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King Abdullah has passed away - PDF extends its condolences to the Saudi people


How does that matter? Is it going to change Pakistan's relation with KSA?



Centre for Pakistan and Gulf studies | Pakistan and Saudi Arabia: An Iconic Bilateral Relationship
الِلّهِ يرحمة و يوفق الملك الجديد لما فية الخير
خالص التعازى

شكراً أخي محمود‎

HM King Abdullah II of Jordan has cut his trip to Davos, Switzerland and is heading to Riyadh right now, according to Jordanian Alwakeel news agency.

King Abdullah II of Jordan was always a close friend of KSA. After all his family were/are from Hijaz originally. Jordan is dear to our hearts. We appreciate the support of the Jordanian people and our close friendship will endure.

All of us Arabs should work for unity and leave the idiotic petty differences aside. We life once on this earth and we should work to make our region a better region.
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Salman is quite Pro-Pakistani and rumors already going on in Indian political circles.
He played a key role is toning down US Stance on Pakistan post 9/11 - even passing some not so nice threats!! - and a careful balancing act during Mushraff-Nawaz crisis

Who? Abdullah? he was progressive? Think we may have different definitions of that word then. Anyway, this is not the thread to discuss politics so I'll leave it for another time.

No only Iranian Mullahs are to be considered progressive....in fact they are so progressive that the United State and European diplomats are now enrolling for coaching by your Ayatollahs..Imam Mahdi certified lessons!

It is not only a Shia belief. Sunni hadiths say it too. About a ruler of Hizaj named Abdullah who dies and mayhem and violence starts in Hijaz. Go check your hadith.

Most of the hadeeth simply emerged from forgery, greed and in some cases humor and sattire...consider them the early version of Charlie Hebedo..because the Iranians have always been pissed off on Arabs.
You are the sectarian one. And you should be ashamed of yourself. You brought the Shia thing into this thread. But then what can we expect from a hypocrite such as yourself. You will also be judged someday. Do not worry about it.

Your screen name means one with wisdom and I am sure you have a lot of it.....
23 January 2015 Last updated at 01:50

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Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah dies

Abdullah bin Abdulaziz was the fifth of his brothers to take the throne and became king in 2005, reports Caroline Hawley

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Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz has died in hospital, royal officials have announced.

A statement, made early on Friday, said his brother, Salman, had become king.

Before the announcement, Saudi television cut to Koranic verses, which often signifies the death of a senior royal.

King Abdullah, who was said to be aged about 90, had been in hospital for several weeks suffering from a lung infection.

Abdullah came to the throne in 2005 but had suffered frequent bouts of ill health in recent years.

Analysis: BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner

The official announcement from the Royal Court came as little surprise, but this is still a historic and sad moment for this deeply conservative Muslim country, home to the two holiest sites in Islam, at Mecca and Medina, and the world's biggest oil exporter and producer.

As king he pushed through cautious reforms, including giving women a greater public role, against opposition from religious conservatives.

King Salman assumes the throne at a difficult time for Saudi Arabia. Having defeated an Islamist insurgency 10 years ago, the country now finds itself sandwiched between the growing threats from al-Qaeda in Yemen to the south and Islamic State to the north. Both groups have their sympathisers inside Saudi Arabia.

King Salman, 79, had recently taken on the ailing monarch's responsibilities.

The late king's half brother Muqrin, who is in his late 60s, has been named the new crown prince, the official statement said.

The BBC's Frank Gardner says Saudi Arabia could face an increasing internal security problem following the death of King Abdullah

All three are sons of the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, King Abdulaziz, usually referred to as Ibn Saud, who died in 1953.

King Salman called on the royal family's Allegiance Council to recognise Muqrin as his crown prince and heir.

"His Highness Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and all members of the family and the nation mourn the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, who passed away at exactly 1am this morning," the statement said.

US President Barack Obama expressed his personal sympathies and those of the American people, on the death of King Abdullah.

"As a leader, he was always candid and had the courage of his convictions. One of those convictions was his steadfast and passionate belief in the importance of the US-Saudi relationship as a force for stability and security in the Middle East and beyond," he said.

BBC News - Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah dies
The new King is already in power and has taken charge effective immediately. Now we'll see where the Ministry of Defence will go and to whom it will be put under.

Any idea as to who will be next in line for MOD,
Secondly, what is the significance of Crown prince ?
I think there is going to be revolt with in Saudi royal family.Its the perfect time for the Saudi people for democratic reforms with some British or malaysian style monarchy.

Any idea as to who will be next in line for MOD,
Secondly, what is the significance of Crown prince ?

My guess is Prince Muhammad bin Nayef. He is already the minister of interior.

Some House of Saud members really have an archaic Armenoid phenotype with those noses. Armenians in disguise are ruling KSA.:lol:

Armenoid race - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jokes aside.

Well, the crown prince is first in the line of succession to the throne. The second most important figure after the monarch himself who is the head of state.
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