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Korean War- Retreat From Hell

What I was was 100% true even according to your own statistics, Indian. :lol:

Chinese forces had less casualties than the UN forces during that war. Even DESPITE being at our weakest point in history, and even DESPITE using human wave tactics.

But then Indians like you would never know, India has never won a war after it was created by the British. :rofl: Let alone against the COMBINED forces of the UN.

omg, for a country with an apparent higher IQ then everyone else, you sure are dumb lol

Number of Armies (peak strength): 19
Chinese soldiers within Korea (peak strength): 1,340,000
KIA in battlefields: 115,000
Wounded in battlefields: 221,000
Non-battle deaths: 25,000
Missing/captured: 29,000

ok the UN

KIA wounded MIA captured total
US 54,229 103,248 8,142 3,746 169,365 KIA included the 20,600 accidental fatality
UK 710 2,278 1,263 766 5,017
Turkey 717 2,246 167 217 3,349
Australia 291 1,240 39 21 1,591
Canada 309 1,055 30 2 1,396
France 288 818 18 11 1,135
Thailand 114 794 5 0 913
Greece 169 543 2 1 715
Holland 111 589 4 0 704
Columbia 140 452 65 29 686
Ethiopia 120 536 656
Philippines 92 299 57 40 488
Belgium/Luxe 97 350 5 1 453
New Zealand 34 80 1 115
South Africa 20 16 6 42

omg, for a country with an apparent higher IQ then everyone else, you sure are dumb lol

Now you have proven that you are an Indian, they are the only ones here who cry about IQ. :lol:

And your IQ is certainly average for an Indian. South Korea was PART of the UN forces. :rofl:

They in fact made up the bulk of the forces on the UN side.
This is from their own memorial:

Look at the UN casualties.

Now you have proven that you are an Indian, they are the only ones here who cry about IQ. :lol:

And your IQ is certainly average for an Indian. South Korea was PART of the UN forces. :rofl:

They in fact made up the bulk of the forces on the UN side.

if that is the case... then DPRK was a part of the chinese forces?? you cant have it both ways.. either china was by itself and DRPK was seperate... in which case the UN forces was by itself and the ROK was seperate... or china and DRPK were one, and the UN and ROK was one?? which is it???

either way... china still lost more troops then the UN... and if u combine both sides.. the chinese/DRPK side still lost more troops that is fact lol

and i mentioned your IQ because i seen others talk about it, i thought it was deserved... i mean.. your in here talking crap with no idea about reality...i argued with my sister one time, she couldnt accept i was right and she was wrong.. even when i provided evidence.. it the same with u... my sister had a IQ of 93.. i think your pretty much on the same level... i pity you.. you need another 40 to catch me
either way... china still lost more troops then the UN... and if u combine both sides.. the chinese/DRPK side still lost more troops that is fact lol

Wrong again, look at their OWN memorial picture above. :no:

First you Indians think you know more than the American veterans themselves, now you think their memorials are wrong too?

Lets be honest, SK forces (and most of our "allies") were barely equiped or trained, except for Turkey, Australia, UK, etc. (and they had small contingents). The SK forces weren't even a speed-bump until we sent the tiny Task Force Smith, which stopped the commies at Pusan.
combined Chinese and North Korean military dead

400,000 (from disease, Wallechinsky; Clodfelter [in addition to KIA est. above])
500,000 (from battle, Summers)
0.5M (generally, Lewy)
1.5M (from all causes, Hastings)
Lets be honest, SK forces (and most of our "allies") were barely equiped or trained, except for Turkey, Australia, UK, etc. (and they had small contingents). The SK forces weren't even a speed-bump until we sent the tiny Task Force Smith, which stopped the commies at Pusan.

Check at 3:40 in the History Channel video. When the Chinese troops ran out of ammunition or weapons, they would simply use their rifles as clubs, or even their bare hands.

There is no way that China in the 1950's was well equipped, by any definition.
Wrong again, look at their OWN memorial picture above. :no:

First you Indians think you know more than the American veterans themselves, now you think their memorials are wrong too?

What a typical Indian. You guys have never won any territory since your nation was created by the British, now you guys hide in Australia where you get murdered for the colour of your skin.

god your a racist piece of crap aint you??

how many times do i have to tell you? are your ears slanted too?? im not indian... im australian.. im white ...

and indians dont get murdered here often.. in fact most the cases where they are assaulted or murdered or bashed... it is perputrated by a fellow indian... look up crime stats of australia
North Korea is to have has lost 200,000-220,000 China 390,000-400,000 around 620,000
UN according to the memorial now lost around 628,000- 630,000
to many sources different info.

Dead: United States: 54,246, United Nations: 628,833.

Wounded: United States: 103,284, United Nations: 1,064,453.

Captured: United States: 7,140, United Nations: 92,970.

Missing: United States: 8,177 United Nations: 470,267.
god your a racist piece of crap aint you??

how many times do i have to tell you? are your ears slanted too?? im not indian... im australian.. im white ...

and indians dont get murdered here often.. in fact most the cases where they are assaulted or murdered or bashed... it is perputrated by a fellow indian... look up crime stats of australia

LOL Indian, you think you know more than the American veterans themselves and their own War memorials?

Go hide from the real Australians, who have shown exactly what they think of you Indians.
People, please WATCH the video from the History Channel, and hear what the American veterans have to say for themselves.

Instead of trolling like the Indians always do.
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