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KSA to the first world

Ok since you ashamed to mention your country. I can say that Arabs scarified too much to spread Islam and serving it and its a brivilage from Allah, and they still the pioneers. Nevertheless, I am not pan-Arabist but what others did to Islam? Why you expect everything from Arabs. Some of you have personality disorder! I mean how dare you allowing yourself to learn us what should be done and whats wrong or right, just try to make changes in yourself and your country. And always ask yourself what did I do in serving Islam and Ummah? I am sure the answer would be nothing but BS.

lol again Arab superiority complex... When someone points your mistake, you should acknowledge it and also acknowledge that we are trying to correct it... Not posting pictures of tall buildings to prove your intellect of "naked barefooted shepherds". :) Indeed, who could put it better than our blessed Prophet pbuh :)

And very soon, 97%+ of Arabs will be killed when Israel starts the war for Greater Israel. This will be a divine punishment for all the Arabs, ordained by God.
lol again Arab superiority complex... When someone points your mistake, you should acknowledge it and also acknowledge that we are trying to correct it... Not posting pictures of tall buildings to prove your intellect of "naked barefooted shepherds". :) Indeed, who could put it better than our blessed Prophet pbuh :)

And very soon, 97%+ of Arabs will be killed when Israel starts the war for Greater Israel. This will be a divine punishment for all the Arabs, ordained by God.

Tall buildings in desert is one of the signs of end of times as said by the Prophet (PBUH).

In case of greater Israel, then Pakistan has no other choice but take over the incompetent Arab armies and occupy KSA in order to protect Mecca and Medina from falling into Israeli hands. That will be the only option left since if Israel attacks then KSA can not bring in female US soldiers to protect itself as it did when Saddam threatened them. Later on perhaps Pakistan can give the administration of Mecca and Medina to a council representative of all Muslims in the world.
Tall buildings in desert is one of the signs of end of times as said by the Prophet (PBUH).

In case of greater Israel, then Pakistan has no other choice but take over the incompetent Arab armies and occupy KSA in order to protect Mecca and Medina from falling into Israeli hands. That will be the only option left since if Israel attacks then KSA can not bring in female US soldiers to protect itself as it did when Saddam threatened them. Later on perhaps Pakistan can give the administration of Mecca and Medina to a council representative of all Muslims in the world.

Agreed fully, please take a look at the other topic i created if you have time (the two videos)(which is now locked after complaints from trollers like Mosamania). http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/160519-end-time-destruction-arab-race.html
JEDDAH Under Construction Diamond Tower






MashaAllah, this is very nice 2 see arab countries progessing, however i just have a few problems:

1) arab gulf countries need to stop funding religious extremism in other Muslims countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan, i know that arabs donate the money with good intentions but unfortunately the money ends up funding a terrorists cause, maybe arabs can use the money to fund education for boys and girls in Pakistan instead of terrorist who use it 4 bad things.

NOTE: i'm not saying arabs fund terrorists intentionally, but the money ends up going to extremists, so next time Arab should just fund schools and colleges the way they r doing in their own country, in other words if arabs are going to donate money they might as well donate it 4 schools (not madrassahs but schools)
lol again Arab superiority complex... When someone points your mistake, you should acknowledge it and also acknowledge that we are trying to correct it... Not posting pictures of tall buildings to prove your intellect of "naked barefooted shepherds". :) Indeed, who could put it better than our blessed Prophet pbuh :)

And very soon, 97%+ of Arabs will be killed when Israel starts the war for Greater Israel. This will be a divine punishment for all the Arabs, ordained by God.
Yah, I have the right to be superior on people like who is ashamed to mention his real country, but rather live in a fantasy country which killed thousands of Muslims and pretending to be a real Musim. I am so happy to see you jealous to death, and that one of my intention starting this thread. oh boy........:rofl:
Yeah because genocide is a totally awesome topic to discuss huh? :lol:
By the way I and you know well what kind of Muslim he is? he is so proud to put USSR flag, the country which was the major threat to Islam and then pretending to be so worried about Islam.
MashaAllah, this is very nice 2 see arab countries progessing, however i just have a few problems:

1) arab gulf countries need to stop funding religious extremism in other Muslims countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan, i know that arabs donate the money with good intentions but unfortunately the money ends up funding a terrorists cause, maybe arabs can use the money to fund education for boys and girls in Pakistan instead of terrorist who use it 4 bad things.

NOTE: i'm not saying arabs fund terrorists intentionally, but the money ends up going to extremists, so next time Arab should just fund schools and colleges the way they r doing in their own country, in other words if arabs are going to donate money they might as well donate it 4 schools (not madrassahs but schools)

You guys going to have all the money you want once Pakistan comes and massacre us all :lol:
Tall buildings in desert is one of the signs of end of times as said by the Prophet (PBUH).

In case of greater Israel, then Pakistan has no other choice but take over the incompetent Arab armies and occupy KSA in order to protect Mecca and Medina from falling into Israeli hands. That will be the only option left since if Israel attacks then KSA can not bring in female US soldiers to protect itself as it did when Saddam threatened them. Later on perhaps Pakistan can give the administration of Mecca and Medina to a council representative of all Muslims in the world.
Real Pakistanis Muslims are our brothers, but third class citizens are not welcome to make any sedition between pakistani and Arabs.
Yah, I have the right to be superior on people like who is ashamed to mention his real country, but rather live in a fantasy country which killed thousands of Muslims and pretending to be a real Musim. I am so happy to see you jealous to death, and that one of my intention starting this thread. oh boy........:rofl:

Many arguments here and there. But Still, not a word from you or any other Arab members acknowledging their mistakes in the past (and desire to correct them). Indeed the intellect of naked barefooted shepherds... who could've put it better than our blessed prophet Mohammed pbuh. :)

Listen, when Israel will start pounding over the entire middle east, which is very soon, these "tall buildings", "economic mega cities" and "glorious universities" will be nothing but specks of barren dust within the matter of a few days.

You better beg Pakistan for a nuclear weapon while you still can. :)
Many arguments here and there. But Still, not a word from you or any other Arab members acknowledging their mistakes in the past (and desire to correct them). Indeed the intellect of naked barefooted shepherds... who could've put it better than our blessed prophet Mohammed pbuh. :)

Listen, when Israel will start pounding over the entire middle east, which is very soon, these "tall buildings", "economic mega cities" and "glorious universities" will be nothing but specks of barren dust within the matter of a few days.

You better beg Pakistan for a nuclear weapon while you still can. :)

على زبيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي
To Arabs;

The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, said something like this: "The best among you will be one who accepts the criticism from his brother and fixes his behavior."

You fail to realize that just by having tall buildings doesnt mean anything. Look at Dubai, all that real estate bubble. You may call it a "World Class" city but it is nothing. You may say that oh my ALLAH, they have regional headquarters of every major international company. But it means nothing, because the only thing regional HQs do is "organize" shipments and events in the region.

Look at Tel Aviv, Israel. They have dont have HQs of international companies. You know what they have? Research and Development centers of international companies. IT was Israel that developed the next generation computer chips for Intel. Made them smaller and require less energy. Made technology that the world actually uses.

Grow up.
Use the advice.
Sincerely The Rest of the Muslim Ulema.
You guys going to have all the money you want once Pakistan comes and massacre us all :lol:

So you are now making fun of all the terror victims injured by terrorists you have pay rolled. Good. This is a hadith about your nation:

"Narrated by Hazrat Abu Huraira(radi Allah Anho) from Hazrat Abu Qatada:
Dear Prophet (Salallaho alayahy wa sallam) said: People will be given allegiance (Beyat) to person (i.e Mahdi) between the Ruken(Hajr-e-Aswad) and Mukam(Mukam-e-Ebraheem) and no one else but the same people who are related to that place(citizens of Makkah) will destroy the respect of Kabah(as they will attack Mahdi in Kabah where fighting is forbidden) and when they will declare it Halal then do not ask about the killing of the ARABS(there will be a mass killing of arabs).Then Ethopians(Africans) will come and they will desolate it in such a way that it would never be a habitat and these will be the people who will take out its treasure."

That is what happens when you side against Islam.
Thəorətic Muslim;2664032 said:
To Arabs;

The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, said something like this: "The best among you will be one who accepts the criticism from his brother and fixes his behavior."

You fail to realize that just by having tall buildings doesnt mean anything. Look at Dubai, all that real estate bubble. You may call it a "World Class" city but it is nothing. You may say that oh my ALLAH, they have regional headquarters of every major international company. But it means nothing, because the only thing regional HQs do is "organize" shipments and events in the region.

Look at Tel Aviv, Israel. They have dont have HQs of international companies. You know what they have? Research and Development centers of international companies. IT was Israel that developed the next generation computer chips for Intel. Made them smaller and require less energy. Made technology that the world actually uses.

Grow up.
Use the advice.
Sincerely The Rest of the Muslim Ulema.
The problem is that u wouldn't use your brain and read my previous posts! I told you they are not just majestic tall buildings but they are educational, industrial, cultural, and research buildings. If your brain can't figure out that those buildings were built for a purpose then I have nothing to say to you.
Thəorətic Muslim;2664032 said:
To Arabs;

The Prophet Peace Be Upon Him, said something like this: "The best among you will be one who accepts the criticism from his brother and fixes his behavior."

You fail to realize that just by having tall buildings doesnt mean anything. Look at Dubai, all that real estate bubble. You may call it a "World Class" city but it is nothing. You may say that oh my ALLAH, they have regional headquarters of every major international company. But it means nothing, because the only thing regional HQs do is "organize" shipments and events in the region.

Look at Tel Aviv, Israel. They have dont have HQs of international companies. You know what they have? Research and Development centers of international companies. IT was Israel that developed the next generation computer chips for Intel. Made them smaller and require less energy. Made technology that the world actually uses.

Grow up.
Use the advice.
Sincerely The Rest of the Muslim Ulema.

So all those research centers are just tall buildings in your eyes? Of course Arabs can not do anything right? Just tall building not universities or research centers right?
Well all I can say to you is this:
على زبييييييييييييييييي
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