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Korean War- Retreat From Hell

What is with your constant off-topic personal questions? :lol:

Notice that this thread is about the Korean War?

(And you still haven't proven that you are a veteran like you claimed.)

Well, not sure how to prove it. The Americans on the forum seem to know it. As far as off-topic, knowing who is posting and their creds on military matters seem relevant to me. Plus, there are an increasing number of Chinese on this forum. Knowing who they are, and their experience helps to know if their opinions are well thought or fan-boy fiction. Help me out here.
No, but that is what INDIA claims. Manmohan Singh openly accused the Pakistani government of being behind the Mumbai attacks, and India's Home Minister Chidhambarham said that India would conduct "surgical strikes" against Pakistan.

But Mumbai got blasted several times after that, and India did nothing. Which proves that India can't do anything against Pakistan even if they wanted to. Pakistan alone is enough to hold off India, forget about China.

Dont make desperate attempts to cover your mistake. You are busted. We though Vietnam can contain your country in limits. Isnt it sad that such a small country can stop you any given day. My sympathies. :angel:

No, but that is what INDIA claims. Manmohan Singh openly accused the Pakistani government of being behind the Mumbai attacks, and India's Home Minister Chidhambarham said that India would conduct "surgical strikes" against Pakistan.

But Mumbai got blasted several times after that, and India did nothing. Which proves that India can't do anything against Pakistan even if they wanted to. Pakistan alone is enough to hold off India, forget about China.

Dont make desperate attempts to cover your mistake. You are busted. We though Vietnam can contain your country in limits. Isnt it sad that such a small country can stop you any given day. My sympathies. :angel:
No, but that is what INDIA claims. Manmohan Singh openly accused the Pakistani government of being behind the Mumbai attacks, and India's Home Minister Chidhambarham said that India would conduct "surgical strikes" against Pakistan.

But Mumbai got blasted several times after that, and India did nothing. Which proves that India can't do anything against Pakistan even if they wanted to. Pakistan alone is enough to hold off India, forget about China.

Brother,I must say you have some kind of patients with these morons, who always put the burden of proof on you, pump you with questions while their answers are minimal, deviate from the topic at hand to avoid direct answers and personal attacks when they lost for words.
Dont make desperate attempts to cover your mistake. You are busted. We though Vietnam can contain your country in limits. Isnt it sad that such a small country can stop you any given day. My sympathies. :angel:

Buddy, India cannot stand against anyone in this world. Not one country. :azn:

Pakistan takes land from India (half of Kashmir), India runs crying to the UN. China takes land from India (Aksai Chin), India goes crying to the US.

You have never ever taken territory from either Pakistan or China, while both have taken it from you.
Well, not sure how to prove it. The Americans on the forum seem to know it. As far as off-topic, knowing who is posting and their creds on military matters seem relevant to me. Plus, there are an increasing number of Chinese on this forum. Knowing who they are, and their experience helps to know if their opinions are well thought or fan-boy fiction. Help me out here.
Participate in 'Army' related subjects. Soon enough your experience will show. My 'credentials' in aviation here have been established -- over the Chinese shredded claims -- a long time ago. You can do the same.
:lol: China conscripts. And if you have no military experience, that mean you are a conscript reject.

LOL, you are absolutely clueless. :lol: Conscription has not been in force for decades, the PLA is swarmed with volunteers, they actually turn down loads of skilled applicants.

Conscription - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Though I bet they would find use for you back home in Vietnam, you can fight against the Communist Vietnamese government single-handedly. :azn:
Brother,I must say you have some kind of patients with these morons, who always put the burden of proof on you, pump you with questions while their answers are minimal, deviate from the topic at hand to avoid direct answers and personal attacks when they lost for words.
If you make a claim, then the burden of proof is indeed upon you. If you make some kind of declaration inside a topic, then it is only reasonable that those who have relevant experience demands the same of you.
is there a way to link facebook one-way? My old unit has a page, but I will be d@mned if I will expose them to this crew (has photos). (I just got in contact with a lot of them this year, was good to hear from them)

(PS...Gambit, what proof did u send this forum to prove u were a vet? Can you keep ur info from the worst of them?)
LOL, you are clueless. :lol: Conscription has not been in force for decades, the PLA is swarmed with volunteers, they actually turn down loads of skilled applicants.
Is conscription STILL an official policy in China?
Is conscription STILL an official policy in China?

Go to the link, it clearly says that there is no enforced conscription in China.

As usual, your claims are complete BS. :rofl:

And since you're obviously trying to play a semantic argument (as usual), then yes it is "de facto" rather than de jure.
Go to the link, it clearly says that there is no enforced conscription in China.

As usual, your claims are complete BS. :rofl:

And since you're obviously trying to play a semantic argument (as usual), then yes it is "de facto" rather than de jure.
So conscription is STILL an official policy in China.


And here we have a bunch of Chinese boys who either were rejected or too chickensh1t to serve even a measly two years yakking about military affairs.
So conscription is STILL an official policy in China.

Official policy but it is not PRACTICED. Which means that there is in effect, no conscription in China. :no:

As it says in the link, China is not one of the countries that practices conscription.

Use your brain, if there was enforced conscription the Chinese Army would number in the tens of millions. :lol:

Didn't they teach you math in Vietnam? Your claims have been proven to be complete BS, as usual. :rofl:
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