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Kunming terrorist attack suspects captured

5 months pregnant and stabbing innocent people to death and inflicting serious damage to our people? Should we put the bullet in her head right now or right after she has given birth.

According to the Chinese law, even she get death penalty, she can only be excecuted after she has given birth.
you don't need to bring this ancient history or Kurds into this matter just so that you can justify something you otherwise apparently can't, you know? just judge what is happening now, because history is not gonna solve it. ordinary Uyghurs and Han just want to live in peace, but both sides have extremists. i mean, just look at the posts of many Chinese members in that other thread. if i was an Uyghur reading those posts, i would get sick too, to say the least. when will you learn to separate terrorists with ordinary folks? it makes you look like a simpleton when you categorize all Uyghurs as one.

besides, all this hero talk about killing Uyghurs or taking their few remaining rights away is not gonna solve anything, it will only add more fuel on the fire. solve the core of this problem in a peaceful way, otherwise things will only get worse for both people, which will also be useful for 3rd parties who want to lure both Han and Uyghurs into a civil war. you just simply can't say that they already have so much freedom and rights, well apparently they don't, hence all those riots and terroristic attacks, which i condemn. this problem can;t be solved by providing more education, more funds to that region or excluding minorities from 1 child policy, you have to look deeper and also listen to the wishes, as long as they are realistic, of those people, that way they will feel respected and welcome. Actually, China's policy in this case is like Turkey's policy in the 70's and 80's; denying there is a core problem with minorities. if you will reply to me, don;t write about ancient history or Kurds, but only focus on this issue to keep it to the point.

You should not put victim's complain and curse on a par with real brutal killing activities which happened firstly.

And DO NOT forget : these brutal killing crime are driven by religious extremism, which has NO logic, you can't use cause-and-effect method to make their behavior reasonable.
This 'attack' was staged by the chinese government to stir anti-Uighur sentiment. Textbook false flag move.

Are you really an American?
I guess you are an American hater and try your best to bring shame on American and make US looks like shit.
Are you an Al-Qaida man whose family member was all killed by US?

What ever, you are a 100% beast.
Good job!

But it would be interesting to know who is arming and training them, as well as the location of their training camps.
Blowback for your policies. What happened in Kunming is the result of Uyghur colonialist mindset. They might have doomed themselves in the long-run - how is your brutal suppression of the Arabs working out?

Good job!

But it would be interesting to know who is arming and training them, as well as the location of their training camps.

Undoubtedly America using some proxy, probably their old friends in al-Qaeda
A KunMing train station police lying on operating table

Officer Xie Lin, a hero of 03.01 KunMing terrorist attack

Not as good as chinas' Tibet thing, but hey, china represses best. If 'Repression' was an Olympic event, china would win the gold. And silver. And bronze.
The gold belong to America, to treat American Indian during past 200 years
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And DO NOT forget : these brutal killing crime are driven by religious extremism,

Actually, you've got it backwards.

The Uyghur movement has always been about preserving their ethnic and cultural entity which was under threat.

The religious angle only came in recently, from abroad, since the original Uyghur complaints were not properly addressed. The religious fanatics are simply opportunists who are using the Uyghurs for their own agenda. Uyghurs get screwed from both sides.
I am worried. The day when they start using weapons like rifles and machine guns, they will kill lot more people.
I am worried. The day when they start using weapons like rifles and machine guns, they will kill lot more people.
The day they do that is the day they stop existing. The only reason they're alive is because the government is holding back Han nationalism.
Abdurehim Kurban the suspect's surname is well known for every Chinese.
Uncle Kurban and Chairman Mao

The terrorists did not kidnapp anyone ?
They did not hide ? And use knife only ?
The terrorists did not kidnapp anyone ?
They did not hide ? And use knife only ?
Terrorist == Suicide Attack, kill innocents until death. Their purpose is to create fear and panic.
Kidnap & Hide is useless for the terrorism, killing is their way.
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