to confuse things like some Talbi-bozo supporters are already trying their best to do.

Please do not bring Indian politics of TODAY in this this thread.

Thank you
i dont need your dam chak bamu, certification!
instead you
watch this,

۔نواز شریف نے اسامہ سے پیسے لے کر پھر اس ہی کے خلاف آپریش


What does that have to do with anything? More obfuscation?

That is your apology for military rule?
Since you would not answer my questions, I will post them again.

You can use derogatory language, you can use Nadia Comaneci for obfuscation, you can put up straw man arguments, all that, but just answer my questions logically.

None of that is my concern in this argument with you. I take exception to your deliberately distorting historical facts. I know why to do it and this reply of yours is an indication. But no matter what tempts you, lying is never acceptable behavior.

Let me reiterate the problems I find with your posts:

1. You said that 99.99999 % of Mullahs were against Paksitan. You can not prove it. It is a historical fact that Ulema were divided on this issue. Nothing like what you paint it to be. You lied and do not accept that you did so. Just to put the record straight, Niaz sb. wrote about my first post: "You are historically correct". I have known Mr. Niaz for the last 7 years when he was an active contributor at PakDef. He is worth a hundred 'think tanks' like you. He is actually somebody and his opinion means something.

2. You assert that my first post on this topic was "5th grade sarkari school Mutala-e-Pakistan's lie infested book". I asked you to substatiate your assertion and you never got around to doing so, because that was another lie. I quoted facts that one does not find in course books or syllabus. But you can not admit that you were wrong.

3. You made an obscene assertion: "JuI and JI types were supposed to suck Hindu nationalists (HNs) thumb (and I say it to be polite, otherwise you know what I mean)". When I rightly pointed out the difference between Anti-Pakistan group of Deobandis and Maududi (founder of JI) perspective. You choose not to defend your assertion with anything remotely reasonable and just ignore my objection. Again you have chosen not to defend your assertion because it is a lie cooked up in your head.

4. I wondered why you used terminology employed by Bush and his neocon gang of murderers, and the best you could do was to mention that Bush was being used as a whipping boy.

5. I asked you to substantiate your assertion that Mullah's made an assasination attempt upon our Quaid. You have nothing to say about this, because again you were caught lying.

Do you think that you can defend Pakistan by lying? Do you think that lying, inventing facts, distorting history somehow makes you a defender of decency?

I am not a supporter of Taliban, I am just allergic to BS. And you are full of it.

Thus again a highly pertinent question: Who made you a think tank? How did you qualify? Is lying a necessary qualification for being a think tank? You ought to get a sitara-e-Jurrat for your mulish stubborness when caught lying.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...view-burqa-still-mystery-4.html#ixzz2L8QdbXR2


So what do you want to discuss by bringing this to this topic?
Number of people killed? More died in Lal Masjid.
Identity of who did it? LeJ, they accepted responsibility. Musharraf should accept responsibility for Lal Masjid.
Are you sad that Musharraf is not ruling? I am not, there would be even greater bloodshed. He put Balochistan and FATA on fire. He would have made more blunders.

Any more worthless tangents on this situation?
..... I take exception to your deliberately distorting historical facts.


A declared Mullah supporter is accusing others for distorting historical PHACTS. :lol:

You cannot answer the treachery of Mawdoodi, and Madni and Mullah h@r@mi Azad and now you are asking others to provide proof to your phony questions.



Musharraf should accept responsibility for Lal Masjid.

Pathetic argument. Sorry to say this on your face.

Obviously you are now a declared Talib-bozo supporter (even though you will run like heck by not accepting it).

This is why I say Run Joe Run, Run Joe Run.

You do support Talib-bozos and their fanaticism. Don't you.

For the nth Time,

Lal Masjid's responsibility falls on those Black faced butchers who turned a holy place into weapon dump.

But as a fanatic supporter, you will not accept this clear fact.

and continue your aayeeeen baaayeeen shaaayeen.

This what HuT guys do when British Police knocks at their doors. These HuT goons quickly turn into "Sir Ji" "Sir Ji" we are innocent we are innocent. Please please let us go,.

You say this black faced Mullah Aziz should not have been put in Burqa.


Instead Musharraf should have hanged him naked in front of Lal Masjid to show Talib-bozos that state of Pakistan can do to you what you Kuffar have been doing to the innocent citizens of Pakistan.

Yeah this Haram ka tukham should have been hanged upside down naked.
With head chopped off like they do in Islami jannat Saudi or the way they hang traitors in Iran.

Burqa was oh so softy softy slap on Talib-bozos,

Yes Musharraf should take responsibility for not putting a 6 feet long rod in Aziz's you know where.

What a shame that in this day and age, someone is supporting terrorists so openly.

no wonder Pakistani NW area and Quetta has fallen to the Mullah dogs. All because of 5th columnist supporters in Pakistan and outside.

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