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KSA to the first world

The problem is that u wouldn't use you brain and read my previous posts! I told you they are not majestic tall buildings but they are educational, industrial, cultural, and research buildings. If your brain can't figure out that those buildings were built for a purpose then I have nothing to say to you.

I have seen the photos you have posted and others for some reason have quoted, with descriptions about their potential uses.

Maybe you should actually use some critical thinking. And see things from the point of view of others. What people are saying is that you can make any building you want. The building is worth as much as a ball of spit. The HQ of Google can be in some mud-brick fu<k ed up building but it will still be better than not having a Google.

Buildings mean nothing. Other than a chance to show-off the architectural ability of the man who designed it in New York. Its what the building has inside it that matters. The abilities of the people who work inside it. Not that it is the highest skyscraper in the world.
You guys going to have all the money you want once Pakistan comes and massacre us all :lol:

please a serious answer, no troll like response. Your money is ur money, i can care less how many skyscrapers or islands you Arabs build, you can go ahead and turn the whole Arabian desert into a thriving rain forest and i can care less since its ur money and ur oil, my only problem is when ur money affects my country negatively, when it ends up in the wrong hands and is used for the wrong cause.

if ur country Saudi Arabia is progressing then i'm proud, but i want my country to progress as well and it does bother me and every other Pakistani when your money is used to fund terrorists and extremists in Pakistan who become an obstacle for the further advancement of Pakistan, that is my problem!
Let me say this clearly: One nuclear weapon of Pakistan is more valuable than Hundreds of Arab Megacities... Let Israel start its big war, which is very soon, and I'm sure the Arab members here will understand, most of whom suffer from chronic superiority complex... Unfortunately, the Arab members here will not have internet in their homes when that happens for accessing defence.pk. :)
Still ashamed to mention your country... however, don't worry about Arabs, they are too many and Egypt with Jordan and Saudi Arabia alone can annihilate Israel. Just don't come begging for money. its pathetic how people here feel themselves so inferior when seeing Arabs getting stronger. S-19, don't you have roots or you just fantasizing that you live in a fake USSR?
Let the Saudis splurge, it's good they are modernizing and constructing new skyscrapers and universities.
Real Pakistanis Muslims are our brothers, but third class citizens are not welcome to make any sedition between pakistani and Arabs.

"Real Pakistani Muslims" you decide who "Real Pakistani Muslims" are? Also those "third class citizens" you speak of are laborers who have constructed marvelous towers and other works. Physical labor work your people physically couldn't do because you would break.
Let the Saudis splurge, it's good they are modernizing and constructing new skyscrapers and universities.

Its their money, why should we care how many sky scrapers they build? If they are happy with building mega cities then who are we to complain?

Our (Pakistanis) only problem should be how the Gulf money is spent funding extremists in Pakistan and that is something we should take up with the Saudis/Gulf countries in order to put an end to it.
LOL, let me repeat again: Go beg Pakistan for a nuclear weapon while you still have time.

Please, don't post such humiliating comment on behalf of Pakistan we can't eve defend ourselves from a few drones and Americans kill 24 of our soldiers and get away with it despite we have nukes and technology.
Please, don't post such humiliating comment on behalf of Pakistan we can't eve defend ourselves from a few drones and Americans kill 24 of our soldiers and get away with it despite we have nukes and technology.

That's what the Government would like you to believe, but truth is GoP has sold out Pakistan. If Pakistan had true leadership it could put an end to all of the transgressions. Know the difference okay?
Its their money, why should we care how many sky scrapers they build? If they are happy with building mega cities then who are we to complain?

Our (Pakistanis) only problem should be how the Gulf money is spent funding extremists in Pakistan and that is something we should take up with the Saudis/Gulf countries in order to put an end to it.

Trust me if it was up to me not a single penny would go to any aid that way we can all relax.
Well may be Judgement day is good. Let it happen.

No man, not yet I still gotta get married to 4 women. :p:smitten:

---------- Post added at 04:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

That's what the Government would like you to believe, but truth is GoP has sold out Pakistan. If Pakistan had true leadership it could put an end to all of the transgressions. Know the difference okay?

Pakistani nukes dont just defend Pakistan, Mecca/ Medina. They also defend Jerusalem, Istanbul, and the Vatican.

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 PM ----------

Trust me if it was up to me not a single penny would go to any aid that way we can all relax.

Yeah, what would you spend it on?
That's what the Government would like you to believe, but truth is GoP has sold out Pakistan. If Pakistan had true leadership it could put an end to all of the transgressions. Know the difference okay?
I know that is what i was implying in my post.
Hookers and Whisky is far far much better than some "Muslim" countries.

Thank You for your insight on how you are more Muslim than I am. May ALLAH bless you.

i don't understand what u mean, please elaborate?

The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, said "Any one who kills the Believers of the Book, in my name will not receive any help from me on the Day of Judgement."
It is the duty of Muslims to defend not just ourselves and our brothers and sisters; but also those people of the book from oppression.

Those Bedouin tribes begat the most brave faithful smart and succeful men in the history, among them our prophet Mohammed (s) Ali, Omar, Khalid...etc. Those Bedouins learnt you Islam and made you proud to be one of umah that extended one day from China to Spain. Why don't you advice your government to close gay resorts? or build a company like "bing" not Google?

These Bedouins didnt teach me anything. The Sahaba spread Islam to all corners of the globe by their superior behavior and honest mind, their DEEN. It was because of this that ALLAH blessed the Muslim world into becoming a SuperPower. With the ability to conquer Persia and the Byzantine Empires. Convert the Mongols to Islam.

If all the Muslims in the world today, has as much deen as 1 Sahaba; we would be in a much better world.
Oh how I wish other Saudis would read this and see that their Pakistani "brothers" all they really want is their genocide and destruction and are waiting for it eagerly.

Our country should NOT trust Pakistan a country that really want the massacre of all Arabs.


Nobody wants to massacre you, well at least not Pakistanis. Though, having the Holy cities under our control when Pakistan gains more power and better leadership would be something to consider.
Oh how I wish other Saudis would read this and see that their Pakistani "brothers" all they really want is their genocide and destruction and are waiting for it eagerly.

Our country should NOT trust Pakistan a country that really want the massacre of all Arabs.

LOL, spare the arrogance. :)

You, as a Muslim, should accept blessed Mohammed pbuh'ss saying that 97%+ Arabs will be massacred in the end times. This is not said by any russian or pakistani but it is said by our blessed Prophet pbuh.

That destruction is very near when Israel will start the big war for greater israel.

So, as I said, you better beg Pakistan for a nuclear weapon while you still have time. All these megacities of which you are now so proud of, will be turned to specks of barren dust in a matter of days by Israeli airplanes when the big war starts. :)
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