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Kunming terrorist attack suspects captured

Why can't these savages at least take lesson from the Hui Muslim community. The Huis are successful, well integrated, admired and far more numerous. They have no problems and are patriotic citizens of their motherland.

No wonder these terrorists have targeted and killed Hui people. There goes any religious argument they ever had.
Sometimes its not about a more comfortable life style its about honor because china is not the Uyghurs motherland.
(I condemn attacks on civilians)
Sometimes its not about a more comfortable life style its about honor because china is not the Uyghurs motherland.
(I condemn attacks on civilians)

AFAIK, Uigurs are immigrants of the Xinjiang area. Their ancestral home was in eastern Mongolia. I hope that you guys will not demand independence in a few decades within parts of Germany where you will have a majority.
AFAIK, Uigurs are immigrants of the Xinjiang area. Their ancestral home was in eastern Mongolia. I hope that you guys will not demand independence in a few decades within parts of Germany where you will have a majority.
actually first indo european lived there, and then the turks came, and then the chinese. The Turks just came to Germany recently whereas turks have been in East Turkestan since around the 2nd a 1st centuries b.c. There is a big difference.
actually first indo european lived their, and then the turks came, and then the chinese.

When did the "turks" arrive there? AFAIK, the Han dynasty controlled that area over 2000 years ago.

Also, not all "turks" are Uigurs, in fact most all other Turks in China dislike the Uigurs.
When did the "turks" arrive there? AFAIK, the Han dynasty controlled that area over 2000 years ago.

Also, not all "turks" are Uigurs, in fact most all other Turks in China dislike the Uigurs.
Just because the han dynasty controlled the area doesn't mean its theirs. The Han dynasty got the land from the original indo european locals so essentially it doesn't belong to china rather it belongs to the original indo european localls who mixed with the turkic people in the area and today these people are called uigurs. The locals speak a turkic language so it is obvious who the area belongs to.
When did the "turks" arrive there? AFAIK, the Han dynasty controlled that area over 2000 years ago.

Also, not all "turks" are Uigurs, in fact most all other Turks in China dislike the Uigurs.

all these history stories aren´t gonna change the fact that there are now around 10 million Uyghurs in China who are denied of their core rights such as cultural and religious rights. just ask yourself why those Uyghur people riot and commit such terroristic acts, or are you saying that all those ordinary Uyghurs and Uyghur scholars are on the payroll of ´foreign power´? :) China should solve the cause of the problem in a peaceful way, not try to fight the endless consequences, because you and i know this kind of sad events will unfortunately not end here.
all these history stories aren´t gonna change the fact that there are now around 10 million Uyghurs in China who are denied of their core rights such as cultural and religious rights. just ask yourself why those Uyghur people riot and commit such terroristic acts, or are you saying that all those ordinary Uyghurs and Uyghur scholars are all on the payroll of ´foreign power´? :) China should solve the cause of the problem in a peaceful way, not try to fight the endless consequences, because you and i know this kind of sad events will unfortunately not end here.

How do you know that Uighurs are being deprived of their cultural and religious rights? Even if they were deprived somewhat can it be justification for killing innocent people on the streets, slashing random people with swords and knives?

Uighur diaspora need to be engaged by host countries including Turkey to get to the bottom of this, someone is brainwashing them and using them as strategic assets. Its obvious that these morons are hurting the Uighur interest more than helping them.

There are Uighurs in Afghanistan and Tajikistan, brainwashing could be happening in these countries.

Bad behavior should not be rewarded. Only putting an end to this nonsense should be rewarded, not before that.

Lets not try to justify senseless crimes by brainwashed zombies.
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How do you know that Uighurs are being deprived of their cultural and religious rights? Even if they were deprived somewhat can it be justification for killing innocent people on the streets, slashing random people with swords and knives?

Uighur diaspora need to be engaged by host countries including Turkey to get to the bottom of this, someone is brainwashing them and using them as strategic assets. Its obvious that these morons are hurting the Uighur interest more than helping them.

There are Uighurs in Afghanistan and Tajikistan, brainwashing could be happening in these countries.

Bad behavior should not be rewarded. Only putting an end to this nonsense should be rewarded, not before that.

Lets not try to justify senseless crimes by brainwashed zombies.
China: Religious Repression of Uighur Muslims | Human Rights Watch
Uyghurs at Xinjiang mosque have to face China flag when praying | Al Jazeera America
China's Uighurs: Who are they, and why are they unhappy? - CSMonitor.com
Chinese Controls on Uyghur Students Ahead of Ramadan
Being brainwashed at such a young age...this is a sad story...what was in the head of this little girl...
How do you know that Uighurs are being deprived of their cultural and religious rights? Even if they were deprived somewhat can it be justification for killing innocent people on the streets, slashing random people with swords and knives?

i don't fall for the usual Western propaganda about human rights, neither do i blindly trust whatever the Chinese govt says, neither do i trust all the words of the Chinese members here due their openly biased views towards Uyghurs (as was shown in the other closed thread). i base my words on the saying of my mostly unbiased Uyghur friends in China, who condemn such terroristic acts, but also blame the govt. if you tell me not to trust even them, then who should i trust? :)
Because like you showed Hui are simply Chinese muslims while Uyghur are Turkics who just share the same religion ( i dont support attacks like that or terrorism)

are you deliberately ignoring the 50000000000000000000000 times everyone has told you other Turks not only are peaceful but are victims of Uyghur attacks?

my mostly unbiased Uyghur friends in China,

Who do you think you're fooling?
are you deliberately ignoring the 50000000000000000000000 times everyone has told you other Turks not only are peaceful but are victims of Uyghur attacks?
Which other Turks? Kazakhs?

Refer a real source on histry, not Western/Qatar propaganda outlets that are going to lie for a reason

Which other Turks? Kazakhs?

Yes. They've also caused conflicts in Kyrgyzstan. And they killed lots of "Hui" who were Turks when they first arrived in China.

Just because the han dynasty controlled the area doesn't mean its theirs. The Han dynasty got the land from the original indo european locals so essentially it doesn't belong to china rather it belongs to the original indo european localls who mixed with the turkic people in the area and today these people are called uigurs. The locals speak a turkic language so it is obvious who the area belongs to.

By "mixed" you mean tyrannized and took their women for concubines at best, sure. And those "Indo-Europeans" were never in East or North Xinjiang.
i don't fall for the usual Western propaganda about human rights, neither do i blindly trust whatever the Chinese govt says, neither do i trust all the words of the Chinese members here due their openly biased views towards Uyghurs (as was shown in the other closed thread). i base my words on the saying of my mostly unbiased Uyghur friends in China, who condemn such terroristic acts, but also blame the govt. if you tell me not to trust even them, then who should i trust? :)

I also have Uighur friends and have been to Xinjiang, both North and South (Kashgar). China is a high growth country and the growth is reaching all parts of the country including minorities. All they have to do is learn Chinese and take part in the economy.

China is not like EU or US, but it will get there eventually as per capita GDP rises across the board. The situation will change dramatically in 5-10 years.

For not having rights and discrimination, I can understand peaceful protests and demonstrations, but slashing people and killing them? It only reflects poorly on their culture and upbringing, unless of course someone is brainwashing some susceptible youth.
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