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Korean War- Retreat From Hell

Casualties and losses

Republic of Korea:[2]
137,899 dead
450,742 wounded
24,495 MIA
8,343 POW
United States of America:
(US sources):[2]
36,940 dead
92,134 wounded
3,737 MIA
4,439 POW
(PRC-DPRK estimates):
397,543 in total[5]

Democratic People's Republic of Korea:
215,000 dead
303,000 wounded
120,000 MIA or POW[7]
China People's Republic of China:
(Chinese sources):[8]
152,000 dead
383,500 wounded
450,000 hospitalized
4,000 missing
7,110 captured
14,190 defected
(U.S. estimate):[7]
400,000+ dead
486,000 wounded
21,000 POW

again... go team china pmsl...even ur own estimates , that would of course been taken down to make yourselves look better, show china lost more men then even the ROK looooooooooooool
do you have any perception of reality at all??? i dont care how you try to justify and twist the truth.. the facts and statistics remain the same... china... lost more troops, then south korea and america COMBINED!! thats laughable lol

and hey, dont try to cop out by saying ohh but we.. we ...we used human wave tactics....... that just makes your country look even dumber.... its stupidity.... sure, if you can overun your enemy, good... but just goes to show your leaders dont really care bout the lives on the chinese soldiers... another reason they used those tactics.. is because if china fought like most other countries fight wars,... they would of got flogged and made no progress at all
In Korea war, we and NK faced army force of UN which US Leaded, You focus on causalties, but neglect the disadvantage of weapon. Of the casualty of China, many due to cold. we lack of weapon and other material and good!
We fight all army force of UN, not only USA, You contrast China and USA by casualty, ridiculous itself!!
One year after independence, we send our army there and push army force of UN to 38 degree, although we lost many compatriots, we use five great battles to let arrogant USA sit down and sign the cease-fire plan, In fact, we didn't win, USA didn't lose, the end is tie!
Let USA advantage of weapon and ample materials and goods into your consideration, OK!
lol does anyone actually believe the Chinese casualty figures? :lol:
Of course, that's only thing that you can do after war! if you want to make progress, please try to learn something meaningful from it, Or else, you will lose next one!
Human wave tactics without any proper strategy will lead to failure. Like the Zulu's against the British in South Africa, they just ran in without any strategy and were shot down.

China's use of the Human wave tactics in the Korean war was VERY strategic, despite our lack of weapons and technology. In fact it managed to force the combined UN forces (USA + 16 allies) completely out of North Korea.

China casualties - 150,000
UN casualties - 630,000

This is from their OWN War memorial.
Of course, that's only thing that you can do after war! if you want to make progress, please try to learn something meaningful from it, Or else, you will lose next one!

Communist china is known for under-reporting the casualty figures. Do you want me to give you some examples?:lol:
Human wave tactics without any proper strategy will lead to failure. Like the Zulu's against the British in South Africa, they just ran in without any strategy and were shot down.

China's use of the Human wave tactics in the Korean war was VERY strategic, despite our lack of weapons and technology. In fact it managed to force the combined UN forces (USA + 16 allies) completely out of North Korea.

China casualties - 150,000
UN casualties - 630,000

This is from their OWN War memorial

Which war memorial is that? While exact Chinese figures are not known, Pentagon estimate that more than 400,000 Chinese soldiers died.
Korean War Veterans Memorial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia





and UN had under-reporting their casualty figures.
more than 470000 UN soilder considered as missing, only because they can not find the corpse.
Which war memorial is that? While exact Chinese figures are not known, Pentagon estimate that more than 400,000 Chinese soldiers died.

Are you so lazy that you did not even read the thread?

It's the War memorial in Washington DC, I won't say any more than that since it is so ridiculously easy to check the links or the pictures that were previously posted.

Though if you really are THAT lazy then the link is in the post above mine.
Considering that was back in the 1950s, it was a tremendous show by China. Usually, the East Asians are better organized than Westerners as a group, so when they are led by about equally skillful leaders, equipped with similar levels of technologically advanced weapons and backed by similarly powerful political and economic blocs, the East Asians should be able to defeat the Westerners. In the 1950s, Chinese economy was only a fraction of today's booming Chinese economy. If a repeat of that war had to happen, I can only imagine worse outcomes for the West.
Go get buyers for your bananas dont bs here:rofl:

Wow big come back i mean stopping our bananas simply because of coconut pest? how stupid? its a obvious harassment by your so called country again how can bananas have coconut pest? stupid
A "surprise"?

China openly WARNED America not to bring troops to the Yalu River.

America quite deliberately ignored these warnings. Resulting in the longest ever retreat of American military forces, completely out of North Korea.

Before the Chinese intervention, American forces (plus those of 16 of her allies) had almost completely overrun North Korea. If you had listened to us and stayed away from the Yalu River, North Korea would not exist today.

No your country warned America not to cross the 38th Parallel because they wanted North Korea to stay alive. Its a well known fact. Not about the river. If we were not surprised then we would have brought more troops and vehicles to prepare for possible Chinese intervention. Common sense yes? And forcing American forces to longest retreat so what? You study American military history and we do it all the time. Did it destroy South Korea?
Always boast about you military experiences. Go ahead if it soothes you ego and make you better at night.
If I 'boast' at least I have a solid foundation to boast upon. But when you Chinese boys talk smack about China, especially when it comes to military matters, what do any of you have? Zilch.
Korean war was power shift to Asia on the globe similar to rise Japan in pre-WW2 era.

It is unfortunate Nehru interpreted it as Asia's war against the West.
If I 'boast' at least I have a solid foundation to boast upon. But when you Chinese boys talk smack about China, especially when it comes to military matters, what do any of you have? Zilch.

Perhaps the ones who debated with you on military matters do have ample experiences, not that it make any differences to you anyway. You love your own voices too much to listen to others.
Perhaps the ones who debated with you on military matters do have ample experiences, not that it make any differences to you anyway. You love your own voices too much to listen to others.
:lol: ALL of you are either conscript rejects or protected from service by living outside of China. ALL of you are too young to know what the Cold War was like.
:lol: ALL of you are either conscript rejects or protected from service by living outside of China. ALL of you are too young to know what the Cold War was like.

I envy your knowledge and confident. Cheers.
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