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@xenon54, mate it's a battle of wits (also know as propaganda and commonly reffered to as "battle of hearts and minds")....... trust you me, there is not "heart" involved anywhere in the equation.

Turkey needs better management of propaganda machine. Whosoever is responsible is for it ar the moment is a big fail!
@xenon54, mate it's a battle of wits (also know as propaganda and commonly reffered to as "battle of hearts and minds")....... trust you me, there is not "heart" involved anywhere in the equation.

Turkey needs better management of propaganda machine. Whosoever is responsible is for it ar the moment is a big fail!
Just like our foreign policy.

I think that it is better for you Kurds to go the political way. You are best positioned in Northern Iraq and the northernmost areas of Syria. I can't see a Kurdish state in Turkey nor Iran (especially) in the foreseeable future.

Anyway you should know that most Arabs got no problems with Kurds, in fact there are some Kurds living in Arab countries outside of Iraq and Syria, but personally I would have preferred if your conduct was different in Iraq. Here I refer to the Kirkuk question and other issues. Also the Arabs who now live in Kurdistan have come to stay I believe just like the Kurds in Baghdad and Diyala. Moreover Kurdistan was already a multicultural state that was inhabited by the native Assyrians, Chaldeans and other minorities such as Shabaks and Yazidis.

Also just a question. What stops Kurds from declaring their own state in Kurdistan? I guess they don't due to the economical support Baghdad gives them and due to all those territories that are disputed. That might tricker a war between Iraq and Kurdistan and that would be catastrophic for a land-locked country surrounded by hostile states, a state with few farmlands and resources outside the oil in Kirkuk.

I got no idea about the situation in Iran but knowing how the regime treats a lot of the minorities that form almost 50% (!) of the population I would not be surprised by anything. The only reason why Arabic is taught in Iran is because of the system and because Arabic is the lingua franca of Islam and the Muslim world. Otherwise the Iranian Arabs, despite living in the most rich area of Iran and the most historical (Elam, oil and gas) that is bordering Southern Iraq and just across Kuwait/KSA, many still live in poverty and suffer from discrimination;

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Al-Ahwaz.com | حركة التحرير الوطني الأحوازي | NLMA

Democratic Solidarity Party of Alahwaz | DSPA | Ahwaz | Official Site of Democratic Solidarity Party of Alahwaz | DSPA | Ahwaz

Ahwaz News Agency

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A lot of information online but that is why I support Kurds in Iran also. It is also good to see that Kurds work with FSA. Too late though I say. ISIS are too strong now thanks to the world community (including the regional leaders) not doing anything.

The Governor of Kirkuk Dr Najmadin Karim has himself said that Kirkuk must have different status in Kurdish since it is so mixed. So belive me there is no kind of racist problems or opression. It's just that many of those Iraqi tribes in Hawijah don't want Kirkuk to belong to Kurds. Well Hawijah isn't under Peshmerga control, it's IS and to be frank I couldn't care about them. They still occupy alot of Kurdish farmlands that they refuse to give back that was driven by Saddam's pan-Arabic policies. But the native Arabs who lives in the city have no problems with Kurds and Kurds don't have with them.

Most of eastern Diyala are under Kurdish control, those areas are historical Kurdish populated. I mean just looking east at the border we come to Kermashan and other deep traditional Kurdish areas. Kifri, Xanaqin, naft khana just at the border(which was the first place oil was discovered/litearlly rivers of oil. Brits didn't let Kurds to have their state simply because of that oil. The only Kurdish city not under Kurdish admin is Mandali.

For the million Kurds in Baghdad there isn't much for them there, of course there are some elite, students n stuff. When jews left Baghdad for Israel, they sold all their businesses to the Feyli Kurds, Saddam considered them to be iranian spies and took everything from them, mass slaughtered them. Today most of them basically live in Baghdad ghettos.

What stops Kurds from declaring independance? Well Kurds didn't want to be part of the new government in Baghdad in the first palce and go ahead with preparing an referndum which is waht they doing when the UN and US in the last minute came to Slemani and pressured them to take part in it. There 2 months lieft or something and if things are improved Kurds will probably withdraw. Baghdad owes Kurdistan alot of money and I mean alot but nothing has been sent, people are unemployed and businesses are leaving.

Even without Kirkuk there are aprox 45 billion barrels in Kurdistan. And with most of the disputed areas under Kurdish control there is alot of oil. And one thing that is certain is that Peshemrga won't leave.

Ilam is a Kurdish province and yes they are pumping oil and gas from there. But that is nothing compared to how much oil the regime is pumping in the Arab areas. The backbone of the economic survival of Iran is Khuzestan but all that money is being extracted to Mashad, Tehran and Isfahan. It sickens me seeing their elite just taking money from the non-Persian/Azeri provinces taking the resources for themselves buying Porches, Tehran is sprawling with them.

I wasn't exact but with "you" I meant the muslim world, the muslim leadership. of course there are the ones supporting us but they are few to be honest. Atleast I am not seeing too many.

Seems like IS are reluctant to post all those propaganda videos, I wonder why. Too many of their own caught dead while filming?

@qamar1990 do you live in the US?


yeah i live in the states… bro isis is the devil… most muslims hate them.. muslims are not in a position to fight period… if they were they would fight israel… we can't control our governments… and you already know why turks are cheering 4 isis…. it has nothing to do with religion but just politics for them. so don't judge us all. most of us are cheering for our kurdish muslim brothers to get rid of this evil called isis
Curfew is different from OHAL. Curfew is decleared for ceratin cities or towns. And it's not permenant. It can be one day or can be expanded for several days if needed.

OHAL is an entirely different thing. It's applied to a region. Like Hakkari City and all of the towns around it.

This was the previous OHAL region.
View attachment 120828

For further info. OHAL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't made things up. :)

23 People died because of these protests. Clashes occur between Hude-Par (Kurdish Islamists)Free Cause Party - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and PKK supporters. As for now Kurds are killing Kurds.

I see, we will see what happens the 15th because that's the deadline. Kurds have been killing Kurds for ages. Nothing new here. Plenty of Kurdish traitors.
One thing should be clear for everyone, we arent talking about Kurds generally but pkk supporters who are burning supermarkets and busses with people in it. (generally speaking)
nothing wrong with that as well… but the greater evil is isis… so perhaps u guys should set difference aside.
If you want, You come and fight IS.
I'm not in a position to do so…if i do i would join the american army and fight through them…
i don't have problem with anybody.. turks are my brothers and so are kurds..
I'm just saying that these isis guys are pure evil… they killed 1700 shia youths for being simply shia i heard…. thats evil bro.
I'm a sunni muslim just so u no.
I'm not in a position to do so…if i do i would join the american army and fight through them…
i don't have problem with anybody.. turks are my brothers and so are kurds..
I'm just saying that these isis guys are pure evil… they killed 1700 shia youths for being simply shia i heard…. thats evil bro.
I'm a sunni muslim just so u no.

And how many Sunnis killed?
Tell this to the 4 people who died in molotov cocktail fire...
well its up to you guys as always.. like whats more of a threat? pkk or isis?? pkk is nothing compared to isis… I'm surprised u guys haven't finished pkk off already… but as of now i believe isis needs to go but pkk can be dealt with later..
but then again i don't know your politics, I'm just giving my opinion as to what makes sense.
well its up to you guys as always.. like whats more of a threat? pkk or isis?? pkk is nothing compared to isis… I'm surprised u guys haven't finished pkk off already… but as of now i believe isis needs to go but pkk can be dealt with later..
but then again i don't know your politics, I'm just giving my opinion as to what makes sense.


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