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Korean War- Retreat From Hell

Are a single one of the Chinese posters here Active duty or veteran, that answer.
Does the PLA actively recruit from Hong Kong?

(been meaning to visit China, been most other places. Soon enough I hope)
Not so much, due to the 1 country 2 systems policy.

However there are plenty of PLA garrisons here. If you really are the veteran that you claim to be, you might have some nice conversations with them. :azn:

I think you learn new things on this thread which CPC is hiding from you with the help of no basic rights like right to express and no free media. So what's today's lesson? China didnt win Korea war. Too much of shock. Right
I think you learn new things on this thread which CPC is hiding from you with the help of no basic rights like right to express and no free media. So what's today's lesson? China didnt win Korea war. Too much of shock. Right

LOL, Hong Kong ranks #2 best in Asia on the Press Freedom Index.

While India doesn't even rank in the Top 100. :rofl:
Not so much, due to the 1 country 2 systems policy.

However there are plenty of PLA garrisons here. If you really are the veteran that you claim to be, you might have some nice conversations with them. :azn:

I am. And coincidently, my mother lived in China as a young girl (Tiawan of course). Lol, one of my fave stories is how my Grandpa took a pedi-cab home, and told the driver to go to the house and collect his fare. When he showed up at the door demanding money, my Grandma beat him with her shoe! Plus, my mother told me the house-boy tried to teach them Chinese (she remembers none). A typhoon went through once, and blew the niehbors house down. They built a shelter against the wall of my grandparents compound. My mother and aunt felt bad for them, and took them peanut butter and crackers. As it turned out, they were quite wealthy, and built a house twice as big.

(and she left during an evacuation, in those days, they used to trade artillery across the straights, mainly out-lying islands)
You lost Vietnam war. Did you knw tht :cheesy:

LOL you never come with any facts, only Indian sidetracking. :rofl:

We entered the Korean War at the Yalu River (boundary between China and NK), and pushed the US + 16 of her allies ALL the way out of North Korea, the longest retreat in American military history.

In Vietnam, we achieved our primary objective (prove that USSR wouldn't intervene), and achieved our secondary objective which was to "punish" Vietnam with a scorched Earth policy, coming in and destroying their infrastructure, then leaving.

We also took back the Paracel Islands from Vietnam, like we took back Aksai Chin from India. We took back both of these territories by force, and neither one could do anything to stop us. And needless to say, neither one was able to take any territories from us.

But I'm talking to an Indian, from the country that lost land to all of its neighbours, and doesn't even have the balls to strike Pakistan after several repeated Mumbai attacks. :lol:
LOL you never come with any facts, only Indian sidetracking. :rofl:

We entered the Korean War at the Yalu River (boundary between China and NK), and pushed the US + 16 of her allies ALL the way out of North Korea, the longest retreat in American military history.

In Vietnam, we achieved our primary objective (prove that USSR wouldn't intervene), and achieved our secondary objective which was to "punish" Vietnam with a scorched Earth policy, coming in and destroying their infrastructure, then leaving.

We also took back the Paracel Islands from Vietnam, like we took back Aksai Chin from India. We took back both of these territories by force, and neither one could do anything to stop us. And needless to say, neither one was able to take any territories from us.

But I'm talking to an Indian, from the country that lost land to all of its neighbours, and doesn't even have the balls to strike Pakistan after several repeated Mumbai attacks. :lol:

So the so called all weather friend is accepting that Pakistan is behind terror attacks in Mumbai.:P
So the so called all weather friend is accepting that Pakistan is behind terror attacks in Mumbai.:P

No, but that is what INDIA claims. Manmohan Singh openly accused the Pakistani government of being behind the Mumbai attacks, and India's Home Minister Chidhambarham said that India would conduct "surgical strikes" against Pakistan.

But Mumbai got blasted several times after that, and India did nothing. Which proves that India can't do anything against Pakistan even if they wanted to. Pakistan alone is enough to hold off India, forget about China.
How old are you Dragon? (and if you are young, it doesn't mean your opinions matter any less)
How old are you Dragon? (and if you are young, it doesn't mean your opinions matter any less)

What is with your constant off-topic personal questions? :lol:

Notice that this thread is about the Korean War?

(And you still haven't proven that you are a veteran like you claimed.)
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