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Korean War- Retreat From Hell

So you actually haven't given any proof that you are a veteran?

How do we know you are one then?

Pretending to be a veteran is one of the most unscrupulous things that can be done.

In America there are many soldier/cop wannabes who read every available materials, go to all kinds of formats and follow them(cops) around. So they always try to talk like one, especially in bars. Down South, you can see red necks walking around the streets in military uniforms while the true pros are in civies and keep mum.

I wouldn't surprise many in this forum are simply pretenders but sound very genuine.
Lol, How about this, I was in Trier (near Baumholder). How long you been in? I'm pretty sure we haven't been in Baumholder for a while. You know what Hawk is?

(PS...that was when I was a kid, I was in Ft Useless active, been on many a deployment. Dad was ADA, born in Furth)
I had a step-relative who was an Army staff in Baumholder. I was TDY from Upper Heyford to 'Spang' to recover a jet and took a weekend road trip to see him. I was in from '83-'92. Was there when we bombed 'Daffy in retaliation. Hawk? The missile?
I had a step-relative who was an Army staff in Baumholder. I was TDY from Upper Heyford to 'Spang' to recover a jet and took a weekend road trip to see him. I was in from '83-'92. Was there when we bombed 'Daffy in retaliation. Hawk? The missile?

Yeah, Patriot replaced it. Was there in the 70's. Like I said...gettin old.

If your boy was Air Force, musta been Bittburg. Is that still an AF base, or did they shut her down?

(sorry, you said Army...It is early, and I'm still sleepy)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spangdahlem_Air_Basejust looked it up,
The burden of proof is always on the one who makes the positive claim.

Surely you should know that? :what:

Come to think of it, you always like to use the term "conscript reject" whenever possible (even though China doesn't even practice conscription and you were entirely wrong). That sounds to me like someone is overcompensating. :lol:

Civilians pretending to be veterans is a massive insult, and the internet is filled with such posers. They are experts in digging up information which is "not public domain" in order to pose as veterans.
No one is putting the burden upon you. But there are several ways to prove myself and I have done so far beyond doubts, notably when I presented technical arguments that none of you know, let alone refute.

In America there are many soldier/cop wannabes who read every available materials, go to all kinds of formats and follow them(cops) around. So they always try to talk like one, especially in bars. Down South, you can see red necks walking around the streets in military uniforms while the true pros are in civies and keep mum.

I wouldn't surprise many in this forum are simply pretenders but sound very genuine.
This tells me you do not know what you are talking about. During hunting season, plenty of 'camo-ed' people walks around town. If you were ever in the US -- which I doubt -- unless you are up close, a foreigner who have no military experience could easily mistake a hunter for a soldier.
This tells me you do not know what you are talking about. During hunting season, plenty of 'camo-ed' people walks around town. If you were ever in the US -- which I doubt -- unless you are up close, a foreigner who have no military experience could easily mistake a hunter for a soldier.

As always, you always think you're the only one who know. Aside from the fact I'm not a military man and don't intend to pretend to be one , you know nothing about me.
That's what you get for making a ridiculous claim without any proof. :lol:

(And you turned out to be 100% wrong, no surprises there.)
Do you think I really care if the admin staff took away my 'Professionals' tag? Booo...Hooo...Hooo...Woe is me...:lol:...I never asked for it in the first place. On any anonymous Internet discussion, CONTENTS are more important than ego and the contents of my posts, especially in matters of aviation, have been far superior to ALL of you Chinese boys combined.

As always, you always think you're the only one who know. Aside from the fact I'm not a military man and don't intend to pretend to be one , you know nothing about me.
I do not care to know anything about you. But that does not prevent me from making guesses from your comments and from what I have seen so far, you do not know what the hell you are talking about when you speak about US.
Do you think I really care if the admin staff took away my 'Professionals' tag? Booo...Hooo...Hooo...Woe is me...:lol:...I never asked for it in the first place. On any anonymous Internet discussion, CONTENTS are more important than ego and the contents of my posts, especially in matters of aviation, have been far superior to ALL of you Chinese boys combined.

If you make a claim, then the burden is on you to prove it.

If you don't want that burden, then don't make so many ridiculous claims. :lol:
"Pretend" to know is exactly right in the case of Gambit. :lol:

I have always known Gambit was Air Force, his recent exchange proves it. (Hard for a Chinese to imagine, but the fact he could postulate that I had been near Baumholder is not something you can get off the net so soon)
I have always known Gambit was Air Force, his recent exchange proves it. (Hard for a Chinese to imagine, but the fact he could postulate that I had been near Baumholder is not something you can get off the net so soon)

"Posers" are EXPERTS at getting information that is "not in the public domain". And these losers swarm the internet, using their gleaned technical knowledge about the military as a free excuse to talk BS, posing as veterans. Which of course is an enormous insult to people to actually are veterans.
Yeah, Patriot replaced it. Was there in the 70's. Like I said...gettin old.

If your boy was Air Force, musta been Bittburg. Is that still an AF base, or did they shut her down?

(sorry, you said Army...It is early, and I'm still sleepy)

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spangdahlem_Air_Basejust looked it up,
What I regret about Germany was never had enough time to enjoy playing tourist. I had a 'Space A' layover at Bittburg but that was it. The other times were always to recover jets. Funny how our F-111 pilots seemed to always have troubles over Germany but we always have a hell of a time trying to 'dupe' the problems.
"Pretend" to know is exactly right in the case of Gambit. :lol:

Those true pros like special force or green beret never boost their experiences to strangers, even in a anonymous forum. They might talk about their experiences among themselves and closed friends. However some low level enlist men might like take big once in awhile. And also don't forget, before the nineties, many Asian enlists were assigned to be orderlies and cooks. BTW my uncle was one of those and oh you should listen to him whenever he visits Hong Kong. A general if you don't know him well.
"Posers" are EXPERTS at getting information that is "not in the public domain". And these losers swarm the internet, using their gleaned technical knowledge about the military as a free excuse to talk BS, posing as veterans. Which of course is an enormous insult to people to actually are veterans.
See the guy with the 'stache and no sunglasses ?


He is a friend.
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