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And how many Sunnis killed?
idk… its not about sunni and shia brother…
we are all muslims… the shias these guys killed aren't alawis like you guys have in turkey who eat pork and all that stuff.. these iraqis shias are muslims…
not that it should matter…. the fact is they killed many innocent people and thats not tolerable….
well its up to you guys as always.. like whats more of a threat? pkk or isis?? pkk is nothing compared to isis… I'm surprised u guys haven't finished pkk off already… but as of now i believe isis needs to go but pkk can be dealt with later..
but then again i don't know your politics, I'm just giving my opinion as to what makes sense.
Its hard to cooperate with people who are throwing Molotov coctail at a Kindergarten.

idk… its not about sunni and shia brother…
we are all muslims… the shias these guys killed aren't alawis like you guys have in turkey who eat pork and all that stuff.. these iraqis shias are muslims…
not that it should matter…. the fact is they killed many innocent people and thats not tolerable….

Nobody protected Sunnis from Shias and Kurds. There you go. IS came.
Nobody protected Sunnis from Shias and Kurds. There you go. IS came.
we are all muslims bro… sunnis and shias… we all believe in the quran and allah and the last prophet muhammed (pbuh) so why fight each other anyways?? we have call difference i know but most shias are muslims… the iraqi shias are not like the turkish alawi people… they call themselves shias as well i know
i understand that… forget cooperating with them.. but maybe you should bomb isis and in the process finish pkk off as well??
First of all we should arrest all the terrorists rioting in south eastern citys.
we are all muslims bro…

forget the religion for a second... all whats happening around now is under the name of religion, can't you realize it? Religion became a tool for whom wants to use crowds, it became radical and extreme in those hands. All the world sees bearded ordinary muslims as isil terrorists... they changed the perception of Islam around the globe... This area must be cleaned off once and forever starting from kurds, ypg, isil and all other organizations used by the others.
here in Turkey they (kurds) use children to clash with police, and order givers are hiding in the shadows.. fvckin rats
Islamic State fighters have seized more than a third of the Syrian border town of Kobani despite U.S.-led air strikes targeting them in and around the mainly Kurdish community, a monitoring group said on Thursday.

The commander of Kobani’s heavily outgunned Kurdish defenders said Islamic State controlled a slightly smaller area of the town, which Islamic State has besieged for three weeks. Controlling Kobani is vital to the Sunni extremist group’s plans to control northern Syria, and would serve as a conduit between their capital, Raqqa, and Syria’s largest city, Aleppo.

In Washington, the Pentagon cautioned on Wednesday that there are limits to what the air strikes can do in Syria before Western-backed, moderate Syrian opposition forces are strong enough to repel Islamic State. Secretary of State John Kerry offered little hope to Kobani’s defenders on Wednesday. “As horrific as it is to watch in real time what is happening in Kobani … you have to step back and understand the strategic objective,” he said.


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the country’s civil war, said Islamic State had pushed forward on Thursday. “ISIS control more than a third of Kobani. All eastern areas, a small part of the northeast and an area in the southeast,” said the Observatory’s head, Rami Abdulrahman, referring to Islamic State by an older acronym.

Esmat al-Sheik, head of the Kurdish militia forces in Kobani, said Islamic State fighters had seized about a quarter of the town in the east. “The clashes are ongoing – street battles,” he told Reuters by telephone from the town. However, he acknowledged that the militants had made major gains in the siege..

The United Nations says only a few hundred inhabitants remain in Kobani but the town’s defenders say the battle will end in a massacre if Islamic State overruns the town, giving it a strategic garrison on the Turkish border.

Kobani under siege: Islamic State controls up to a third of town - The Globe and Mail
The World Might Not Make It Without the U.S.A. Resuming Its Historic Leadership Role, and This Means Obama Has To Go Now! -

Lyndon LaRouche issued a strong warning on Wednesday that the entire Southwest Asia region is on the very edge of total explosion if the Islamic State (IS) succeeds in taking full control of the Syrian Kurdish city of Kobani. IS forces are already occupying parts of the city, and they are receiving full support from the Erdogan government in Turkey for their genocidal assault on the Syrian Kurdish city of 40,000 people. American and regional sources familiar with the siege are warning that a total IS takeover of Kobani could lead to a Kurdish genocide.

The Turks are cynically boosting IS's assault on the Kurds as part of their overall support for the jihadists to prevent any kind of Kurdish victory, leading to demands for greater autonomy. The Turks have shut the border to Kurdish reinforcements attempting to reach Kobani before a massacre takes place. Erdogan is pushing for a no-fly zone over parts of northern Iraq, which is being described as a plan to "Palestinize" the Kurds by herding them into Turkish-controlled refugee camps. He remains committed to the ouster of Assad and is more than willing to use the Islamic State terror as a battering ram.
IS has been the one bombing Sunnis for a decade, who was bombing Mosul daily, ISIS. When they took control no more bombings, no more checkpoints needed.

You all seek Saddam to rise from the death. I remember Kurds collaborating with Americans, Shias cheering when Saddam statue demolished. These guys didnt resist back then, now they have to resist.
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