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Korean War- Retreat From Hell

Official policy but it is not PRACTICED. Which means that there is in effect, no conscription in China. :no:

As it says in the link, China is not one of the countries that practices conscription.

Use your brain, if there was enforced conscription the Chinese Army would number in the tens of millions.
Conscription does not mean you must take in everyone eligible. It simply mean you have an available pool of candidates who have no avenue of refusal. May be it should be YOU who should use your brain, after all, the Chinese is supposed to have that unique 'high Chinese IQ', right? :lol:
Learn to read Gambit. :lol:

Conscription - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China is not one of the countries that practices conscription.

As usual, your claims have been proven to be complete BS. :azn:
No need to continue down this lane. It is beyond doubts by now that none of you Chinese boys have any relevant experience. Reasonable people who wish to participate in discussions where they have no relevant experience would admit their ignorance, ask questions, offered their admitted flawed opinions, and learn from those who have relevant experience.

But not you guys...
No need to continue down this lane. It is beyond doubts by now that none of you Chinese boys have any relevant experience. Reasonable people who wish to participate in discussions where they have no relevant experience would admit their ignorance, ask questions, offered their admitted flawed opinions, and learn from those who have relevant experience.

But not you guys...

That's what you get for making a ridiculous claim without any proof. :lol:

(And you turned out to be 100% wrong, no surprises there.)
As many soldiers as the PLA claims to have, they should be able to get at least one active duty soldier on this forum. The fact that they don't only proves to me that the claims of strict censorship are all too true. (How many Americans are here? At least a third are military or vet)

Perhaps they are afraid their lack of knowledge would shock their Western counter-parts
As many soldiers as the PLA claims to have, they should be able to get at least one active duty soldier on this forum. The fact that they don't only proves to me that the claims of strict censorship are all to true. (How many Americans are here? At least a third are military or vet)

They will mostly be on Chinese language forums, since few Chinese people speak English fluently.
They will mostly be on Chinese language forums, since few Chinese people speak English fluently.

I will concede that, as these forums are in English, but as English is a common 2nd language, at least one could represent the PLA? You should suggest it.

(Lol, at least I believe you are Chinese, when I asked your age, you ducked it, as though ashamed of your youth, a very Asian trait)
I will concede that, as these forums are in English, but as English is a common 2nd language, at least one could represent the PLA? You should suggest it.

People in China will usually learn their regional dialect first, then the National dialect (Mandarin). Then if they want to go overseas, they might learn English too. Though few people are truly fluent in English.

Like I said, if you want to talk to any PLA soldier you can come and visit China anytime you want. :wave:
Yet India is supposed to be a democratic country, and still they fake their figures. :lol:

India Overstated Exports by $9 Billion - Bloomberg

Atleast did you read the news?

India’s commerce ministry said it overstated merchandise exports by $9 billion in the eight months through November because of “misclassification and errors” in computing overseas sales.

- There you have it. I have highlighted it for you. It is not Bloomberg which came up with the discovery. It is the Indian commerce ministry which said that. So where is fake here?
(PS...Gambit, what proof did u send this forum to prove u were a vet? Can you keep ur info from the worst of them?)
I sent no proof. Bottom line is that my arguments in the technical areas of aviation and USAF life in general contains information that simply is not the public domain unless a person actually served. I have also revealed some active duty USAF experiences to a few individuals who PM-ed me about certain subjects that they know they cannot find anywhere else. No names are needed. Your Army experience will enable you to search for credible third party sources to support your arguments, sources that no one will know how to search unless he/she have relevant experience, simple as that.

For example, I know a bunch of Army guys from Baumholder waaaayyy back then. Some of them were experimenters of using hand held Texas Instruments mini computers for arty, conventional and nuclear. They also ride their bikes in a club where the club's sign was a bomb on their leathers. Anyone who was at Baumholder would know what I am talking about.

Little things like this cannot be made up by some poseurs. You can do the same. Bust a few poseurs enough and we will know what you are.
So you actually haven't given any proof that you are a veteran?

How do we know you are one then?

Pretending to be a veteran is one of the most unscrupulous things that can be done.
Try and bust me, fool. Others have tried and failed. Miserably.
Try and bust me, fool. Others have tried and failed. Miserably.

The burden of proof is always on the one who makes the positive claim.

Surely you should know that? :what:

Come to think of it, you always like to use the term "conscript reject" whenever possible (even though China doesn't even practice conscription and you were entirely wrong). That sounds to me like someone is overcompensating. :lol:

Civilians pretending to be veterans is a massive insult, and the internet is filled with such posers. They are experts in digging up information which is "not public domain" in order to pose as veterans.
I sent no proof. Bottom line is that my arguments in the technical areas of aviation and USAF life in general contains information that simply is not the public domain unless a person actually served. I have also revealed some active duty USAF experiences to a few individuals who PM-ed me about certain subjects that they know they cannot find anywhere else. No names are needed. Your Army experience will enable you to search for credible third party sources to support your arguments, sources that no one will know how to search unless he/she have relevant experience, simple as that.

For example, I know a bunch of Army guys from Baumholder waaaayyy back then. Some of them were experimenters of using hand held Texas Instruments mini computers for arty, conventional and nuclear. They also ride their bikes in a club where the club's sign was a bomb on their leathers. Anyone who was at Baumholder would know what I am talking about.

Little things like this cannot be made up by some poseurs. You can do the same. Bust a few poseurs enough and we will know what you are.

Lol, How about this, I was in Trier (near Baumholder). How long you been in? I'm pretty sure we haven't been in Baumholder for a while. You know what Hawk is?

(PS...that was when I was a kid, I was in Ft Useless active, been on many a deployment. Dad was ADA, born in Furth)

PPSS...when I go to an air show, and everyone thinks that the jets broke mach, I laugh. In Trier, we were near the Fulda gap. The Phantoms would cook through there, you would see them, a second later, the boom came. Nothing like that here.:agree:
As many soldiers as the PLA claims to have, they should be able to get at least one active duty soldier on this forum. The fact that they don't only proves to me that the claims of strict censorship are all too true. (How many Americans are here? At least a third are military or vet)

Perhaps they are afraid their lack of knowledge would shock their Western counter-parts
After Desert Storm, the PLA got the shock it needed and began to reform. The problem for the PLA is that the branches cannot afford to take in everyone who is eligible. Being a soldier or a government bureaubrat have long term security. So if the PLA must reform and modernize, selective conscription to fill 'low tech' positions and enticement of high quality men to keep them motivated in their 'high tech' positions and status must be in parallel. Still, despite the PLA's active presence in universities, college graduates in the PLA is still lower than the US military in both the commissioned and NCO corps. A mid-level NCO with a BA/S in the US military is pretty much normal but not for the PLA. I had two flight chiefs with Ph.D.
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