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King Abdullah has passed away - PDF extends its condolences to the Saudi people

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon

Ps. How do you think this will affect the price of oil
انا لله وانا اليه لراجعون
May he rest in peace

What are you talking about mullah *** kisser?
Quit your trolling and have some respect for the dead person.
@Falcon29 do you understand what this stupid is saying?

I have no clue. I asked question about Islamic figure which is important for all sects. He thought I was trying to bash Shia's. Which isn't case, I believe in Islam. And I believe events in ME are indication of something to come.
I would like to thank all the users who gave their condolences. This is very much appreciated.

KSA is now in a state of mourning and King Abdullah was arguably the king that united the country and people the most in my lifetime at least. He will be missed. We knew that his time would soon arrive given his recent health issues. I was actually prepared for this news. So it does not come as a shock.


Prince Salman while Prince Muqrin will be the crown prince.

Inna lillahi wa inna elehi rajion-

May Allah forgive his sins and grant him jannah- Ameen
I would like to thank all the users who gave their condolences. This is very much appreciated.

KSA is now in a state of mourning and King Abdullah was arguably the king that united the country and people the most in my lifetime at least. He will be missed. We knew that his time would soon arrive given his recent health issues. I was actually prepared for this news. So it does not come as a shock.


Prince Salman while Prince Muqrin will be the crown prince.


I wasn't prepared for the news. I am still trying to wrap my head around the news.
Sad to hear this news. Hope to see a smooth succession and a continuation of stable, competent leadership in world's biggest petroleum exporter.
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Adbul Aziz died Thursday evening, setting the stage for a transition of power at a critical moment as the key U.S. ally in the Middle East struggles with falling oil prices and rising Islamist violence.

The 90-year-old monarch was succeeded by his brother, Crown Prince Salman, according to state television, putting the region’s most important Sunni power and America’s closest Arab ally in the hands of a 79-year old who is reportedly in poor health and suffering from dementia.

The death was announced Thursday on state media.

Salman’s rise to the throne postpones the question of when the Saudi monarchy will turn to the next generation of princes to run their strategically significant country of 28 million people at a crucial moment in a region mired in crisis.
@al-Hasani bro , can you share what and how will the power be transferred to the new king ?? i mean i never read and dont know how it works , when the new king takes his Charge .. ?! can you put some light here ?
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