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Kunming terrorist attack suspects captured

Also please blame Germany.

The World Uyghur Congress is an umbrella term for an organisation of once small, weak and fractious Uyghur nationalist groups, including the World Uyghur Youth Congress, formed in November 1996[5] and the East Turkestan National Congress.[6] On 18 April 2004, these groups united, with Erkin Alptekin serving as the first president and Dolkun Isa is General Secretary since 2004 of the unified group; he served until 2006, when Rebiya Kadeerwas elected as at the second General Assembly meeting held on 24–27 November 2006.[7][8] The Congress has convened three assemblies since its inception—in 2004, 2006, and 2009. As part of the East Turkestan independence movement, it is a member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization. The organisation itself is based primarily in Munich, where a large Uyghur diaspora lives

PDF PRC got mad dog hatred against USA. So everything wrong must be USA fault. There are far more cheer team of Uighur and USA is just one of them.
support as in training and arming Uyghurs with fire weapons, like a certain power did with the Taliban against the Soviets, where is such proof? Many Chinese members are eagerly pointing fingers at foreign countries, like USA and Turkey in this case, and whole minorities when a scapegoat is needed.

Maybe you should learn to read between the lines. There are evidence that the US funded Tibetan terrorists, what makes you think that the US isn't funding Uighur terrorists? Some people, really! :disagree:
Maybe you should learn to read between the lines. There are evidence that the US funded Tibetan terrorists, what makes you think that the US isn't funding Uighur terrorists? Some people, really! :disagree:

After the recent events some Chinese members blamed USA and Turkey, hence my question how these are involved in the latest attacks. By providing knives? :)
It'a very easy to blame others in order to avoid self criticism, because i have seen very few Chinese here who questioned the Chinese govt's deeds. That's a dangerous sign, it makes people paranoid towards foreign countries at the slightest assumptions without daring to question their own govt too.
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support as in training and arming Uyghurs with fire weapons, like a certain power did with the Taliban against the Soviets, where is such proof? Many Chinese members are eagerly pointing fingers at foreign countries, like USA and Turkey in this case, and whole minorities when a scapegoat is needed.

Not easy to sneak weapon into China, China still have 2.5 millions soldiers guarding their border. You don't see Uyghurs used deadly weapons because they couldn't bring in weapons from abroad into China. Don't be nieve to think Uyghurs terrorist wouldn't used suicide bombs to kill Chinese if they can acquire the ingredients to make a bomb or won't bring in firearm from abroad if they can.
Not easy to sneak weapon into China, China still have 2.5 millions soldiers guarding their border. You don't see Uyghurs used deadly weapons because they couldn't bring in weapons from abroad into China. Don't be nieve to think Uyghurs terrorist wouldn't used suicide bombs to kill Chinese if they can acquire the ingredients to make a bomb or won't bring in firearm from abroad if they can.

Then what is it that some Chinese members here seem to accuse the USA and Turkey off?
Then what is it that some Chinese members here seem to accuse the USA and Turkey off?

Chinese in here can't accuse anyone without a full proof evidence to support their accusation but you can't blame the Chinese in here to believe Uyghur terrorist recieve finanacial backing from abroad to help the terrorist carry out their missions.
This is the most bloody thread i ever read !
We should ths PDF, members from different nations can talk terrorism face-to-face.

Although thousands of reason, killing innocents should be pay for it, no mercy in the hell.
After the recent events some Chinese members blamed USA and Turkey, hence my question how these are involved in the latest attacks. By providing knives? :)
It'a very easy to blame others in order to avoid self criticism, because i have seen very few Chinese here who questioned the Chinese govt's deeds. That's a dangerous sign, it makes people paranoid towards foreign countries at the slightest assumptions without daring to question their own govt too.

Most Chinese questioned, is questioning and will continuously question the CPC Government why would the minorities in China are treated with more privileges! Uighurs are allowed to bear knives wherever they go in China but not our Hans, you idiots! I think you Turkish folks are disgusting from a historic point of view: You killed so many and created nothing to humanity in the history. Lets' talk about Kurds, Armenians and so on. What's anything so special about the Great Turkey...? Funny!
Then what is it that some Chinese members here seem to accuse the USA and Turkey off?

Don't be so stupid, here read this

CIA Tibetan program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bay of Pigs Invasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bay of Pigs Invasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do you think the West wanted Gaddafi to be dead when he was siding wit h the US and EU?
Gold, Oil, Africa and Why the West Wants Gadhafi Dead

When he wanted gold for oil, Libya suddenly has riots. Good excuse for the US and EU to use democracy to invade Libya, sounds familiar?

Maybe Turkey did play a role in funding those terrorists causing problem in China, but one thing is certain the US and the West aren't as innocent as you think they are. Just look at the situation in Ukraine, same principle. China and Russia are too powerful and their rise is a threat to the US. So by causing civil unrest they want to destabilize our countries. Why would the US wanted a missile shield surrounding Russia? Yeah sure to protect the EU from Iran missiles, you believe such nonsense?
Turkey is the biggest state sponsor of terror. That country is full of terrorist sympathisers.

Hopefully Israel nukes Turkey one day.
Most Chinese questioned, is questioning and will continuously question the CPC Government why would the minorities in China are treated with more privileges! Uighurs are allowed to bear knives wherever they go in China but not our Hans, you idiots! I think you Turkish folks are disgusting from a historic point of view: You killed so many and created nothing to humanity in the history. Lets' talk about Kurds, Armenians and so on. What's anything so special about the Great Turkey...? Funny!
Yet again another Chinese looking for reasons and causes purely in others and taking the discussion to off-topics because he doesn't even know what else to say about Uyghurs :D anyway, im not gonna seriously reply anymore, the Chinese whom replied to me are mostly ignorant, biased and paranoid, to say the least.
Yet again another Chinese looking for reasons and causes purely in others and taking the discussion to off-topics because he doesn't even know what else to say about Uyghurs :D anyway, im not gonna seriously reply anymore, the Chinese whom replied to me are mostly ignorant, biased and paranoid, to say the least.

Pls study more on the real situation of Uighurs in China when you take a cup of coffee somewhere in Europe...We don't like nor dislike you Turks. I know so many Turks personally that don't have any idea either about Chinese or Uighurs. Have a good time...
You are right, she has to die for her crimes. Its just unsettling for me to see a kid on death row, especially a girl.
Well I don't think they should have show that pic of her in the hospital because it makes her look like the victim rather than the terrorist that she is.
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