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King Abdullah has passed away - PDF extends its condolences to the Saudi people


@al-Hasani bro , can you share what and how will the power be transferred to the new king ?? i mean i never read and dont know how it works , when the new king takes his Charge .. ?! can you put some light here ?

How does that matter? Is it going to change Pakistan's relation with KSA?
@al-Hasani bro , can you share what and how will the power be transferred to the new king ?? i mean i never read and dont know how it works , when the new king takes his Charge .. ?! can you put some light here ?

The new King is already in power and has taken charge effective immediately. Now we'll see where the Ministry of Defence will go and to whom it will be put under.
Well then.

He was really the only Al-saud I respected, as he was a reformer, albeit a slow one. I do not trust his brothers to continue his reform plan, in fact, I expect the next king to reverse a lot of his liberal reforms.

It would be interesting to hear what the Saudi members think of the potential heir Salman Bin Abdulaziz.

How does that matter? Is it going to change Pakistan's relation with KSA?
Really? You're asking this on a forum were most of the topics are about geopolitics ? :hitwall:
The new King is already in power and has taken charge effective immediately. Now we'll see where the Ministry of Defence will go and to whom it will be put under.

whoa that was fast ... even in Democracy we took 3 day holiday ..
So this guy is the new King
Well then.

He was really the only Al-saud I respected, as he was a reformer, albeit a slow one. I do not trust his brothers to continue his reform plan, in fact, I expect the next king to reverse a lot of his liberal reforms.

what concern me , is how the new king will tackle the increase threat of ISIS in the region ... there is much more to take care of , besides some women driving issues ..
The new King is already in power and has taken charge effective immediately. Now we'll see where the Ministry of Defence will go and to whom it will be put under.

What is the rumour and persona mill around Salman? Are we expecting a quiet reformist or a reactionary despot?
Well then.

He was really the only Al-saud I respected, as he was a reformer, albeit a slow one. I do not trust his brothers to continue his reform plan, in fact, I expect the next king to reverse a lot of his liberal reforms.

Considering that Shah Faisal thought of his half brother as a lazy no good person who wasted most of his early days in gambling and prostitution in the lap of the west, he was thought to be a more conservative one to him.

It would be interesting to hear what the Saudi members think of the potential heir Salman Bin Abdulaziz.

Really? You're asking this on a forum were most of the topics are about geopolitics ? :hitwall:

Salman has a stronger personality and a more assertive attitude and uncompromising character, he will not think twice to take dangerous decisions for good or for bad.
This is my tribute to this man who tried to advance his country and bring stability to his country. I wish the Kurds had a king like him as well to unite around.



May Allah (swt) grant equal success to King Salman and protect KSA and its people.
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إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

May Allah forgive his sins and grant him to Jannat-ul-firdous, amen.
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