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As far as Shia are concerned, they can join the Khilafah or not depending on their free choice. Their legal issues will decided according to their faith.

Rest of the Sunni countries will be asked to join voluntarily by raising awareness.

I agree with you to some extent. Muslim countries can keep their political orders by accepting the soverignity of the Caliph. historically, the Caliph used to give recognition to rulers of India which made them legal in the eyes of the people.

As far as the west is concerned if it gives them imagined nightmares as the Pope used to have when Ottomans attacked Vienna, can't do anything about it.

As far as realpolitik is concerned Ottomans sided with Germany and Italy in WW1 who are christians. Iran is a theocratic state and it is allied today with Russia and having dialogue with America.

The Khilfah will be manged by sane people. Every political order is afraid of ideology, be it democracy during French Revolution or rise of Communism. Ideas have a way of spreading.

First please explain.

What is Khilafat in the Four Schools of Sunni Islam?
taqi ud din Nabhani is not a qualified scholar, neither is he a Sunni. He went against his own noble family and the Sunni madhabs.

An Nabhani was a judge during Ottoman times. Only qualified Alims were made judges. He studied in Al Azhar university. Also he was a genious. computer programming is done on the basis of his thinking model. His thought is followed in majority of muslim countries which are sunni. You are the first to have made such an accusation. Sunnis are of four madhabs as you well know.
Bhai maaaf kar deiii ! :fie:

Lol... quoting from Sultan Abdulhamit..... Last Ottoman Sultans are not popular in Turkey, forget Palestine, they sold entire Anatolia to allies. And our so-called Muslim brothers allied themselves with Christians and warred against us....

So ummah, khifah, caliph.... these are just stories of the past for us. Most of us don't believe in such thing.

Turkish Sunni Scholars and their tens of millions of followers believe in Ummah, Khalifah, and Imam Mahdi AS

1. Pakistanis can hardly take care of themselves and you want them to launch a Khilafah?*

Khilafat is not the responsibility of Pakistanis or the ordinary Pakistani on the street.

The Khilafat system fell apart in less than 20 years , after the demise of Holy prophet (pbuh) ... Even the Khulfa e Rashideen were not elected "democratically" ....

Maula Ali Maqam Sher e Khoda AS, the father of Hasnayan Kareemayn alaihimusalam, was the Khalifah of Islam [ ijmaa of the scholars of this Ummah for 1400 years]

So saying the Khilafat lasted 20 years is not true. It is a lie.

Imam Hasan AS was the Khalifah too
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make an OIC force, but who will lead it? im sure KSA will want to,

KSA is not worthy. They are obsessed with continuation of their Monarchy and trying to turn the tide of democracy with money and force.

OIC force can not exist. OIC can not do anything. It is not even a debating club anymore.
Conquest of Constantinople

Conquest of Constantinople

As an applicable system today, the Khilafat as either a hereditary system, or as an elected dictatorship can not really work. We can agree here, I suppose?


Yes, Khilafat was never a hereditary system nor an elected dictatorship.
COAS should declare Khilafah in Pakistan. It will end this internal conflict

Dear the problem is the Khilafat has not had a very successful track record.

Thus there is no impetus to go for a failed system.
Conquest of Constantinople

There are short-comings in this model. But it is better than just raising slogans.

However, Pakistan can not afford the Khilafat project by itself.

One must ask if Khilafat can effectively address today's problems. If hasty application raises more problems than solves, then we can not have it. We have to ask if Khilafat will be good for the world at large, and how so? If it can solve some of world's problems, then there would be value in it. If it were to become an instrument of repression based on sectarianism, then we can not have it.

The solution of today's problems is not the responsibility of the Khalifa. It is the responsibility of Islamic Jurisprudents, plenty of whom abound in the country.

The Khulafa Rashidoon were Mujatahid Mutlaq [ being noble Sahaba Kiram]. So, they had the complete right to solve problems, besides being Khalifa.

All human problems are addressed by Islamic jurisprudence. That is the reason for the existence of the science.
Dear the problem is the Khilafat has not had a very successful track record.

Thus there is no impetus to go for a failed system.

Please don't call the Sunnah of the Khulafa Rashidoon a failed system. This is an insult.

Khilafat during the time of the Khulafa Rashidoon was successful because there is Ijmaa of all Scholars that Khulafa al Rashidoon were the best of all men after the Prophets of God, and their time was THE Best of all times after the time of RasoolAllah Salat wa salam alaih

Best for you if it doesn't happen. Otherwise you might have to pay jizya.:-)

I don't think you know the meaning of jizya

jizya was a tax levied on able bodied males who did not participate in the Muslim army
TTP as 'jannissary guerilla force'-LOL.Stopped reading after this.:omghaha:
Please don't call the Sunnah of the Khulafa Rashidoon a failed system. This is an insult.

Khilafat during the time of the Khulafa Rashidoon was successful because there is Ijmaa of all Scholars that Khulafa al Rashidoon were the best of all men after the Prophets of God, and their time was THE Best of all times after the time of RasoolAllah Salat wa salam alaih

I don't think you know the meaning of jizya

jizya was a tax levied on able bodied males who did not participate in the Muslim army

Obviously we study different history.

Please quote the conditions in which the Caliphas died ?

Please quote where in Islam is the Caliphate system of government choosen above others ?
KSA is not worthy. They are obsessed with continuation of their Monarchy and trying to turn the tide of democracy with money and force.

OIC force can not exist. OIC can not do anything. It is not even a debating club anymore.
we have a platform, we just need to revive it
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