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The clashes in Kobani drain the Islamic State Organization
October 24, 2014 Comments Off 811 Views

Uneasy clam are prevailing the city of Ayn al- Arab (Kobani), broken by sound of firing by IS and YPG snipers, after violent clashes lasted since yesterday night until the early down in several areas in the city and its western countryside. Reliable sources informed SOHR that a loud explosion heard in the south of the city. The reason of this violent explosion expected to be detonating a booby- trapped vehicle by IS. U.S. and allied coalition strikes helped YPG fighters to re- captured Sh’ir Hill and its vicinity. YPG could drag 7 IS bodies killed in clashes and the coalition strikes.

Reliable sources reported to SOHR that IS is still bringing more fighters to the city of Ayn al- Arab from its held- towns and cities of Aleppo, al- Raqqa, Deir Ezzor and al- Hasakah and that after the heavy casualties due to the clashes with YPG and U.S.- led coalition air strikes. The same sources informed SOHR that IS bodies are still on the ground in some streets. Sources form the countryside of Aleppo, al- Hasakah and Deir Ezzor reported to SOHR that IS becomes depending on fighters who do not have experience of combat and who newly joined the training camps, where they send them within the military enhancement sent to the city of Kobani.

The clashes in Kobani drain the Islamic State Organization | Syrian Observatory For Human Rights
The clashes in Kobani drain the Islamic State Organization
October 24, 2014 Comments Off 811 Views

Uneasy clam are prevailing the city of Ayn al- Arab (Kobani), broken by sound of firing by IS and YPG snipers, after violent clashes lasted since yesterday night until the early down in several areas in the city and its western countryside. Reliable sources informed SOHR that a loud explosion heard in the south of the city. The reason of this violent explosion expected to be detonating a booby- trapped vehicle by IS. U.S. and allied coalition strikes helped YPG fighters to re- captured Sh’ir Hill and its vicinity. YPG could drag 7 IS bodies killed in clashes and the coalition strikes.

Reliable sources reported to SOHR that IS is still bringing more fighters to the city of Ayn al- Arab from its held- towns and cities of Aleppo, al- Raqqa, Deir Ezzor and al- Hasakah and that after the heavy casualties due to the clashes with YPG and U.S.- led coalition air strikes. The same sources informed SOHR that IS bodies are still on the ground in some streets. Sources form the countryside of Aleppo, al- Hasakah and Deir Ezzor reported to SOHR that IS becomes depending on fighters who do not have experience of combat and who newly joined the training camps, where they send them within the military enhancement sent to the city of Kobani.

The clashes in Kobani drain the Islamic State Organization | Syrian Observatory For Human Rights

ISIS savages try to take Kobane since 40 days and still no victory for them. Hopefully the coalition and the Ayn Al-Arab/Kobane inhabitans stay strong. ISIS needs to be wiped out from the earth.
How evil of the Turks not wanting to get involeved in a war for the sake of the same terrorist organisation that killed some 6k Turkish soldiers/policemen/public officials up to some few years ago.

As usual,Western public opinion is grossly misinformed ,presenting the Kurds as some secular champions of democracy.The same Kurds who sat idly watching while the SAA was butchered by jihadists just because they were not the ones attacked and were hoping for their own state on the back of beheaded Syrian soldiers.The same Kurds who sat by and watched,even rushed to grab some land as the Iraqi Army was routed by ISIS.The same Kurds who laughed at the Iraqis ,called them cowards and boasted about their military prowess.

Last but not least ,the same Kurds that some 90-100 years ago were at the forefront of massacres against Assyrians and other Christians in the ME,killing them were they stood,raping their women."God doesn't hit you with a bat" Kurds-remember that...it may take 100 years but somebody always pays for something,be those the sins of the fathers.What the Kurds were doing to Assyrians in the Nineveh plains and other locations some 100 years ago it's being done to them.Karma people,karma...now let them riot in Turkey untill Turkey gets fed up and goes hardline on their asses.
people forget that and then their words haunt them.

but please lets not condemn an entire ethnicity and race for the misdeeds of few leaders.
now Kurd are on the receiving end and there are some others who are a the spectators and think that they wont be hurt as long as ISIS continues to slaughter Syrians and Iraqis and Kurd
Ayn al Islam plz it will be ayn al islam inshallah! I deeply want this from my heart!
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Lol @ erdogans prophecy. His plan to massacre the Kurds has failed miserably
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