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Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't water a chemical weapon? You can spray it on someone and water is a chemical in itself :p:
I don´t understand them ,first they want help , But no help from Turkey but they want that Turkey allow his Allies to use Turkish territory ? And before that they raging first in Turkey.

The best after this is that NATO-Members want that Turkey should do something.

It is about being just. If other side uses chemical weapons, then it is allowed.

Still counts as torture, and Muslims aren't allowed to torture people in war, prisoners of war and hostages
Still counts as torture, are muslims aren't allowed to torture people in war or hostages

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Sahih International

"And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged."
Damascus steel, is it still being used in war? Good for charging someone and capturing modern weapons.
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Sahih International

"And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged."

If, thats your reply of yes we can torture them, than I would show Savaşın kaçınılmaz olduğu durumlarda, Müslümanların uymak zorunda olduğu ilkeler nelerdir? - Sorularlaislamiyet.com Mobil
Then you can execute someone, but you cannot torture. Fine.

For what purpose exactly ?

Just saying, Saheeh Internation... kinda looks.. Distorted.

Since you understand turkish. Use Elmali Hamdi or the ones from Diyanet
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It's funny how the mention of simple historical facts and the realities of life can piss of a stateless Berbarian such as Ceylal and his Hazara Mongol friend, Charon 2.

Anyway why are the events of Ayn Al Arab that important anyway? It's no different from dozens of other cities and villages that have been ravaged by the ISIS retards and a few of those cities already repelled/defeated ISIS under even more difficult circumstances and without US/GCC air support.

The Kurds have clearly shown that they do not care about any party in this conflict other than themselves so the Syrian and Iraqi Arabs should not care about them. They have already alienated the Al-Assad terror regime and FSA let alone ISIS.
You heard the muslim kurds, the problem is pkk and assad:-). Vice are not objectif, pkk did killed hudapar members first and the rest is no hard to quest.
It's funny how the mention of simple historical facts and the realities of life can piss of a stateless Berbarian such as Ceylal and his Hazara Mongol friend, Charon 2.
Sorry but we are for the one that keep their pants up...Not for the one who have their pants down their knees like your kind..so sorry, my mistake , I meant to say your anaya above you @ss.

Anyway why are the events of Ayn Al Arab that important anyway? It's no different from dozens of other cities and villages that have been ravaged by the ISIS retards and a few of those cities already repelled/defeated ISIS under even more difficult circumstances and without US/GCC air support.
OHHHH! Now ISIS are retards...You changed side since you sent one F15 a month a go for a joy ride. You should thank my GI JO, that brought him back to his guitoun and coached on the parallels between landing an F 15 and kneeling a camel...

You heard the muslim kurds, the problem is pkk and assad:-). Vice are not objectif, pkk did killed hudapar members first and the rest is no hard to quest.
Assad was Turkey's friend, Sultan E use to have him and his family for dinner almost every weekend at his house and trade between the two countries was the summum. It is Turkey who went weather vane on him. For the PKK, history has always shown that citizen of a country always rise up, when they are dealt the wrong cards. From what I can gather from this forum, is that they are treated badly by the Turks, By the Iraqis, by the Syrians, no wonder they rebel!
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