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Kunming terrorist attack suspects captured

Here is a live video of 2009.07.14 China police shot down 3x Uygur terrorists (with Knives) at XinJiang street. A very good live video like Hollywood street-shoot.



Your video exactly what the state run media want Chinese to know.
There's a bundle of video on Youtube showing the Han people under protection of Chinese police outnumbered Urumqi streets with axes, pipe, swords, widthband knife hunting for Uighur, shops ...

Here some screen shots ( althought the videos could show more details but prohibited in China ). Other could show more screenshots for you, if they're outside of China ...

Wonder why China govt doesn't dare to face the real videos ?
I guess the presence of Western media cause unwanted videos are unavoidable to China govt. so they choose banning any online video sharings services to keep ordinary Chinese people and minorities away from knowing what happening and what the videos recorded ( sound, action ... ) right in China.

How about Facebook ? Google ?



The Youtube clip has comment : Chinese army are helping those chinese mobs instead of STOPing them
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You have good points, because stability and wealth has also impact on peace, but if i look at the riots and terroristic attacks, plus the complaints of Uyghurs in interviews or documentaries (which have some truth but are maybe also exaggerated), then it's hard to deny that there is a bigger issue which needs to be addressed. I mean those people who are rioting or do these attacks know they are playing with fire, they obviously don't do it for fun, but rather out of desperation. Hope the Chinese govt and ordinary Uyghurs will work together to find a better middle way to avoid this kind of terroristic events as much as possible

You'd be surprised how much "desperation" is just stupidity + indoctrination. If they were really "desperate" there would be far more attacks than there are now. America puts so much effort into creating these terror attacks and this is all this get.
You'd be surprised how much "desperation" is just stupidity + indoctrination. If they were really "desperate" there would be far more attacks than there are now. America puts so much effort into creating these terror attacks and this is all this get.

Yeah, americas support is clearly evident, those damn knives :D
Youtube showing the Han people under protection of Chinese police outnumbered Urumqi streets with axes, pipe, swords, widthband knife hunting for Uighur, shops ...

Seriously are all of your kind mentally retarded? It seems like none of you have any grasp of logic whatsoever.

Yeah, americas support is clearly evident, those damn knives :D

Training and ideology. They push arms in Tibet, but it's not really effective.
Seriously are all of your kind mentally retarded? It seems like none of you have any grasp of logic whatsoever.

Training and ideology. They push arms in Tibet, but it's not really effective.
If it's not effective, it's not the Americans :) maybe one of your neighbours
Your video exactly what the state run media want Chinese to know.
There's a bundle of video on Youtube showing the Han people under protection of Chinese police outnumbered Urumqi streets with axes, pipe, swords, widthband knife hunting for Uighur, shops ...

Here some screen shots ( althought the videos could show more details but prohibited in China ). Other could show more screenshots for you, if they're outside of China ...

Wonder why China govt doesn't dare to face the real videos ?
I guess the presence of Western media cause unwanted videos are unavoidable to China govt. so they choose banning any online video sharings services to keep ordinary Chinese people and minorities away from knowing what happening and what the videos recorded ( sound, action ... ) right in China.

How about Facebook ? Google ?
It's very interesting i saw that, it's 2009.07.09 Han movement after 07.05 Uighur riots firstly killing ppl in Urumchi city. It's truth there's conflict inside XinJiang ppl. But there's no any excuse to allow terrorist killing innocents or attack local police, whatever he is Uyghur or Han person.

If u think the Terrorism is right, welcome to China our police will give u a headshot for free.:tup:
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If it's not effective, it's not the Americans :) maybe one of your neighbours

Don't make me laugh. America has been trying and failing to contain China and turn its people against each other. America is a joke against nations that can stand up for themselves. Look how their vaginas shriveled in front of Putin.
It's very interesting i saw that, it's 2009.07.09 Han movement after 07.05 Uighur riots firstly killing ppl in Urumchi city. It's truth there's conflict inside XinJiang ppl. But there's no any excuse to allow terrorist killing innocents or attack local police, whatever he is Uyghur or Han person.

If u think the Terrorism is right, welcome to China our police will give u a headshot for free.

I don't support the killing to any race, you know.
I just want you to know the CAUSE ...

if everyone never know about the unfair treatment to Uighur people, they cannot understand why Uighur goes so faraway from their home to make a massive killing ...

I don't make justice, I posted my idea for the peaceful solution, for 2 sides would not make revenge to each other.

But the toy factory incident happen in advance of Urumqi incident, and everyone know how the police "protect" the Uighur,
You could easily how difficult for have the evidence defending the Uighur, because the govt, media, police ... belonging to Han .
Any media they dont want people to watch, they deleted, for handling outside sources, they banned the Youtube, Facebook

It's very interesting i saw that, it's 2009.07.09 Han movement after 07.05 Uighur riots firstly killing ppl in Urumchi city. It's truth there's conflict inside XinJiang ppl.

They did those freely under protection of policemen ... That's the clear evidence about unfair treatment of China govt.

Firstly, you can watch the video with violent Uighur only ( no CAUSE ). ... I learn that they make a peaceful protest with China flag and submit the request for further investigation on Toy Factory killing but police fast responded to hit and arrest them ...

Then, the Chinese argued that they counter-strike to Uighur ... ( seem to be reasonable )
under protection of China policemen ...

Why the Han was not punished after their hit to Uighur by axes, swords, wideband knives, bucket, steel pipe ... made several deaths ? only the Uighur ?
You know the CAUSE, don't you ?
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I don't support the killing to any race, you know.
I just want you to know the CAUSE ...

if everyone never know about the unfair treatment to Uighur people, they cannot understand why Uighur goes so faraway from their home to make a massive killing ...

I don't make justice, I posted my idea for the peaceful solution, for 2 sides would not make revenge to each other.

But the toy factory incident happen in advance of Urumqi incident, and everyone know how the police "protect" the Uighur,
You could easily how difficult for have the evidence defending the Uighur, because the govt, media, police ... belonging to Han .
Any media they dont want people to watch, they deleted, for handling outside sources, they banned the Youtube, Facebook
I know the process, buddy. It's ...

1.GuangDong toy factory, Uyghur youth workers raped 2x Han girls in factory ===>

2. Night, hundred Han workers beat Uyghur workers and result in death ===>

3. Urumchi Uighur ppl saw some video on Youtube.com (foreign someone upload into Youtube, although wrong video) ===>

4. They angry, hundred Uighur students and Uighur citizens start to protest at Urumchi street ===>

5. Someone claim riot, hundreds of Uighur protesters start to attack Han ppl on the street, it become killing innocents in Urumchi city ===>

6. 2009.07.05 Urumchi Uighur riots lead to 2000 innocent ppl died on the steet (Official said 200 dead is BullSh!t, i saw dead body pics much more than that.) ===>

7. 2009.07.09 Urumchi Han ppl start to revenged Uighur (that u wanna show me the video on Youtube) ===>

8. The Uighur Terrorism occur more in China ===> 2014.03.01 happened in KunMing train station

The China goverment blocked Youtube.com and facebook is better to protect XinJiang Uighur, coz once Chinese know 2009.07.05 Uighur riots lead to 2,000 innocents dead, our angry will make South of XinJiang become China Chechnya immediately. For terrorism, i have said our police will give headshot for every terrorist whateve he is Uighur or Han person including foreign terrorist inside China.
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I know the procession, buddy. It's ...

1.GuangDong toy factory, Uyghur youth workers raped 2x Han girls in factory ===> Your official said that rumor false, the guy posted that brought to jail. you could find again in your media source

2. Night, hundred Han workers beat Uyghur workers and result in death ===> Anyway show the hate of Han to Uighur. You confirm this is true

3. Urumchi Uighur ppl saw some video on Youtube.com (foreign someone upload into Youtube, although wrong video) ===> You are illogical, no matter which video, but that's true about murders in toy factory

4. They angry, hundred Uighur students and Uighur citizens start to protest at Urumchi street ===>
Same to reaction of Han after hearing the false rumor some Uighur raped 2 Han girls

5. Someone claim riot, hundreds of Uighur protesters start to attack Han ppl on the street, it become killing innocents in Urumchi city ===> this is the most important part of the story, let hear from many angle to find out the truth

6. 2009.07.05 Urumchi Uighur riots lead to 2000 innocent ppl died on the steet (Official said 200 dead is BullSh!t, i saw dead body pics much more than that.) ===> Thanks for your sharing information, your media is liar

7. 2009.07.09 Urumchi Han ppl start to revenged Uighur (that u wanna show me the video on Youtube) ===>
You saw that policemen allow or atleast made less effort to avoid them to do so, that cause many damage to Uighur lives and their shops.

8. The Uighur Terrorism occur more in China ===> 2014.03.01 happened in KunMing train station

This posted everywhere, no limit showing how the Uighur people be terrorism ... I dont support those killings, and the mistake policy of China govt. unfair to minorities, while protect the Han
I know the procession, buddy. It's ...

1.GuangDong toy factory, Uyghur youth workers raped 2x Han girls in factory ===> Your official said that rumor false, the guy posted that brought to jail. you could find again in your media source

2. Night, hundred Han workers beat Uyghur workers and result in death ===> Anyway show the hate of Han to Uighur. You confirm this is true

3. Urumchi Uighur ppl saw some video on Youtube.com (foreign someone upload into Youtube, although wrong video) ===> You are illogical, no matter which video, but that's true about murders in toy factory

4. They angry, hundred Uighur students and Uighur citizens start to protest at Urumchi street ===>
Same to reaction of Han after hearing the false rumor some Uighur raped 2 Han girls

5. Someone claim riot, hundreds of Uighur protesters start to attack Han ppl on the street, it become killing innocents in Urumchi city ===> this is the most important part of the story, let hear from many angle to find out the truth

6. 2009.07.05 Urumchi Uighur riots lead to 2000 innocent ppl died on the steet (Official said 200 dead is BullSh!t, i saw dead body pics much more than that.) ===> Thanks for your sharing information, your media is liar

7. 2009.07.09 Urumchi Han ppl start to revenged Uighur (that u wanna show me the video on Youtube) ===>
You saw that policemen allow or atleast made less effort to avoid them to do so, that cause many damage to Uighur lives and their shops.

8. The Uighur Terrorism occur more in China ===> 2014.03.01 happened in KunMing train station

This posted everywhere, no limit showing how the Uighur people be terrorism ... I dont support those killings, and the mistake policy of China govt. unfair to minorities, while protect the Han
Did u ever visited China XinJiang, how many ppl u talked with Uyghur and XinJiang Han ? U just talked bullsh!t seen from Youtube.com.
lol BoQ77 believes China's media when it suits his retarded biases. The Uyghur rape was NOT a rumor. It's common behavior for them.
I also have Uighur friends and have been to Xinjiang, both North and South (Kashgar). China is a high growth country and the growth is reaching all parts of the country including minorities. All they have to do is learn Chinese and take part in the economy.

China is not like EU or US, but it will get there eventually as per capita GDP rises across the board. The situation will change dramatically in 5-10 years.

For not having rights and discrimination, I can understand peaceful protests and demonstrations, but slashing people and killing them? It only reflects poorly on their culture and upbringing, unless of course someone is brainwashing some susceptible youth.

Finally, I find only people who have been to China or Xinjiang, can be objective.
cnleio, if you want to protect Han race and your govt, without care about the Truth, I have nothing to say with you.
if you are humanity person who pursue for a better development with human rights, the fair ... I could with you find out any Truth and any Lie ...

As the principle :
If an failure ( in the case : the massive killings ) repeated many time
We must find the ROOT CAUSE of that ( that's the most important thing of the process ) to prevent it not to be repeated.
and apply to the process.
If the failure still repeat, the ROOT CAUSE we found not exact.
Find ROOT CAUSE again ...

Many engineers or quality management here could confirm the right process of that ...

Covering the ROOT CAUSE from publicized media, cannot solve the problem
5 months pregnant and stabbing innocent people to death and inflicting serious damage to our people? Should we put the bullet in her head right now or right after she has given birth.
The baby she carry is innocent. In terms of China law, people doing crime under age 18 is not bound to be executed death penalty. I don't hate the girl, i 'm hating those who instigate her doing brutal killing. At her age, she should be studying at high shcool right now. Pathetic terrorism!

Although all these terrorists are Uyghur, but we can't term all Uyghur as terrorists.
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