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Kunming terrorist attack suspects captured

Just because the han dynasty controlled the area doesn't mean its theirs. The Han dynasty got the land from the original indo european locals so essentially it doesn't belong to china rather it belongs to the original indo european localls who mixed with the turkic people in the area and today these people are called uigurs. The locals speak a turkic language so it is obvious who the area belongs to.

Usually, the one who controls the area, in this case a legitimate dynasty and government of imperial China, one can say it's their land and the people, regardless of what ethnic they are, are subjects of that government.

In Xinjiang, the people not only speak a turkic language but also other languages from Mongolian to Manchurian to Han. They, too, have been there for centuries if not even longer than the Turks and the land also belongs to them.

One think I know is that the Kazakhs hate the Uigures.
Usually, the one who controls the area, in this case a legitimate dynasty and government of imperial China, one can say it's their land and the people, regardless of what ethnic they are, are subjects of that government.

In Xinjiang, the people not only speak a turkic language but also other languages from Mongolian to Manchurian to Han. They, too, have been there for centuries if not even longer than the Turks and the land also belongs to them.

One think I know is that the Kazakhs hate the Uigures.

Nomadic Turkic people like Kazakh, Kyrgyz or Turkmen, do not like sedentary Uighurs or Uzbeks.

But Kazakhs I believe are not local to North Xinjiang, I think Zungars/Oirats (western Mongols) controlled this area after Chagataids and they were decimated by Manchu Qing army and then Kazakh nomads move in, who were in good terms with Qings.
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Usually, the one who controls the area, in this case a legitimate dynasty and government of imperial China, one can say it's their land and the people, regardless of what ethnic they are, are subjects of that government.

In Xinjiang, the people not only speak a turkic language but also other languages from Mongolian to Manchurian to Han. They, too, have been there for centuries if not even longer than the Turks and the land also belongs to them.

One think I know is that the Kazakhs hate the Uigures.
In the end the only solution to the problem is full religious freedoms for everyone in china because from what I saw on t.v it looks like the turks can wear their traditional clothes no problem including the kazakhs. Unfortunately the communist government opposes religion which is why they are giving chritians problems as well.

I have work to do so dont expect any more replies for now.
In the end the only solution to the problem is full religious freedoms for everyone in china because from what I saw on t.v it looks like the turks can wear their traditional clothes no problem including the kazakhs. Unfortunately the communist government opposes religion which is why they are giving chritians problems as well.

I have work to do so dont expect any more replies for now.

I don't understand. Religion freedom is clearly stated in our constitutional law. They can wear whatever they want, traditional clothes or modern suit. I can see all kinds of traditional clothes even when minorities representatives meet Predident Xi.

Why are Anatolian Turks always harping on how they are related to Xiongnu and Xianbei?

They are related to Siberian and Mongolian populations.

Also prove that modern day Uighurs are descended from Xiongnu and Tocharians.
are you deliberately ignoring the 50000000000000000000000 times everyone has told you other Turks not only are peaceful but are victims of Uyghur attacks?

Who do you think you're fooling?
Loool, Han has had problems with Han, Japanese had problems with other Japanese clan, south Korea has problem with North Korea. Brothers have fight. Sorry, but it seems you have a very illogical way of thinking.

And yes, i have Uyghur friends who have a way better view on the situation than some macho brainless Chinese members who call for kicking out or killing Uyghurs. Really, you're laughable.

Ps; don't reply, because with you the topic will go off-topic
Alecken Eminbahe,Vice chairman of the National People's Congress

He speaks mandarin better than many Han people.
Here is a live video of 2009.07.14 China police shot down 3x Uygur terrorists (with Knives) at XinJiang street. A very good live video like Hollywood street-shoot.

2009.07.14 a group of China special police from ShenYang SWAT team(who support XinJiang police) searching a Masjid in XinJiang (unknown city), then 3x Uyghur terrorists run out with long knives in their hands, wanna chop police at the street. All shot down by police guns,then police find out lots of knives from that Masjid.


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I also have Uighur friends and have been to Xinjiang, both North and South (Kashgar). China is a high growth country and the growth is reaching all parts of the country including minorities. All they have to do is learn Chinese and take part in the economy.

China is not like EU or US, but it will get there eventually as per capita GDP rises across the board. The situation will change dramatically in 5-10 years.

For not having rights and discrimination, I can understand peaceful protests and demonstrations, but slashing people and killing them? It only reflects poorly on their culture and upbringing, unless of course someone is brainwashing some susceptible youth.

You have good points, because stability and wealth has also impact on peace, but if i look at the riots and terroristic attacks, plus the complaints of Uyghurs in interviews or documentaries (which have some truth but are maybe also exaggerated), then it's hard to deny that there is a bigger issue which needs to be addressed. I mean those people who are rioting or do these attacks know they are playing with fire, they obviously don't do it for fun, but rather out of desperation. Hope the Chinese govt and ordinary Uyghurs will work together to find a better middle way to avoid this kind of terroristic events as much as possible
I even don't think this event happened in Kunming was made by Uyghur.Maybe Local people did for I have been there some time ago and know that Yi and other ethnic minorities living in Yunnan are ruthless and are used to use knives.

Blowback for your policies. What happened in Kunming is the result of Uyghur colonialist mindset. They might have doomed themselves in the long-run - how is your brutal suppression of the Arabs working out?

Undoubtedly America using some proxy, probably their old friends in al-Qaeda
I agree mastermind is America, but you should also investigate for the local players in the region helping America to accomplish its goal
A weak central government + freely open religion ==> Croatia & Kosovo separated from Serbia.

A strong central government + strickly control religion ==> Chechnya of Russia, XinJiang of China.

Some members speak words like the poison for China XinJiang. China not stupid since Qing dynasty in XinJiang hundred years ago & Chinese race experienced thousands years.
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These terrorists are being funded and supported by the Turkish regime. It's no secret that Turkey is a state sponsor of terror.
Nomadic Turkic people like Kazakh, Kyrgyz or Turkmen, do not like sedentary Uighurs or Uzbeks.

But Kazakhs I believe are not local to North Xinjiang, I think Zungars/Oirats (western Mongols) controlled this area after Chagataids and they were decimated by Manchu Qing army and then Kazakh nomads move in, who were in good terms with Qings.

Yep, they weren't native but they were welcomed and have gotten along well with most of their neighbors.
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