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Kurdish terrorists kill 10 in attacks on Turkish forces

All of these terrorist organizations same, its depends on the ideology, ideology of organizations like Al Qaeda covers a wider amount of targets, while ideology of PKK mainly Turkey, Iran and Syria, in the end they're using same way.

The ideology makes a big difference Targon.....Al Qaeda is a religious extremism where the PKK started out with Kurds demanding end of discrimination, prejudice, and some Kurdish rights. What PKK has become now is nothing but a tool used by foreign powers and your own top Turkish generals.

Kurds of Iran are not different from Kurds of Turkey, Kurds in Turkey are not treated as second class citizens but just don't have ethno&cultural rights which I also support, its not different in Iran.

You say they have no ethnic or cultural rights.....so what rights do they have?

Turks brought down the Kurds from the mountains to use them against the Armenians and to replace them, which worked.....they didn't count on the problems they got now with their brother Kurds, who cannot be accepted as a "Turk".

We Armenians have no problem with you guys killing each other......your bathwater, you drink it.

Situation of Cyprus is not different then Karabagh, both are illegal, occupiers have valid reasons for themselves and will hold it with military power as long as they can do.

Not so
Armenians of Karabakh rose to defend themselves against murder/ethnic cleansing in their ancestral lands.....Turkish Government invaded and occupied Cyprus.

Armenians defended themselves against Fascism......Turks on the other hand use fascism for their pan Turkic wet dreams.

You can cry forever about Armenian genocide we will never recognize these lies.

That is OK with me......I couldn't expect anything more from criminal state of Turkey living in denial. The AG is a curse that your government has put on your people.
Not so
Armenians of Karabakh rose to defend themselves against murder/ethnic cleansing in their ancestral lands.....Turkish Government invaded and occupied Cyprus.

Armenians defended themselves against Fascism......Turks on the other hand use fascism for their pan Turkic wet dreams.
No you idiot, Armenia waged war against Azerbaijan, you have attacked and killed thousands of people at hocalı and for what? "ancestral lands" f u, you are the one who's on denial

On the other hand Turks on cyprus were being killed and tortured since 1963 get your facts straight. I'm sure your twisted brain can comprehend Turks, that you have alienated so badly as blood drinking barbarians actually rushed in to save their people.

Pan Turkic wet dream he says: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megali_Idea
Go educate yourself on what's really happened before you start putting blames.

As i said in my early post: prejudice won't do you any good
Except Turkey is a guarantor state in Cyprus, genius.

Only according to Turkey.....there is no international treaty that says so. Turkey (and Russia) are guarantors of Nakichevan which makes it very hard for Armenians to liberate it. We won't forget how Azeris destroyed our ancient tomb stones trying to remove all traces of ancient Armenian civilization. They did the same in Baku and tried it in Arstakh.....they failed.

Armenians invaded karabagh because of historical claims, I see nothing valid with this.
We interfered in Cyprus to save our people from an on-going massacre, not even close.

Armenians of NKR defended their homes.....Turkey used a fabricated pretext (Turkey created disturbances against the Turks in Cyprus) to justify invasion of Cyprus knowing Greeks are still too weak to check.
No you idiot, Armenia waged war against Azerbaijan, you have attacked and killed thousands of people at hocalı and for what? "ancestral lands" f u, you are the one who's on denial

It shows who is the real idiot here.....the NKR conflict was between Republic of Azerbaijan and the ethnic Armenians of Artsakh, farmers with hunting rifles kicked your *****, Armenian Fedayees came in later when things heated up to full scale. Armenia didn't even have an Army back them you dummy and was officially out of the conflict.
PKK is a fanatic nationalist organization, its not hard to see since they're not denying it and openly demanding a greater independent Kurdistan, carving an ancient Kurdish history is also ongoing, its pretty common to see PKK supporter Kurds that claiming Kurds are fathers of the civilizations etc, its not matters in the end for their own reasons they're using the same way.

Yes they have no ethno&cultural rights, are they have them in Iran ? they have same rights as any other Turkish citizen.

Well seems like you have no idea about the Cyprus, Turkey intervened in Cyprus because Greek Cypriots were killing, discriminating Turkish Cypriots and forcefully trying to bound island to Greece together with Turkish Cypriots.
PKK is a fanatic nationalist organization, its not hard to see since they're not denying it and openly demanding a greater independent Kurdistan, carving an ancient Kurdish history is also ongoing, its pretty common to see PKK supporter Kurds that claiming Kurds are fathers of the civilizations etc, its not matters in the end for their own reasons they're using the same way.

I agree with you here.

Yes they have no ethno&cultural rights, are they have them in Iran ? they have same rights as any other Turkish citizen.

You deprive Kurds of their ethnicity and cultural rights but you claim they have the same rights as Turks?

Well seems like you have no idea about the Cyprus, Turkey intervened in Cyprus because Greek Cypriots were killing, discriminating Turkish Cypriots and forcefully trying to bound island to Greece together with Turkish Cypriots.

That is what Turkey and only Turkey claims.....nobody buys it. Now you claim Greek waters.
Lol are you kidding me ? even Greeks are aware of that, at least make some research.

Look, I told I support they shouşd have them, but you said Kurds in Iran have better conditions, I said not, you said they treated as second class citizens I said not, they're same as any other citizen
Only according to Turkey.....there is no international treaty that says so. Turkey (and Russia) are guarantors of Nakichevan which makes it very hard for Armenians to liberate it.

Armenians of NKR defended their homes.....Turkey used a fabricated pretext (Turkey created disturbances against the Turks in Cyprus) to justify invasion of Cyprus knowing Greeks are still too weak to check.

You are wrong again, UK, Turkey and Greece are Guarantor states in Cyprus. GO get your facts straight.

And your second statement shows that you have very little knowledge about the issue. Even though disturbances happened for years Turkey didn't commence an attack untill the coup d'etats in Greece and Cyprus. Read some history.

Armenia gained it's independence from Soviet union earlier than Azerbaijan, You've had more than enough time to prepare for that. And your misdeeds won't be forgotten either,
At least 30 of the terrorists who participated in this attack have been killed.
The hunting still continues...
You are wrong again, UK, Turkey and Greece are Guarantor states in Cyprus. GO get your facts straight.

And your second statement shows that you have very little knowledge about the issue. Even though disturbances happened for years Turkey didn't commence an attack untill the coup d'etats in Greece and Cyprus. Read some history.

Not valid anymore genius....Your forfeited you status as a guarantor when you went against the treaty of Guarantee signed in Zurich which states Cyprus is independent and shall not join another country.
So what did Turkey do? They came up with this illegal declaration of Independence of the Turkish republic of Northern Cyprus recognized by Turkey only. The United Nations declared the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus legally invalid and asked for its withdrawal. The UN Security Council has issued multiple resolutions that all states should refrain from recognizing the protectorate of Turkey in Cyprus.

You guys are lucky you were dealing with Greeks instead of Armenians because Cyprus would have been liberated from Turks just like Artsakh.

Armenia gained it's independence from Soviet union earlier than Azerbaijan, You've had more than enough time to prepare for that. And your misdeeds won't be forgotten either,

I know it hurts that delicate Turkish pride when a bunch of Armenian farmers with hunting rifles beat the crap out of the Azeri military backed by the Soviets (look up operation Ring) but if you don't learn from history then you are bound to make the same mistake.
Yes occupation of Cyprus is illegal, just like Karabagh, simple as that, in both issues occupiers have valid reasons for themselves.

Well we're always here if you like a little fight lol :D seriously lol.

You think Azeris were some kind of super power ? they were newly independent as well, all they had a bunch Soviet remainings, just like Armenians, Russians deliberately supported both sides by selling weapons, whats happened ? you don't have any serious war to be proud ? :D
You guys are lucky you were dealing with Greeks instead of Armenians because Cyprus would have been liberated from Turks just like Artsakh.

Hahahaha :D that was good :)

We may have our differences but Greeks are far more stronger than your tiny nation can ever dream of :) you just keep sucking up to Russians
Hahahaha :D that was good :)

We may have our differences but Greeks are far more stronger than your tiny nation can ever dream of :) you just keep sucking up to Russians

Glad you liked it but you misunderstood.....If Armenia had the same military as the Greeks then you should know that a place like Cyprus would not have been as easy to invade and claim as your own.

You would have to do another Genocide in order to win it.....this time though the Armenians would be heavily armed.
Glad you liked it but you misunderstood.....If Armenia had the same military as the Greeks then you should know that a place like Cyprus would not have been as easy to invade and claim as your own.

You would have to do another Genocide in order to win it.....this time though the Armenians would be heavily armed.

If Armenia had the same military as Greeks, it would probably give Turkey the excuse to destroy it. Thus there would be no Armenia today. The only way of your survival is you stay as tiny as you are now, and continue on playing the victim, being a troll country who tries to gain sympathy with its genocide claims.

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