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Kunming terrorist attack suspects captured

lol BoQ77 believes China's media when it suits his retarded biases. The Uyghur rape was NOT a rumor. It's common behavior for them.

Let search for your own media, because that's the only source you could access in China ...
And find out what they wroted ?
I know the procession, buddy. It's ...

1.GuangDong toy factory, Uyghur youth workers raped 2x Han girls in factory ===> Your official said that rumor false, the guy posted that brought to jail. you could find again in your media source

2. Night, hundred Han workers beat Uyghur workers and result in death ===> Anyway show the hate of Han to Uighur. You confirm this is true

3. Urumchi Uighur ppl saw some video on Youtube.com (foreign someone upload into Youtube, although wrong video) ===> You are illogical, no matter which video, but that's true about murders in toy factory

4. They angry, hundred Uighur students and Uighur citizens start to protest at Urumchi street ===>
Same to reaction of Han after hearing the false rumor some Uighur raped 2 Han girls

5. Someone claim riot, hundreds of Uighur protesters start to attack Han ppl on the street, it become killing innocents in Urumchi city ===> this is the most important part of the story, let hear from many angle to find out the truth

6. 2009.07.05 Urumchi Uighur riots lead to 2000 innocent ppl died on the steet (Official said 200 dead is BullSh!t, i saw dead body pics much more than that.) ===> Thanks for your sharing information, your media is liar

7. 2009.07.09 Urumchi Han ppl start to revenged Uighur (that u wanna show me the video on Youtube) ===>
You saw that policemen allow or atleast made less effort to avoid them to do so, that cause many damage to Uighur lives and their shops.

8. The Uighur Terrorism occur more in China ===> 2014.03.01 happened in KunMing train station

This posted everywhere, no limit showing how the Uighur people be terrorism ... I dont support those killings, and the mistake policy of China govt. unfair to minorities, while protect the Han
all you know is from the internet, have you ever been to Xingjiang province? Seeing is believing.

Let search for your own media, because that's the only source you could access in China ...
And find out what they wroted ?
You don't have right to comment here when you hold so many prejudice against China.

Islamic terrorists get most of their funding from Turkey. Turkey is the country terrorists go to fund their activities. This is well known.
Turkic people got cheated by those extreme Uyghur terrorist, by their hypocrisy. To me, those terrorists are seperatists at the most. If they have balls, try to challenge PLA instead of innocent people.
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China will not let Xingjiang get independant from PRC no matter how many people those terrorists kill. And their brutal killing to get independant can't respresent Uyghurs' thinking at all.
Are you ready to hear the ideas different from China govt idea ?
Western, Hongkong, media and Chinese individuals are in Xinjiang too ... but how they could share what they recorded to you ? to make you believe ?

Videos are the most easy touch to your feeling about the situation, so that's the reason for China govt not allow any outside video sharing ... Why ?

Your domestic services under strictly filter from govt. while 2 million of internet security personnels hired to monitor what the govt dislike ...
The more innocent people they kill, the more they expose their true face under disguise.

Are you ready to hear the ideas different from China govt idea ?
Western, Hongkong, media and Chinese individuals are in Xinjiang too ... but how they could share what they recorded to you ? to make you believe ?

Videos are the most easy touch to your feeling about the situation, so that's the reason for China govt not allow any outside video sharing ... Why ?

Your domestic services under strictly filter from govt. while 2 million of internet security personnels hired to monitor what the govt dislike ...
You try to convince me those killing innocent people are not terrorists, are you?
cnleio, if you want to protect Han race and your govt, without care about the Truth, I have nothing to say with you.
if you are humanity person who pursue for a better development with human rights, the fair ... I could with you find out any Truth and any Lie ...

As the principle :
If an failure ( in the case : the massive killings ) repeated many time
We must find the ROOT CAUSE of that ( that's the most important thing of the process ) to prevent it not to be repeated.
and apply to the process.
If the failure still repeat, the ROOT CAUSE we found not exact.
Find ROOT CAUSE again ...

Many engineers or quality management here could confirm the right process of that ...

Covering the ROOT CAUSE from publicized media, cannot solve the problem
@BoQ77, i should not talk more with a foreigner about 2009.07.05 Urumchi uyghur riot. As a foreigner not XinJiang or Chinese,u know nothing about it, so stop talk bullsh!t about Youtube.com, sometimes a West media tool can not tell truth.

In my computer disk, i saved some 7.5 Uyghur riot live videos that not upload into Youtube. There'r bloody videos to show many innocents died and some Uyghur terrorists keep killing others on the street, hundreds of dead body lying on the hospital mortuary. The China government banned these videos to protect Uyghur citizens coz it's easy to make 1.3billion Chinese angry and easy to make South XinJiang become China Chechnya.

It's not good for a Vietnamese to talk about XingJiang Uyghur riot, specially he only know Youtube.com.






Any terrorism will get free headshot in China, whereever it come from inside or outside.
maybe another senario, those information provided by western media on the internet are fabricated or intentionaly set up to slang Chinese goverment? as i sad, seeing is believing.

As American goverment always describe Vietnam as a communist country without human right, do you believe or just think it's a malign joke?

I can surf any foreign website as i want when i travel overseas each year, i have my own judgment. The reason why they support those terrorists is simpky because they wanna break China apart, to dampen China, to hunt China down. DO you think we Chinese will let this happen?

Although China and Vietnam has many glitches, that's not the reason you show sympathy to terrorists.

We Chinese condemn Mumbai terrorists attack although we have glitches with India, cause we know who killing innocent civlillians are terrorist no matter what purpose they have. for me, all terrorists are cowards!
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The terrorists did not kidnapp anyone ?
They did not hide ? And use knife only ?

They must be either brave or lunatic with suicidal tendency. If this level of madness has infected society, it is dangerous. Force will not solve the problem. China must work out a comprehensive strategy that includes dialogue, psycho analysis and other economic measures to fight with.
maybe another senario, those information provided by western media on the internet are fabricated or intentionaly set up to slang Chinese goverment? as i sad, seeing is believing.

As American goverment always describe Vietnam as a communist country without human right, do you believe or just think it's a malign joke?

I can surf any foreign website as i want when i travel overseas each year, i have my own judgment. The reason why they support those terrorists is simpky because they wanna break China apart, to dampen China, to hunt China down. DO you think we Chinese will let this happen?

Although China and Vietnam has many glitches, that's not the reason you show sympathy to terrorists.

We Chinese condemn Mumbai terrorists attack although we have glitches with India, cause we know who killing innocent civlillians are terrorist no matter what purpose they have. for me, all terrorists are cowards!

Because the Western standards about human rights have some difference to us, so their talking sometimes sound weird
but basically, they tell the Truth,

They are foreigners too, their articles show less deaths in riots than real numbers, but they pursue the Truth.
Manything they describe Vietnam are true ... If an extremist try to protect Vietnam govt, he will verbal attack to them ... and vice versa ...
but The Truth is what everyone should try to get ...

Broken the human right is illegal, we are sorry for Vietnam govt not to offer fully human rights or democracy, indeed !!!

We love our country, and want it grows stronger, with benefit to the people.
Less corruption, State budget is well managed !!!
@BoQ77 This's the bloody truth, buddy. What 7.5 Uighur riot never showed on Youtube.com, i hope these can change ur mind.

Hope u won't do nightmare in the evening ! Terrorist need die out in China.
(Just see i think mod will delete the pic soon)

u can count how many dead body((Most r Han) lying on here, it's just a part of innocents died in 7.5 Uighur riot.
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Alecken Eminbahe,Vice chairman of the National People's Congress

He speaks mandarin better than many Han people.


@BoQ77 This's the bloody truth, buddy. What 7.5 Uighur riot never showed on Youtube.com, i hope these can change ur mind.

Hope u won't do nightmare in the evening ! Terrorist need die out in China.
(Just see i think mod will delete the pic soon)


When did this occurred ? Bloody bastards need to pay for this. Don't waste your time with that dirty Vietnamese .
When did this occurred ? Bloody bastards need to pay for this. Don't waste your time with that dirty Vietnamese .

Do not spread the pic, China government watch u.

Just google it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
This is distressing as hell. The terrorist captive is a young and scared looking girl.
The true cowardly monsters are those who recruited her and other young impressionable minds.

Executing her will not bring satisfaction, not executing her is unfair to those she killed and maimed.
No good outcome whatsoever, the heavens laugh our misery below.
@BoQ77 This's the bloody truth, buddy. What 7.5 Uighur riot never showed on Youtube.com, i hope these can change ur mind.

Hope u won't do nightmare in the evening ! Terrorist need die out in China.
(Just see i think mod will delete the pic soon)

You are helping me on the way to the Truth ... Thanks.

I'm supporting the fair game for minorities, for ordinary people against the regime policy, similar to my right against our own regime !!!

never support to the killing game ... so don't call me as friend of terrorists

Cnleio : do you think China govt did treat fairly to Uighur or not ?
How you track for time of that crime scenes ?

Why so many Han freely attack others with lethal weapon ? in the street ( the policemen not disarm them ?? )

In this aspect, Vietnamese policemen did better things than Chinese policemen ... in every riots.
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