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Korean War- Retreat From Hell

Are you so lazy that you did not even read the thread?

It's the War memorial in Washington DC, I won't say any more than that since it is so ridiculously easy to check the links or the pictures that were previously posted.

Though if you really are THAT lazy then the link is in the post above mine.

Do you comprehend what I am stating?

China casualties - 150,000
UN casualties - 630,000

This is from their OWN War memorial.

I am quoting Chinese figures here. Did I quote the UN casualities anywhere in my posting?
Wow, we sure got run off. America did't manage to foil China's plan to rule Korea, on their door step, 1000's of miles from ours, nope. And that time my father was stationed in Korea? A fantasy.

You Chinese need to accept the fact that we kept Korea from your greedy clutches, even though you thought it was yours, we are 1/3 your size, 1000's of miles away (while you merely had to walk across a border), and remain to this day.

Who's whose 1/3? :lol: Your statements show how you are severely undereducated.

China never attempted to rule Korea in recent 1000 years. Why? Because they learn it from history of thousands of years that the best way to rule Korea is to co-exist with a divided Korea.

Tang Dynasty and Shui Dynasty both attempted direct occupation of Korea, and later Dynasties attempted indirect rule of a divided Korea (often divided into two or three countries). Indirect rule seem to have a very stable boarder and thriving trade.

A typical modern example is that PLA has long moved out of Korea, yet insecure UN troops are still there.

Back to the topic.

In retrospect, UN army could have done better if it were not led by "incompetent leader from Whiter House and down" (by the soldier in the clip) such as you type of hopelessly un- or under-educated bunch. :tdown:

On the other side, a poor China beating up whole world (almost) definitely gave itself a badly needed confidence. Funny enough, clueless India would challenge China in 1962.
You do not want to say this to the Americans here. Keep in mind quite a few of us have actual military experience and stationed overseas. Far more than all of the Chinese boys can say for themselves. May be YOU do not know where Korea is.

Americans are notoriously undereducated. Many of them do know where Canada is, much less other places -- not that they are stupid, but that they don't care. So pretty much FM is right:

Free Tibet, wait, where is Tibet? - YouTube

Lol, most nation's nationals have a hard time with this. They do not realise being in the American military means you have travelled the world. I was born and lived (and was deployed too) Europe, been around ME, all over North and South America, had stops in Asia (on my way to Antartica for Operation Deep Freeze no less)

To be in the Chinese Army means you have been too....China (and I greatly doubt a single one of our Chinese posters has a single second of military experience outside of an online environment)

LOL! Only fool would believe that you have to have your head chopped off to know chopping off head will cause your death. You know this by reading books or other “indirect knowledge”.

The power of books is that you don’t have to experience something to know something. e.g. you don't have to be stationed in Korea to know where Korea is. Of course that doesn’t rule out necessary needs in practicing something.
LOL! Only fool would believe that you have to have your head chopped off to know chopping off head will cause your death. You know this by reading books or other “indirect knowledge”.

The power of books is that you don’t have to experience something to know something. e.g. you don't have to be stationed in Korea to know where Korea is. Of course that doesn’t rule out necessary needs in practicing something.

I think he's just a kid too eager to make his marks in the online forums by showing how much 'knowledge' and 'experiences' he possesses. You can tell by his randomly shoot of his mouth without any clues on what's he talking about.
Communist china is known for under-reporting the casualty figures. Do you want me to give you some examples?:lol:

So what about democratic India?

While your are fumbling for "examples", here is a ready instance for you:

Henderson Brooks–Bhagat Report

The Henderson Brooks-Bhagat report, also referred to as the Henderson Brooks report, is the report of an analysis (Operations Review) of the Sino-Indian War of 1962. Its authors are officers of the Indian armed forces. They are Lieutenant-General Henderson Brooks and Brigadier P S Bhagat, commandant of the Indian Military Academy at the time.

The report continues to be classified by the Indian Government, as of October 2006.[1] In April 2010, India's Defence Minister A.K. Antony told Parliament that the report could not be declassified because its contents “are not only extremely sensitive but are of current operational value." [2] :lol:

The report is said to be openly critical of the Indian political and military structure of the time, as well as of the execution of operations.



"Extremely sensitive" to bust some Indians' jingoism. maybe?

Considering that was back in the 1950s, it was a tremendous show by China. Usually, the East Asians are better organized than Westerners as a group, so when they are led by about equally skillful leaders, equipped with similar levels of technologically advanced weapons and backed by similarly powerful political and economic blocs, the East Asians should be able to defeat the Westerners. In the 1950s, Chinese economy was only a fraction of today's booming Chinese economy. If a repeat of that war had to happen, I can only imagine worse outcomes for the West.

On the other side, Gen. MacArthur, a globally recognized military genius, a WWII hero, was actually defeated by the Chinese, showing his ignorance of China and the Chinese. Very much like this subordinator: WTF you couldn’t stop only those Chinese laundryman (per the clip).

The hard fact is exactly the laundryman pushed back a force composed of major world powers to where the disaster started.

Rumor goes that MacArthur’s ego was thus badly injured. He, in his retirement time, often had to call home prostitutes. They would surround him and praise him ceaselessly while kneeling down under him…

Now, looking at those laughable "Chinese experts" in the States. By adding to it pure ideologists/crusaders, it's really dangerous for the States and the world peace.
:lol: ALL of you are either conscript rejects or protected from service by living outside of China. ALL of you are too young to know what the Cold War was like.

No. They all Chinese laundrymen (BTW, hope you watch the OP video), as MacArthur and his followers expected.

That is perhaps why West first lost Korea, then Vietnam.

BTW, don't expect young people don't read like you.

Americans are notoriously undereducated. Many of them do know where Canada is, much less other places -- not that they are stupid, but that they don't care. So pretty much FM is right:
:lol: And we can only wonder how ignorant the Chinese population would be outside of the major cities: the farmers, the goat herders, those who believe males are superior to females, those who still practices foot binding...
:lol: And we can only wonder how ignorant the Chinese population would be outside of the major cities: the farmers, the goat herders, those who believe males are superior to females, those who still practices foot binding...
and you are denying you are extreemly ignorant```lol
once maintenance guy and always maintenance guy, your knowledge confines just there even you dont want to accept it
:lol: And we can only wonder how ignorant the Chinese population would be outside of the major cities: the farmers, the goat herders, those who believe males are superior to females, those who still practices foot binding...

100% incorrect. :rofl:

Find me one single reliable source that shows footbinding is still practiced in today's China.
So what about democratic India?

While your are fumbling for "examples", here is a ready instance for you:


"Extremely sensitive" to bust some Indians' jingoism. maybe?


What is the relationship betwee numbers fudging and a report deemed as classified? Your example stumps me.
China did most of the fighting on that side of the war.

So in fact the Chinese had FAR less casualties than the UN forces, even according to your own numbers.

Even despite using the "human wave" tactics, we had significantly fewer losses than the UN forces did.

And that was a 1950's China, when we are the weakest point in our entire history.

This is from their own memorial (Look at the UN casualties).

If you are going to include South Korean casualties then you need to include North Korean casualties which you are not.
If you are going to include South Korean casualties then you need to include North Korean casualties which you are not.

We only entered the war after the UN forces had almost entirely defeated North Korea.

We weren't even a part of the war when most of the North Korean soldiers got killed. It only became our war after the US brought their troops to the Yalu River, after North Korea had already been beaten. After that, then it was our fight.
China managed to won skirmish in 1962 with India. But apart from that they had very pathetic performances in war. In second world war they performed poorly against Japanese. In Korea war they can not achieve their goals. They got spanked in Vietnam in 1979.But height is because of no free media and right of expression majority Chinese even dont believe that they had lost all the wars. My sympathies.
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