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Australia's most senior Islamic State member Mohammad Baryalei reportedly killed | SBS News

Video shows ISIS fighters talking with Turkish border guards | Daily Mail Online

A remarkable video has emerged purporting to show Islamic State militants chatting casually with a group of Turkish border guards near the besieged Syrian city of Kobane.

The amateur footage, understood to have been filmed close to Zarova Hill in the outskirts of Kobane, raises serious questions about the apparently relaxed relationship between the terror group and officials from the Nato member state.

It appears to show two heavily armed militants wandering nonchalantly up to the Turkish border fence - displaying shocking bravado as they smile and wave at the camera.

They are met by what appears to be a military vehicle full of security officials who, despite carrying weapons themselves, do little more than break into conversation with the jihadis, who eventually wander off back into Syria while shouting 'Allahu Akbar'.

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They are not not pro turkey the use take the helpl of anyone who try to help them than they backstabb you later do think their help will stop them from claiming northern Kurdistan???

Mate, you don't like Kurds in general...we have only beef with separatists scum. Barzani plays good with us, so we are nice to him. As we hold their oil pipelines, they depend on us. Other that, no i don't think no country, or group in the ME can claim a pebble from Turkey.
Today.Az - No pebble from Turkey to Armenia says Davutoglu
They are not not pro turkey the use take the helpl of anyone who try to help them than they backstabb you later do think their help will stop them from claiming northern Kurdistan???
sure that is a possibility, but we should also see it like this; KRG is increasingly under Turkish influence. I Hope Turkish share of economic investments in KRG will increase more and more, this way they will be dependent on us. No way they are gonna bite our hand since they depend on Turkish pipelines to export their oil and all those other investments, plus they will need some political backing due pkk/pyd rivalry. Turkey plugging out all cables and turning anti-KRG will make them landlocked between hostile nations. by making them more and more reliant on us, they dont have another option. if not through love, then through such measures.
Reliable resources reported to SOHR that IS has lost the communication with 30 militants in northwest of the Security Box in the city of Ayn al- Arab; it is unknown whether they were killed in clashes with YPG or by the U.S.- led coalition strikes or run away towards the Syrian- Turkish border.

The number of shells launched by IS on the city of Ayn al- Arab has risen to 23 since this morning.
Peshmerga passing thru North Kurdistan to Kobani

I have the exact same pepper spray , bought in a gun store in Turkey for 12 lira I think :D

isn't it symbolic to see the Kurdish Army driving through Northern Kurdistan to reach Western Kurdistan? :)

Peshmerga passing thru North Kurdistan to Kobani


Where the hell is this so-called north kurdistan? Turkey helps pehmerga cross the border to save fvcking kurdish rats' as.ses from IS, over you cried a river, still you claim land from Turkey?... fvcking greedy organisms... You kurds give a new meaning to word LOW...
isn't it symbolic to see the Kurdish Army driving through Turkey to reach Western Kurdistan?

Yeah, it's very symbolic. A gesture from Turkey to Kurds. But Kurds in that crowd hurled stones to Turkish soldiers who were providing security to Kurdish vehicles....
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