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Kunming terrorist attack suspects captured

Pls study more on the real situation of Uighurs in China when you take a cup of coffee somewhere in Europe...We don't like nor dislike you Turks. I know so many Turks personally that don't have any idea either about Chinese or Uighurs. Have a good time...
Neither do i dislike Chinese or blindly support Uyghurs. I know there are some Uyghurs who are used as pawns by groups such as al-qaeda, which are western backed i believe. My gripe with many of the Chinese on this site is, is the way they defend China at all cost without even daring to admit the Chinese govt has its mistakes or not daring to question the policies of the govt in regards of Uyghur. There's more to say, but the more i write, the more i'm countered by 'arguments' such as 'well, send Uyghurs to Turkey then' 'Turkey is supporter of Uyghur terrorists' and whatnot or off-topic about Uyghur's ancient history or Turkey's minorities to divert the topic of the thread or to 'justify' whatever is happening in China by highlighting problems in other countries. That's highly tragicomic and looks immature. Perhaps it's a reflection of China's fear for it's inside stability.
In the end the only solution to the problem is full religious freedoms for everyone in china because from what I saw on t.v it looks like the turks can wear their traditional clothes no problem including the kazakhs. Unfortunately the communist government opposes religion which is why they are giving chritians problems as well.

I have work to do so dont expect any more replies for now.

Excuse me, there is no such thing as full religious freedom and it's good so. Religion has never brought humanity progress but dogmatic repression and ignorance. The day the Muslims/ Christians/ Jews in Germany demand a parallel law system such as the sharia or interpret the law according to the bible or any other religious scripture, that day would be the start of a civil war.
Neither do i dislike Chinese or blindly support Uyghurs. I know there are some Uyghurs who are used as pawns by groups such as al-qaeda, which are western backed i believe. My gripe with many of the Chinese on this site is, is the way they defend China at all cost without even daring to admit the Chinese govt has its mistakes or not daring to question the policies of the govt in regards of Uyghur. There's more to say, but the more i write, the more i'm countered by 'arguments' such as 'well, send Uyghurs to Turkey then' 'Turkey is supporter of Uyghur terrorists' and whatnot or off-topic about Uyghur's ancient history or Turkey's minorities to divert the topic of the thread or to 'justify' whatever is happening in China by highlighting problems in other countries. That's highly tragicomic and looks immature. Perhaps it's a reflection of China's fear for it's inside stability.

Turkey has been a blind supporter of Uighurs because of a faint historic connection to far east. Whatever Uighurs do anything you are silent whenever China do something you are crying babies. Come on, we all know that you Turks have the hidden feeling about your GREAT ethnicity but you have to take one of many moral standards...
After the recent events some Chinese members blamed USA and Turkey, hence my question how these are involved in the latest attacks. By providing knives? :)
It'a very easy to blame others in order to avoid self criticism, because i have seen very few Chinese here who questioned the Chinese govt's deeds. That's a dangerous sign, it makes people paranoid towards foreign countries at the slightest assumptions without daring to question their own govt too.

In an aspect, China govt. is "supporter" of terrorism, by giving them the CAUSE. ( they created internal conflict )
If China govt officials don't change their mind, some more mass killings would happen inside China without need any outside supplement.
In an aspect, China govt. is "supporter" of terrorism, by giving them the CAUSE. ( they created internal conflict )
If China govt officials don't change their mind, some more mass killings would happen inside China without need any outside supplement.
Now ur logic as the same as those Uyghur rioters, watch Youtube / CNN fake videos then feel oppressed, mass killing innocents can change ur situation. HAHA ... inside China there's no any extra land for terrorism, just look Chia will kill more terrorists wherever hide inside or outside.

In an aspect, China govt. is "supporter" of terrorism, by giving them the CAUSE. ( they created internal conflict )
If China govt officials don't change their mind, some more mass killings would happen inside China without need any outside supplement.

Why don't you ask your Turkish friends what BoQ or Bok means in Turkish? :D
Those people who worship pan-Turkism and those double-standard western medias (such as CNN) are indirectly causing such innocent. Everyone who has read the history will know that Han people came to Xinjiang even earlier than Uighurs. They ridiculously label those terrorists "freedom-fighters" (not to mention this is how they called Ben Laden before he "betrayed" the US). Also they are spreading rumors about how he CCP "destroy" their culture and "enslave" them.

Xinjiang is/ was not only belongs to Uighurs, it is a land belongs to several Chinese ethnics such as Han, Hun, Kazakh, Mongolian etc.. Not to mention I have never ever seen other ethnics causing any trouble in Xinjiang.
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Just shoot them all, i know what will happening if you let those terrorist free to roam .............

Nations who already suffer deadly attack by such disgusting terrorist attack like India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Kenya know what the pain and fear they had caused to you all Chinese peoples. I wish my Allah grant you strength and resolute conviction to face this problems
I sincerely ask Mod don't delete this post, coz everyone here has right to know the truth. Every ppl has the eyes, they must know what's TERRORISM !

2014.03.01 KunMing train station attack pics:










Do not spread these bloody pics, China government might watch u. Just see and remember it.
Those responsible for this bloodshed will have to pay for it. Uyghurs should be forbidden carrying blades/knives, more surveillance in Xinjiang as well
As I know, the terrorists used small knife that is very easy to hide (long sword can not pass the securities) , and they have perfect skill 'one hit one kill', right ??
As I know, the terrorists used small knife that is very easy to hide (long sword can not pass the securities) , and they have perfect skill 'one hit one kill', right ??
Where u get the information of small knife, u mean fruit knife ? In China train station, there's no any security outside the Waiting Room. These terrorists kill innocnets in Train Station Hall, and outside Train Station Square.

Just guess where the female terrorist hide long knives ... o_O




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@Viva_Viet here some pics in 03.01 KunMing train station

Watch one inconnent's legs, a small knief can not cut off like that !

Small knives can not 'one hit one kill'

03.01 CCTV of KunMing train station, watch one male terrorist hold in right hand ==> a long knief. The animal dressed a black suit with a white logo, the suit can hide a long knief.
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