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Kurd Militants threaten Turkey if it enters Syria

it seems you are forgeting the fact that the leader of Pkk "ocalan" is in our prison!

the following is from his trail records

calan Davas - Gerekeli Karar - Belgenet

pkk-iran relations

(pkk had traning camps- weapon depots and even a hospital in iran)

-Urumiye, Şehit Mustafa Şaman Pastar
-Salmas Pastar
-Urumiye-Kuşlarge -İslamabat
-Urumiye Kurane
-Şeridan, Cerme, Humaro, Kelereş, Zağros, Kandil (iran)

iran also activly supported other terorist groups like ibda-c and hizbullah in Turkey
Oh shut up noob.... there's plenty of proof of IRAN supporting Terrorist all over the Middle East. You better get ready because we coming for you. Or... are you hired to make foolish post?

hello genius , at least we didn't draw a map with a fantasy " Free Kurdisan " country .... so who draw " Free Kurdistan " for them , Iran or USA !?

and it easy for Turks to blame Iran instead of their masters ( USA and Zionist ) so IMO some Turks should blame Iran for their army cowardliness that couldn't finish PKK in past decades and for their master's actions ....
hello genius , at least we didn't draw a map with a fantasy " Free Kurdisan " country .... so who draw " Free Kurdistan " for them , Iran or USA !?

and it easy for Turks to blame Iran instead of their masters ( USA and Zionist ) so IMO some Turks should blame Iran for their army cowardliness that couldn't finish PKK in past decades and for their master's actions ....

The so called 'Free Kurdistan' map was drawn up by some Kurdish keyboard warriors with nothing better to do. It's got nothing to do with this discussion and thanks to Iran and Turkey there will never be such a place as 'free kurdistan'.

Before calling our soldiers cowards do some reasearch on how our soldiers aquitted themselves in various combat operations. We never called your soldiers cowards for no reason so refrain from doing so to ours.

+ You sound like Khamenei with all that 'USA & Zionist masters' crap. It's childish.
You are a hypocrite.They stopped attacking,because unlike Turkish army,we kicked their arse,they requested a ceasefire.Instead of crying and blaming others for your inabilities,be man enough and fight them.
Do you have any proof that Iran is supporting PKK?I would be happy to see that.By proof, i mean a real one,not just your paranoia ideas about Iran.keep them to yourself.

My dear Persian friend let me tell you a story. For some years ago a high PKK leader was wonded in a battle in turkey and PKK had to secure him so they toke the way between the Iranian mountens but Iranian security furses toke him and jaled him in an Iranian outpost. When the news arrived to PKK head courtier a group of men toke a briefcase and went to the outpost. For 50.000$ the leader was free. The leader in the story is Murat Karayilan.
As for pjak. Pjak is a branch of PKK. And you now as well as I that PKK agenda is to form a free Kurdish stat.
If PKK finds it in there interest they would continued there armed actions agains Iran.
It seems that there is another need of Turkey-Iran raid on the monkey strongholds in the mountains

Nope after 6 months of fighting PJAK decided to stop their operations in Iran :)
PJAK got crushed by the IRGC ground troops at the border areas. They recieved such a blow that it will take some 2,3 years to recover and fight us again.
If anyone is interested ANF | Ajansa Neyan a Firat is the organisations official news agancy.
They broadcast in kurdmanji/Turkish/English
But I must warn you that it's full of BS and propaganda.

Ps. The website is banned in turkey don't know about Iran.
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