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Kunming terrorist attack suspects captured

perhaps i should have written something along the lines of 'East Turkestan must be independent! death to all Han!' in order to maintain a 'debate' with you and some other Chinese members here :woot:
perhaps i should have written something along the lines of 'East Turkestan must be independent! death to all Han!' in order to maintain a 'debate' with you and some other Chinese members here :woot:

People are just a little exasperated with your blind pan-Turkic sentiment.
Everyone knows al-Qaeda is just the CIA's Mid East division
This 'attack' was staged by the chinese government to stir anti-Uighur sentiment. Textbook false flag move.
for all the talk that we are a totalitarian state, why do we even need to do that.

We are not America, if Bush wants war he needs 9/11, if we want war, we'll just have it, besides, Chinese in China are itching for a victory to cement our place in the world leadership anyways. So a war would be popular.

American propaganda machines has been calling China authoritarian for ages, so why is it suddenly we need people's approval.
Terrorism is just ONE aspect of it. Military invasion, squatting and ethnic cleansing committed by Uyghur is the main problem, the terrorism just makes things that much worse. Do you get it? Imagine if the British took half of Anatolia, were made into Turkish citizens, and were now killing pregnant Turk ,Azeri and Kurd women in the streets demanding to carve an independent country out of land that has belonged to your ancestors for thousands of years ...

And then the clowns in Europe supported them based on "racial affinity". That's a far better approximation of what's happening in China.

your whole assumption is based on the thinking that All Uyghurs want a separate state, which is not something that is correct, i believe. more rights would cut it. besides, that whole talking about 'land' is kinda funny since both sides have a legitimate claim to that area, so you can;t brand them as invaders supported by foreigners and kick them out just because it suits you now. anyway, i am waiting for your realistic and mature solution on the problem of nowadays. killing them all or deporting them is not gonna work, crackdowns on Uyghurs in the streets is also not gonna work, branding them pawns of the west is also not gonna solve it.
your whole assumption is based on the thinking that All Uyghurs want a separate state, which is not something that is correct, i believe. more rights would cut it. besides, that whole talking about 'land' is kinda funny since both sides have a legitimate claim to that area, so you can;t brand them as invaders supported by foreigners and kick them out just because it suits you now. anyway, i am waiting for your realistic and mature solution on the problem of nowadays. killing them all or deporting them is not gonna work, crackdowns on Uyghurs in the streets is also not gonna work, branding them pawns of the west is also not gonna solve it.

I am for kicking out all of the ones who want independence. We can strike a deal with countries that already have Uyghur populations. But truly they do not have a strong claim to the area. The Chinese have always had the East, the Mongols the North. It's the Tarim Basin that was populated by Chinese allies, the Tocharians. They were kicked out of their homes by the Huns (and China partly got into a huge war with Huns over this) and what remained of them was scattered by the Uyghur (who aren't related to todays "Uyghur"). I have no problem with the Kazakhs and others who live there.

If you think this is about Islam and blanket accusations of terrorism you need to ask yourself why the other Muslims and other Turks in China are almost 100% peaceful with no major incidents. For that matter almost all Chinese minorities are very pro-China. And if it's about Han vs. Uyghur, why do the Uyghur kill so many non-Han?
You might all think boomslang is just a rare minority among Americans, but he is like the vast majority of American males angry about their small dicks.

I am for kicking out all of the ones who want independence. We can strike a deal with countries that already have Uyghur populations. But honestly they do not have a strong claim to the area. The Chinese have always had the East, the Mongols the North. It's the Tarim Basin that was populated by Chinese allies, the Tocharian. They were kicked out of their homes by the Huns and what remained of them was scattered by the Uyghur (who aren't related to todays "Uyghur"). I have no problem with the Kazakhs and others who live there.

If you think this is about Islam and blanket accusations of terrorism you need to ask yourself why the other Muslims and other Turks in China are almost 100% peaceful with no major incidents. And if it's about Han vs. Uyghur, why the Uyghur kill so many non-Han.

Perhaps because Uyghurs are the biggest Turkic minority in China, thus bigger chance of riots, plus those other Turkic minorities have their own homeland, Uyghurs don't, thus are more sensitive. common sense.
if you;re not gonna discuss this topic, but delve into matters of the past, then just say so. it's really shameful how most of the Chinese here seriously can't even discuss but keep repeating (often gross) statements that will never solve something. at least i tried :)
Perhaps because Uyghurs are the biggest Turkic minority in China, thus bigger chance of riots, plus those other Turkic minorities have their own homeland, Uyghurs don't, thus are more sensitive. common sense.
if you;re not gonna discuss this topic, but delve into matters of the past, then just say so. it's really shameful how most of the Chinese here seriously can't even discuss but keep repeating (often gross) statements that will never solve something. at least i tried :)

The Uyghur and Uzbeks are brethren. They have a home in many parts of Central Asia. The Tocharians have a home in the Tarim Basin but don't exist anymore.
The Uyghur and Uzbeks are brethren. They have a home in many parts of Central Asia. The Tocharians have a home in the Tarim Basin but don't exist anymore.

yet another senseless post contributing nothing to the discussion. good luck. i give up :suicide:
There is no point in torturing them. But China should take a lesson from Isreal and bring back 连坐.

You mean ”zhujiuzu“,a form of punishment that's far more severe than ”death by a thousand cuts“。

Come on,you can't be serious。
The key difference here is that China has bent backwards to appease Uyghurs for the longest time. And they are in Chinese land, not their native lands like Kurds. Plenty of groups have invaded China and chosen to settle peacefully later. Few have ever survived declaring war on all of China. If the Uyghur do not stop being the pawns of foreign powers they will face severe consequences even thought the government will likely protect them.

Right。 preferential treatment of the Uyghurs must stop now.

And this can start with the birth-control policy. Uyghurs should no longer be allowed to have as many kids as they please.

No more tuition fee discounts and preferential university admittance for the Uyghurs。Every student,no matter what ethnic he or she is,must receive a proper level of education in accordance with his or her own ability。

There are a multitude of other tilted policies,such as reserved and highly sought-after civil servant positions for the minorities,which all need be recinded as soon as possible。

Every citizen in China must be treated the same.
The first sign looks like an Umbrella, the next a double crossed cross & the third the sign of Pi - But I'm guessing you didn't mean that you no longer practice beating someone with an Umbrella before nailing him to a cross & then making him remember the entire numerical sequence of 'Pi' 3.142........! :unsure:
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Front view of the only captured female terrorist in KunMing hospital, this maybe her last pic.
It's said a 16 age young Uyghur girl, but some innocents died by knife in her hands.
Looks harmless? but IT IS TRUE that religious extremism can brainwash a man to a brutal beast and killing machine.

Who is behind ? Who is supporting religious extremism?
Saudi ? CIA ?
:angry::angry::angry: :angry::angry::angry: :angry::angry::angry:
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